I am visiting Valve today!!!

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guinny said:
And your just being ignorant para and rayman. Your trying to tell us what cs source will be when merc, who has clearly PLAYED THE GAME, is telling us it plays and feels different and better.

Doh! here's what I said:

"Don't expect CS:Source to be any different from CS."

By that I mean the gameplay will remain the same. They won't change anything big, when they changed the crosshairs people went apeshit and acted like complete ****wads. The scope delay on the awp stirred up the hornet's nest as well.

I've seen the video, I know it looks better and I've read Merc's posts as well.
they changed the crosshair for no reason "if it aint broke.. dont fix it"

the awp delay is one of many **** ups they are doing.. the more updates the more they ruin cs.

i liked boosting in CS .. but i doubt we can in cs:s .. things like this is what i meant as in i hope they dont change cs.. i hope they dont make deploying weapons take any longer than it is.. i hope they dont make the guy unable to fire when he is climbing a ladder.. i hope we can shoot through walls.. i hope we can throw grenades against a wall and injure any1 on the other side of the wall.. i hope they wont add some bullshit ET style awp that sways... i hope they dont reduce recoil... i hope they dont add some shit weapon like they were gunna do for cs1.6 (toxic grenade).. i hope they made the shield not twice as strong as a nuclear bunker as it is now... i can go on forever
They remedied the crosshair, noluck. You can chose a preset size now.
The AWP, I agree, is dumb. But it's not a big deal, just stop quickswitching after every shot.. if I can get used to that, ANYONE can.

Boosting should still be in CS:S. I see no reason why they'd remove a major element of not only CS, but HL in general. Deploying weapons should be about the same, ladder shooting should stay in, shooting through walls will definitely still be in (why would they take this out?). Grenades through walls will more than likely be removed, but that's fine with me. Swaying AWP sounds nasty, but from what we saw of the AWP in the CS:S video, it seems to be the same. Reduce recoil? They seem to be upping recoil in all the patches for current CS.

1.6 never had "toxic grenades" planned. What did have it originally, was going to be Gearbox's original Condition Zero, which ahd quite the list of weapons. One of which was, as you describe it, a "toxic grenade," but it was part of the single player campaign. I don't really think CZ and 1.6 were supposed to be clones of eachother as they are now back when it was in the first planning stage. Besides, how can you object to more goodies/weapons in CS? I loved the addition of the shield.. even if it is in incredibly cheap and highly exploitable, it was a nice change of pace (even though most servers have it banned).
Shuzer said:
1.6 never had "toxic grenades" planned. What did have it originally, was going to be Gearbox's original Condition Zero, which ahd quite the list of weapons. One of which was, as you describe it, a "toxic grenade," but it was part of the single player campaign.

Don't know if you knew this already but the cs in the beta phase of steam2.0, before cs1.6 came out, had gas grenades and gasmasks briefly.
So either it was planned for cs1.6, CZ or they were seeing what it would be like before putting it in the singleplayer campaign.
Bicka said:
Don't know if you knew this already but the cs in the beta phase of steam2.0, before cs1.6 came out, had gas grenades and gasmasks briefly.
So either it was planned for cs1.6, CZ or they were seeing what it would be like before putting it in the singleplayer campaign.
Really???? oh man, i wanted to see that
Bicka said:
Don't know if you knew this already but the cs in the beta phase of steam2.0, before cs1.6 came out, had gas grenades and gasmasks briefly.
So either it was planned for cs1.6, CZ or they were seeing what it would be like before putting it in the singleplayer campaign.

Complete and utter BS.
I played through all of the 1.6 beta, from start to finish, Steam beta 2.0 and final 2.0, and that NEVER happened.

