I am visiting Valve today!!!

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You're right he doesn't owe me anything "!!!!!!!"... Just figured it would be for his benefit if he relieved the rest of the community of their attitude towards him by just telling the truth as to why he didn't answer anything (or the 'truth' :E haha) like I said, I'm on HIS SIDE with it all, you all are making it worse on me by making it seem otherwise, I just gave an honest opinion, I'm happy with his efforts, but like I said, DETAILS are what matters most, and I really do hope you get to go for a second time (maybe third if you're lucky, lol) But if you do, please do us a favor next time, give us a little insight on what truthfuly held them back from release, because that C:G interview made me think otherwise about what they said.

All in all, I congratulate you on being one of the very few who get to go to VALVe ( was it on invite, by the way?)!
If I may ask another question, what was the character technology like? Did all NPC's have fully realised facial expressions for instance?
Remani said:
I seriously just read through this entire thread... and man, what a waste of my time.

#1. Community asked merc to ask several questions.
#2. Merc never asked the questions...
#3. Merc has a short term memory span... can't remember jack-****...
#4. Merc is a selfish 10 year old that went to VALVe with hundreds of questions, yet didn't care to ask or get any answered because 'He didn't care much'. Seriously, if you didn't care, merc, then why did you go? Should've had people our age go, we see things so many times that little crap like 'pwning' (my ass you did) means nothing.. Good job on wasting our time and totally dropping our hopes on the floor...

Next time you get this opportunity, which you never will because you were useless to VALVe, try to get the questions answered in which we ask you, don't get questions from us if you won't answer any at all..

I think nothing best describes this post than: n3wb.
Ehh I don't see why merc is suddenly being idolized by everyone on the forums.

It's true that he went to Valve and he shared a few nices bits of info, but to tell you the truth it's mostly info nobody really cared about or stuff we already knew before.

Flame all you want but I agree with Remani to an extent, and most of you guys probably can too, I mean we have had quite a few people go to Valve and all of them took many pictures, gave some interesting info and were pretty nice about it in general. Instead this time we got some dude who would rather go "chill in the pool for an hour" than post a about it a bit on the boards, then when he did get back he didn't even talk about his experience until people insessantly questioned him about details, which he then answered with vague responses.

This isn't some sort of flame or anything, I'm glad he got to go and I'm glad he at least shared some of the info but I think your flaming against Remani is unfair and kind of hotheaded. Take a moment and try to see things his way before you insult him or anything of the sort.

This is my own personal comment though, Merc, if you went to see how things worked can you please give us some information on that? I'm a mod maker aspiring to go into game design so I'd be interested in some info on the subject. You did say you wanted to know how it worked right? So it means you asked them questions about it?
Remani: he went there a second time,the day after to playtest Halflife2.He made a seperate topic to that..
Rico said:
Ehh I don't see why merc is suddenly being idolized by everyone on the forums.

It's true that he went to Valve and he shared a few nices bits of info, but to tell you the truth it's mostly info nobody really cared about or stuff we already knew before.

Flame all you want but I agree with Remani to an extent, and most of you guys probably can too, I mean we have had quite a few people go to Valve and all of them took many pictures, gave some interesting info and were pretty nice about it in general. Instead this time we got some dude who would rather go "chill in the pool for an hour" than post a about it a bit on the boards, then when he did get back he didn't even talk about his experience until people insessantly questioned him about details, which he then answered with vague responses.

This isn't some sort of flame or anything, I'm glad he got to go and I'm glad he at least shared some of the info but I think your flaming against Remani is unfair and kind of hotheaded. Take a moment and try to see things his way before you insult him or anything of the sort.

This is my own personal comment though, Merc, if you went to see how things worked can you please give us some information on that? I'm a mod maker aspiring to go into game design so I'd be interested in some info on the subject. You did say you wanted to know how it worked right? So it means you asked them questions about it?

Since you put forward your argument more maturly than Remani, I'd say that merc never went as a representative of the community, he went for himself to have fun. Heck, he might have quitely visted valve without telling us, but he shared every bit of info he had. No, I don't think anyone idolizes him - people are a little excited with the new info but they'll get over it soon.

But it's a different case if you and Remani are jealous from him because he is recieveing all the attention. :upstare:
??? WTF?! lol, i never saw the second day topic... =( and please don't flame me if you haven't even read the rest of my posts... I'm new here so these are all that I have so far, christ...

and if someone could link me to the 'playtest second day' topic, please do so. Thanks, and no thanks to arss holes who constantly flame an OPINION<<<, sorry we all don't think the same, but i'm sure we all had the thought going through our head as to why he didn't exactly care too much... you're playing a game we never will until long after, how could u not care?! lol...

