How many of you would actually wear a hl2 shirt?

Would you wear a Half-Life 2 t-shirt?

  • Yes, I will proudly wear my Half-Life 2 shirt.

    Votes: 196 62.4%
  • No, I want to keep it in its pristine condition.

    Votes: 23 7.3%
  • No way, I'm too 'hip' to be seen in a video game shirt.

    Votes: 95 30.3%

  • Total voters
I would definately wear it, the one with the half-life 2 logo is probably the coolest shirt i've ever seen(seriously).

It's simple, mathmetical and science like. I would like want a black and white, black and orange and white and orange, that would be 0wnage :D
If it was bright orange with a simple HL2 logo on the back i would wear it.

a "wake up and smell the ashes" version would also be acceptable.

but other than that no.
wonkers said:
Maybe I could. Depends on your opinions. If you would wear a style that has a seriously short shelf life then your lost.

Those are called fads, like all the girls who started wearing ties becasue Avril did. If you want to cop out origenality for short term popularity and marketed recognition go right ahead.

Good luck

Who cares about "shelf life"? It's a t-shirt with a HL2 logo on it. It isn't a fad, it isn't a trend, it's a shirt with a lamda symbol on it.
CptStern said:
I want to keep my lunch no I wouldnt wear the HL2 t-shirt in might as well just wear a bullseye t-shirt with the words "l never get any"
Who says HL2 fans don't get any?
I think that a regular white t shirt with the HL2 logo would be ideal

i wouldn't like black as much

i definitly wouldn't wear it if it had gordons face on it
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I dont think i would, considering the HL2 symbol is also a logo of a momosexual rights group...

But then again, momosexuals rule! :LOL:
before half-life was released, i did some things for valve and they sent me a valve hat and t-shirt, i wore it proudly. even when I went to places with it, people would say "Hey, half-life, alright!" I felt kinda cool, in the nerd circles ofcourse. some normal people just asked me what it was.
I would, do they make "wife-beater"/Sleeveless versions? I guess I could always mangle a normal tee though.
No way. I've got a strict policy about videogames on clothing. I'd only wear a videogame t-shirt if the game was really old and classic. Like Bionic Commando or something. I'd wear a Bionic COmmando t-shirt fo' sho'.
before half-life was released, i did some things for valve and they sent me a valve hat and t-shirt, i wore it proudly

what did you do exactly ?

some normal people just asked me what it was

Hey! What are you implying! :frog:
Hell no....

Unless it was like...say, a neat logo thing that just looked cool...I could wear it under a shirt or something...and it didn't say "HALF-LIFE 2" in big letters on it.

Although I'm not really a loser, but I'm not cool enough to wear something and make people not care.

So yea, if it said "HALF-LIFE 2" on it and had like all the characters no way in hell. I MIGHT wear it under my hockey gear or something.
i remember this exact same thread created a few months back by someone else and the popular answer was "i love HL2 but wouldn't wear a HL2

my how times change... :p
I got some Teamfortress2 and Valve t-shirts left over from when a friend of mine went to E3 in like 2000 (or whenever it was that they had teamfortress 2 there) he got me a white one with the TF2 logo, and a black one with it on the back... Im not a huge TF fan but if I feel like wearing something Im going to wear it and not care.
funny how a band shirt would be accepted more so than a videogame shirt.
In fact I just went to get a shirt out of my closet and I pulled out my roger waters in the flesh tour shirt and thought I have no problem wearing this but I do a video game shirt.

Strange days
I would wear one, but I care about fashion too much, plus I am too skinny. So I would probably wear it with a shirt. Actually fashion can be fun sometimes, it’s like a hobby really.
eyesore said:
I'd rather not say.

What? It's not like Valve is the CIA. Did you deliver Gabe's daily burrito or something? C'mon...
wonkers said:
I shed a single tear for all of you. Some day you will learn style and respect.

Some day
LOL you can tell this poor soul is a meager follower. Always wearing what’s in style and not what YOU actually think is cool. If you like the shirt I don't give a damn what’s on it, you should wear it even if you look like a geek doing it. And to the people who say they won't wear it, think about this, by staying home and playing computer game till midnight or even posting on this forum by most "normal people's" standards you are already a geek. Might as well be honest about who you are instead of hiding it under a mask of conformity.
I wear my Nintendo T-shirts so why shouldn't I wear a half-life t-shirt?
spicoli420 said:
If and when we all get shirts, how many of you will actually slap that cloth on?
I should would. A game with this much hype, I'd probably even wear the Half Life 2 undies. :D
Chainer said:
LOL you can tell this poor soul is a meager follower. Always wearing whats in style and not what YOU actully think is cool. If you like the shirt I don't give a damn whats on it, you should wear it even if you look like a geek doing it. And to the people who say they won't wear it, think about this, by staying home and playing computer game till midnight or even posting on this forum boy most "normal peoples" standards you are already a geek. Might as well be honest about who you are instead of hiding it under a mask of conformaty.

well said, but id be more inclined to wear one if it was simple rather than overally complicated.. like a small orange hl2 symbol on the breast area. that would be totally acceptable... hopefully valve realise this and wont print anything too excessive. :p
Sorry, count me out. If it was something I developed, then sure I'd brandish my product's logo. Otherwise I'll pass. Maybe a really cool design? Hmmm still don't think so.
Like any other Tshirts, if its nice ill wear it, if not i wont.
I dont know if I would, people would think i'm a loser :eek: Even though I really love HL2 :D
ComradeBadger said:
Who says HL2 fans don't get any?

:eek: I got some last night!
and me and my gf had matching HL2/VALVE underoos
her a custom HL2 gstring thong / me a pair of gordon freeman's crowbar/face boxers!

ComradeBadger said:
Who says HL2 fans don't get any?

ah come on, it's no secret hardcore gamers get less action than eunuchs. Be proud of our nerdy-ness not ashamed
Why not ? its just a shirt, ive seen people wear mickey mouse shirts and have no problem with it so HL2 cant hurt :p
Well I would if I like the picture............for example Gordon's art work without the lambda symbole.................
Yeah, why not? "A free-for-all, **** 'em all, you are your own sight"
Probably not... not because I'm scared of people thinking I'm a nerd, I'm just not a huge fan of the design, and I plan on never owning a bright orange piece of clothing.

Don't brand me as some conformist, I truly do not care what other people think of my clothes; I simply wear what I like.
That's funny, I'm wearing a FarCry T-Shirt right now.

It's almost entirely black though, there's a Humvee in the bottom corner on the front, and 'FarCry' in the bottom corner on the back.

so, I will wear Game T-Shirts. Depends on the game of course. I probably won't wear the Half-Life one because as has already been mentioned 'Lamda' was adopted as a symbol for gay rights, and I wouldn't want to dissapoint the ladies ;)

A game T-Shirt I would love is a 'Fallout' T-Shirt. Pip Boy on a T-Shirt would be so cool.