As much as I want to believe you, I can't. Can you dig up any screenshots/proof? Because, TBH, I believe you imagined this, or someone was pulling your leg
There was a lot of TALK about stuff like that... even rocket launchers! :laugh:
Letters said:
There was a lot of TALK about stuff like that... even rocket launchers! :laugh:

Yeah. Too bad the rocket launcher only made it into single player, and you got to use it about twice :(
noluck said:
they changed the crosshair for no reason "if it aint broke.. dont fix it"

the awp delay is one of many **** ups they are doing.. the more updates the more they ruin cs.

i liked boosting in CS .. but i doubt we can in cs:s .. things like this is what i meant as in i hope they dont change cs.. i hope they dont make deploying weapons take any longer than it is.. i hope they dont make the guy unable to fire when he is climbing a ladder.. i hope we can shoot through walls.. i hope we can throw grenades against a wall and injure any1 on the other side of the wall.. i hope they wont add some bullshit ET style awp that sways... i hope they dont reduce recoil... i hope they dont add some shit weapon like they were gunna do for cs1.6 (toxic grenade).. i hope they made the shield not twice as strong as a nuclear bunker as it is now... i can go on forever
And I hope they don't make some unrealistic game where your character(superman) can hold the gun perfectly still and all the other unrealistic stuff, we all want somthing different so don't get so mad.
Shuzer said:
Complete and utter BS.
I played through all of the 1.6 beta, from start to finish, Steam beta 2.0 and final 2.0, and that NEVER happened.

As much as I want to believe you, I can't. Can you dig up any screenshots/proof? Because, TBH, I believe you imagined this, or someone was pulling your leg
There is the one plugin for Cstrike servers where it turns smoke nades to gas nades, mayb he is thinking of that?
Shuzer said:
Complete and utter BS.
I played through all of the 1.6 beta, from start to finish, Steam beta 2.0 and final 2.0, and that NEVER happened.

As much as I want to believe you, I can't. Can you dig up any screenshots/proof? Because, TBH, I believe you imagined this, or someone was pulling your leg

True. I never saw any of that either.
Pauly said:
There is the one plugin for Cstrike servers where it turns smoke nades to gas nades, mayb he is thinking of that?

Perhaps, but, there's no gasmask mod ;)
Someone had to have lied to him, or he dreamt this up
u should ask them the million dollar question

the release date of half life 2
Perhaps, but, there's no gasmask mod

Actually there is, I did the coding for one of the first gas mask modifications. Just go search for it at the amx forums.
Polykarbon said:
Actually there is, I did the coding for one of the first gas mask modifications. Just go search for it at the amx forums.

Well then! Must be pretty obscure, I hop around on random servers pretty often, never come across it

Either way, I guess it's pretty apparent he confused the gas grenade mod for an actual change to CS
God knows where I originally heard it first but I've seen it posted on countless occasions that there were gas grenades on the beta of 1.6.

A quick search on google for 'gas grenade 1.6 beta' turned up this site with the post dated 7/1/3:


Meh, maybe it was just speculation then but I doubt many of us could say because you had to be a beta tester at the time that steam2.0 first came out.
I don't think so Bicka, I got steam v1.0 off steampowered.com and I wasn't a beta tester.
Steam version 1 was originally a closed beta that you had to be accepted into. It went open beta near the end of the 1.4 beta, which was first used to test Steam.

Then, they made Steam version 2, which was an open beta. Hundreds of thousands of people had it and played 1.6 beta, then it finally dropped out of beta. That's what we have now.

Anyhow, the gas grenade and molotov cocktail were always something they planned on adding, but never made the final cut. Especially not into 1.6 beta.
I seriously just read through this entire thread... and man, what a waste of my time.

#1. Community asked merc to ask several questions.
#2. Merc never asked the questions...
#3. Merc has a short term memory span... can't remember jack-****...
#4. Merc is a selfish 10 year old that went to VALVe with hundreds of questions, yet didn't care to ask or get any answered because 'He didn't care much'. Seriously, if you didn't care, merc, then why did you go? Should've had people our age go, we see things so many times that little crap like 'pwning' (my ass you did) means nothing.. Good job on wasting our time and totally dropping our hopes on the floor...

Next time you get this opportunity, which you never will because you were useless to VALVe, try to get the questions answered in which we ask you, don't get questions from us if you won't answer any at all..

A little harsh don't you think? I mean to a degree if he had bombarded Valve with an incessant amount of questions, he would have worn out his welcome very quickly.

