I am visiting Valve today!!!

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I am not making a statement, I am just pointing out the logical follow-up to Rupert's post.

If he had gone and asked the questions he said he would (or at least, he never said he -wouldn't-) and given people the more solid information that they were expecting, then we wouldn't have anything to ramble about, either.
dont understand whats the problem. so, he didnt answer some of your questions... whats the big deal?

if i went there (too bad i live in sweden tho) and they let me play hl2 and CS:S, i wouldnt care about some freakin questions, i would ask things i thought could be fun to know, things that I think could be interesting etc, i mean, i bet it was a cool experience for merc to get there and talk to gabe & co. i think it was good that merc "was himself" if you understand what i mean, not just asking lots of questions that we wanted him to do, thats stuff for guys who works at gaming-sites etc, doing interviews all the days..

i got alot of interesting and fun info from merc, i think he made a really good job over there!

keep up the good work merc! :)

(sry for my bad english :) )
Thanks for the infomation Merc, its a pitty some people in this thread think that they have the right to pretty well yell at you for not get certain infomation, it was mercs visit, your lucky he desided to post pictures and infomation for you lot at all...

CS:S is looking good, not that I played CS.. got to try my hand at this though.
Unbelievable how stupid some people can be... stop flaming the guy already you selfish f... grrrrr.

Ok, so merc didn't exactly play the part of the gamespot reporter in there and instead concentrated on having a good time and playing the game(!). Oh noes, how terrible! I mean if Gabe said to you "hey, wanna try HL2?", would you just answer "Naah, I'll pass. I'll just rather piss you off with these annoying questions..."? He did ask some of the questions, and I bet some of the questions you wanted him to ask Valve would NOT have been answered anyway. Release date? "When it's done." CE? "We don't know yet." TF2? "Sorry, that's a no no." etc etc etc.

So the guy gets back and instead of writing a huge 2 page post he gets asked loads of questions and he answers pretty much every single one of them. What more can you ask? Five page essays on each and every topic? He gave you his own impressions, and I think that is enough. It's his own choice not to tell you the details of what happened in the game, like he said, he doesn't want to spoil things. And if the guy wants to go and have a swim, he can do just that. He'll read your questions later. You can't just expect him to stay here on the forums all the time just to answer your stuff right away, just for you.

After a billion posts and some interesting info, some of you guys still whine and moan about how he didn't do what you wanted him to do. "Waaaah I wanted him to ask this and that, I wanted him to take more photos, I wanted him to write about whatever, I, I, I, me, me, me, waaaah!" Give the guy a break, he did fine. You get a big "thank you" from me at least, merc.
perrkele said:
Unbelievable how stupid some people can be... stop flaming the guy already you selfish f... grrrrr.

Ok, so merc didn't exactly play the part of the gamespot reporter in there and instead concentrated on having a good time and playing the game(!). Oh noes, how terrible! I mean if Gabe said to you "hey, wanna try HL2?", would you just answer "Naah, I'll pass. I'll just rather piss you off with these annoying questions..."? He did ask some of the questions, and I bet some of the questions you wanted him to ask Valve would NOT have been answered anyway. Release date? "When it's done." CE? "We don't know yet." TF2? "Sorry, that's a no no." etc etc etc.

So the guy gets back and instead of writing a huge 2 page post he gets asked loads of questions and he answers pretty much every single one of them. What more can you ask? Five page essays on each and every topic? He gave you his own impressions, and I think that is enough. It's his own choice not to tell you the details of what happened in the game, like he said, he doesn't want to spoil things. And if the guy wants to go and have a swim, he can do just that. He'll read your questions later. You can't just expect him to stay here on the forums all the time just to answer your stuff right away, just for you.

After a billion posts and some interesting info, some of you guys still whine and moan about how he didn't do what you wanted him to do. "Waaaah I wanted him to ask this and that, I wanted him to take more photos, I wanted him to write about whatever, I, I, I, me, me, me, waaaah!" Give the guy a break, he did fine. You get a big "thank you" from me at least, merc.
True True, you get a big thank you from me too. I like the fact that there is new info and there are some new pics and that's it just wait for more cool pics and more info. Merc GREAT job.
You know, this has been a dead issue for a while now. Yet people keep bringing it up in order to flame the people they accuse of flaming. Can't we just drop it now? Continuing to rehash it is not going to accomplish anything beyond getting the thread closed.
merc, goto valve and play some more, we want more cool details :D
i mean, now when you know gabe and everything, cant be that hard to get in again, right? ;)

keep up the good work :)
perrkele said:
Unbelievable how stupid some people can be... stop flaming the guy already you selfish f... grrrrr.