Don't be bitter at the kid..and remember he's a KID!
Yeah Merc! you go to hell! you go to hell and you die!!!

Haha! :D
Concerning CS source we received tons of new info and thoughts which we never would have known about if it wasn't for merc.

If I where in his place at the valve office and playing,I would do the same thing.I mean when you are there playing hl2/CS:S your just enjoying the moment.

He went there for himself and not for the halflife2.net community,he could've just kept his mouth shut.

And since he went there the day after I believe he was useful to valve and will perhaps playtest more over time...
But seriously... look at the first page. He asked for questions, and he got TONS of them, not like he had to asnwer them all, at least a few... but he failed to even do that. I'm trying not to be harsh in the most, but seriously... it's cheap if you go AFTER asking us for questions, and just totally blow us all off by not answering any of them. He says he didnt have time because he was 'too busy pwning people'. It's great he got to go, it's something we all sort of... dream about (??)... but most of us could've used our time a little better by getting the needed info.

Congratulations merc anyways, but try not to get entangled by things that aren't new in the slightest bit... The details, dude, the details is what matters most.
wow, why is EVERYONE so negative towards merc? He didn't go for the community, he went for himself. Get over it. He wanted to have fun, meet the staff, maybe play a little HL2/CS:S. He got his wish, he didn't have to ask ANY questions, or even report on going to VALVe. Although, yeah, eh asked for questions to ask, I get the picture he got to read very few of them.

Everyone really needs to get off the kid's back :| Good work, merc, MOST of us appreciate it
Remani said:
I seriously just read through this entire thread... and man, what a waste of my time.

#1. Community asked merc to ask several questions.
#2. Merc never asked the questions...
#3. Merc has a short term memory span... can't remember jack-****...
#4. Merc is a selfish 10 year old that went to VALVe with hundreds of questions, yet didn't care to ask or get any answered because 'He didn't care much'. Seriously, if you didn't care, merc, then why did you go? Should've had people our age go, we see things so many times that little crap like 'pwning' (my ass you did) means nothing.. Good job on wasting our time and totally dropping our hopes on the floor...

Next time you get this opportunity, which you never will because you were useless to VALVe, try to get the questions answered in which we ask you, don't get questions from us if you won't answer any at all..

I'm sure the whole situation to him was different. I'm sure he planned on talking a lot but valve tended to be very touring and not letting him ask much, i will admit he should of taken more pictures though like of him playing cs:s and such, even though we would all be drawn in. You can't give him crap for anything, he asked a few questions and didn't get anything really new, no one would of...if you would of been there Remani you probably wouldn't of done much better.
Remani said:
I seriously just read through this entire thread... and man, what a waste of my time.

#1. Community asked merc to ask several questions.
#2. Merc never asked the questions...
#3. Merc has a short term memory span... can't remember jack-****...
#4. Merc is a selfish 10 year old that went to VALVe with hundreds of questions, yet didn't care to ask or get any answered because 'He didn't care much'. Seriously, if you didn't care, merc, then why did you go? Should've had people our age go, we see things so many times that little crap like 'pwning' (my ass you did) means nothing.. Good job on wasting our time and totally dropping our hopes on the floor...

Next time you get this opportunity, which you never will because you were useless to VALVe, try to get the questions answered in which we ask you, don't get questions from us if you won't answer any at all..

you know if I went to valve there's no way I'd come to HL2.net and post a thread about my trip...not after stupid comments like that. What did you expect him to do bring a dictaphone and record everything that was said? Maybe he should have lugged around an IMAX camera to capture every nuance of his trip. Give the guy a break he didnt have to reveal anything to us. There's obviously quite a few play testers that visit valve on a regular basis...but you dont see them posting about their trips. Jesus, there's no pleasing some people. Why dont you go to seattle and visit valve so they can answer your questions instead of complaining that the person didnt ask the right questions.

btw I havent said this before but great work Merc, I enjoyed your little trip to valve
thx cptstern... again im sorry if you are mad that you didnt go but i went mainly for my benefit to learn how my favorite gaming company works and also to maybe get some news, but most of the questions you guys want asked are ridiculous anyways like... whats in the collectors edition?! who cares just wait until the game comes out! now quit whining about not getting your questions asked i got the ones that i felt were important...

LOL...I kinda feel bad for Remani now.

Three posts and he's already on everyone's sh*tlist :)

Don't worry about it at all Merc, I doubt that ANY of us could have done any better - just being at Valve would've dazzled us so much that we would've been reduced to blubbering idiots. And you're absolutely right about some of those questions.

For myself, I probably would have lost control of my bowels in the lobby.
I understand what you mean by that, in the most, but seriously... At least tell us why you didn't get the questions answered.. not just "Oh I didn't ask because I didn't care too much at all". Just sort of a 'dick' way to say it. I'm not trying to flame the kid, but even if that IS why you didn't get what mattered most, try to come up with a different excuse, because now half the community hates you for it. Honestly, I'm on his side for it, he got to go to VALVe, he play tested, he know more than us all here. BUT<< the next time you go, considering he got to play... guess I missed that since that means you WILL be going again... get the little details about the game... bullet holes, explosions, weapons (weapon details if it isn't too much to ask), and hell ,aybe if gameplay changed a little. Most questions that were 'asked', maybe not seen by merc in most cases, were easily asnwered either way by just watching the HL2 videos and tech demos.

I stay with my statement... DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS!
And you see, that's what I mean ^^^, merc just said' who cares!', who cares? dude, about half the community that asked you the question cares. I understand it was for your benefit, but I'm sure at the same time some of those questions crossed your mind when you had some free time?
Remani said:
And you see, that's what I mean ^^^, merc just said' who cares!', who cares? dude, about half the community that asked you the question cares. I understand it was for your benefit, but I'm sure at the same time some of those questions crossed your mind when you had some free time?

Drop it okplzthx
I would like to know what is in the collectors edition so I don't pre-order the wrong game....
Remani - enough already.

The VAST majority of the community is quite pleased with what Merc had done and is satisfied with what they've gotten.

Without Merc, we wouldn't have had those hours of fun last night that got the community excited again.

I agree with him - WHO CARES about the content of the CE, etc. - we'll find out sooner or later.

Just chill out amigo and go with the flow like the rest of us.
Remani said:
I understand what you mean by that, in the most, but seriously... At least tell us why you didn't get the questions answered.. not just "Oh I didn't ask because I didn't care too much at all". Just sort of a 'dick' way to say it. I'm not trying to flame the kid, but even if that IS why you didn't get what mattered most, try to come up with a different excuse, because now half the community hates you for it. Honestly, I'm on his side for it, he got to go to VALVe, he play tested, he know more than us all here. BUT<< the next time you go, considering he got to play... guess I missed that since that means you WILL be going again... get the little details about the game... bullet holes, explosions, weapons (weapon details if it isn't too much to ask), and hell ,aybe if gameplay changed a little. Most questions that were 'asked', maybe not seen by merc in most cases, were easily asnwered either way by just watching the HL2 videos and tech demos.

I stay with my statement... DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS!

HE OWES YOU NOTHING!!!!!!!!! you want details go to valve yourself, but judging by your attitude you probably wouldnt be invited a second time
whatever... doesn't matter either way, if you order the E3 2005 DVD set, you get all these questions answered in better detail.

I just expected to see a little more detail from someone who got to play the game. Congratulations either way.

Did they say anything, though, about whether you would be going back in the near future? Possibly when the GE is sent to Vivendi Universal, because I'm sure they'd be glad to answer ALL of your questions a little more freely at that time, the game would've already been sent and be on the verge of release.
well obviously we all would have liked more info from merc visiting Valve HQ but i think when u go through the exprience he did, ur in "awe" of the surroundings and the pple talking to u and such that the mind almost goes blank.

do pple want to know about the Collectors Edition? of course because some have even decided they are making that purchase regardless of the price.. but don't be upset with merc... just be happy with the info we got.

thanks again merc :)
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