Ok, so merc didn't exactly play the part of the gamespot reporter in there and instead concentrated on having a good time and playing the game(!). Oh noes, how terrible! I mean if Gabe said to you "hey, wanna try HL2?", would you just answer "Naah, I'll pass. I'll just rather piss you off with these annoying questions..."? He did ask some of the questions, and I bet some of the questions you wanted him to ask Valve would NOT have been answered anyway. Release date? "When it's done." CE? "We don't know yet." TF2? "Sorry, that's a no no." etc etc etc.

So the guy gets back and instead of writing a huge 2 page post he gets asked loads of questions and he answers pretty much every single one of them. What more can you ask? Five page essays on each and every topic? He gave you his own impressions, and I think that is enough. It's his own choice not to tell you the details of what happened in the game, like he said, he doesn't want to spoil things. And if the guy wants to go and have a swim, he can do just that. He'll read your questions later. You can't just expect him to stay here on the forums all the time just to answer your stuff right away, just for you.

After a billion posts and some interesting info, some of you guys still whine and moan about how he didn't do what you wanted him to do. "Waaaah I wanted him to ask this and that, I wanted him to take more photos, I wanted him to write about whatever, I, I, I, me, me, me, waaaah!" Give the guy a break, he did fine. You get a big "thank you" from me at least, merc.
Great post.
perrkele said:
Unbelievable how stupid some people can be... stop flaming the guy already you selfish f... grrrrr.

Ok, so merc didn't exactly play the part of the gamespot reporter in there and instead concentrated on having a good time and playing the game(!). Oh noes, how terrible! I mean if Gabe said to you "hey, wanna try HL2?", would you just answer "Naah, I'll pass. I'll just rather piss you off with these annoying questions..."? He did ask some of the questions, and I bet some of the questions you wanted him to ask Valve would NOT have been answered anyway. Release date? "When it's done." CE? "We don't know yet." TF2? "Sorry, that's a no no." etc etc etc.

So the guy gets back and instead of writing a huge 2 page post he gets asked loads of questions and he answers pretty much every single one of them. What more can you ask? Five page essays on each and every topic? He gave you his own impressions, and I think that is enough. It's his own choice not to tell you the details of what happened in the game, like he said, he doesn't want to spoil things. And if the guy wants to go and have a swim, he can do just that. He'll read your questions later. You can't just expect him to stay here on the forums all the time just to answer your stuff right away, just for you.

After a billion posts and some interesting info, some of you guys still whine and moan about how he didn't do what you wanted him to do. "Waaaah I wanted him to ask this and that, I wanted him to take more photos, I wanted him to write about whatever, I, I, I, me, me, me, waaaah!" Give the guy a break, he did fine. You get a big "thank you" from me at least, merc.
I second that.
thanks for the people that are grateful for the info i did get... i tried my best to help out the community

Some people are idiots. People who flame someone when he did them a favour fall into the "idiot" category aswell.
Nice work m8, looks like you had a great time, and collected good info. I hope the game's out this Augest. :bounce:
I just gald he shared his experence with us. If it was me I would have probaly just told my friends.

Thanks Merc
Remani said:
I seriously just read through this entire thread... and man, what a waste of my time.

#0. merc asked community to do several questions
#1. Community asked merc to ask several questions.
#2. Merc never asked the questions...
#3. Merc has a short term memory span... can't remember jack-****...
#4. Merc is a selfish 10 year old that went to VALVe with hundreds of questions, yet didn't care to ask or get any answered because 'He didn't care much'. Seriously, if you didn't care, merc, then why did you go? Should've had people our age go, we see things so many times that little crap like 'pwning' (my ass you did) means nothing.. Good job on wasting our time and totally dropping our hopes on the floor...

Next time you get this opportunity, which you never will because you were useless to VALVe, try to get the questions answered in which we ask you, don't get questions from us if you won't answer any at all..

#0 is one of the biggest errors merc has done with this visit. The first error was when he contacted VALVe about his visit. He should have asked VALVe about if they could give him some info of HL2 (and a little of gameplay, etc...all what he has done for CS:S). HL2 is the REAL mystery of VALVe. CS:S, DoD:S, etc...are only CS/DoD with Source engine running, but nothing else. Same gameplay, same maps. If you had asked all info about HL2, you would have been able to post twice the information in this post (info about HL2, and info about HL2 engine (Source) applied to CS and DoD...). Bad planning... :E

In any case, I won't be too rude about it, although I agree with Remani and I'm a bit dissapointed, too...You were to VALVe HQ for the experience of going there, not for the info, and that's understandable. You just created too many expectatives....
Merc is obviously a joker and this has been nothing but an ego massaging exercice for him, who the hell wants to see a pic of him holding a crowbar?
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