Like I SAID!!!! congratulations to merc, I am on his side for everything, I just would've expected more from a person who personally got to play the game...
Heh I barely even post on the forums unless I have something to say, been here for a looong time and only have 200 posts. I think I don't think I'm one of those people who needs too much attention :P
I'm sick of people villifying Remani. I also expected a tad more information, and perhaps some more clarity. Do I deserve that information? No, I don't. Merc could have completely blown everybody off because he doesn't owe us a damn thing. And I completely understand that. However, that doesn't make me any less disappointed.

Don't get me wrong. I like what I got. I especially enjoyed the ruckus that spawned from his pic of the whiteboard. And, if anything, his visit only greatly rekindled my excitement for HL2. I do, however, wish that we had some resolution to some of our questions.
lans... seriously stfu dude, i said it was an opinion you dick, not an argument... Don't place me in the same group as someone else, ESPECIALLY if I'm new here... and Rico, he should be idolized, because like any other person would say, he got to do something almost none of us will ever get to do... Now please stop flaming ME, I made one comment (opinion) and one only, unlike many others here. So be glad I can get over something easily and maturely, it wasn't an argument in any way... so please in the kindest matter, STFU!
Remani said:
I understand what you mean by that, in the most, but seriously... At least tell us why you didn't get the questions answered.. not just "Oh I didn't ask because I didn't care too much at all". Just sort of a 'dick' way to say it. I'm not trying to flame the kid, but even if that IS why you didn't get what mattered most, try to come up with a different excuse, because now half the community hates you for it. Honestly, I'm on his side for it, he got to go to VALVe, he play tested, he know more than us all here. BUT<< the next time you go, considering he got to play... guess I missed that since that means you WILL be going again... get the little details about the game... bullet holes, explosions, weapons (weapon details if it isn't too much to ask), and hell ,aybe if gameplay changed a little. Most questions that were 'asked', maybe not seen by merc in most cases, were easily asnwered either way by just watching the HL2 videos and tech demos.

I stay with my statement... DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS!

maybe next time i go if i go again that is i wont even say anything on these boards and none of you would know anything at all... that would be pretty neat now wouldnt it?

This is how flamers spawn... and I don't mean me and my honest opinion, which I'm being flamed for... if it's gonna take you out of your way to make an ass out of yourself, then ignore the comment, it doesn't kill you to. Sorry if I angered any people, but It's as easy as just scrolling to the next post...
I don't care, I'm sure none of the community does either. Just like I've already shown, by posting this type of crap you're in it for yourself and can get flamers all over you. I already said I'm on your side, so don't be a dick to me about it, it was an opinion..
merc said:
maybe next time i go if i go again that is i wont even say anything on these boards and none of you would know anything at all... that would be pretty neat now wouldnt it?


Don't listen to them merc.

Remani said:
lans... seriously stfu dude, i said it was an opinion you dick, not an argument... Don't place me in the same group as someone else, ESPECIALLY if I'm new here... and Rico, he should be idolized, because like any other person would say, he got to do something almost none of us will ever get to do... Now please stop flaming ME, I made one comment (opinion) and one only, unlike many others here. So be glad I can get over something easily and maturely, it wasn't an argument in any way... so please in the kindest matter, STFU!

Have I flamed you? I was just critizing your comments. You sir, have just flamed me now, btw by telling me to "STFU" and calling me a "dick". Very well, I won't lower myself down to use profanity on you.
Remani said:
I don't care, I'm sure none of the community does either. Just like I've already shown, by posting this type of crap you're in it for yourself and can get flamers all over you. I already said I'm on your side, so don't be a dick to me about it, it was an opinion..

#1. Community asked merc to ask several questions.
#2. Merc never asked the questions...
#3. Merc has a short term memory span... can't remember jack-****...
#4. Merc is a selfish 10 year old that went to VALVe with hundreds of questions, yet didn't care to ask or get any answered because 'He didn't care much'. Seriously, if you didn't care, merc, then why did you go? Should've had people our age go, we see things so many times that little crap like 'pwning' (my ass you did) means nothing.. Good job on wasting our time and totally dropping our hopes on the floor...

Dude, quit backpedaling. You didn't frame it as an opinion, it was an attack. It's all about presentation, Mr. "People Our Age." You're being flamed because you chose to make one of your first posts a silly tirade against a forum member, not because you expressed your opinion. So don't go all Dr. Phil on us please.
SMT said:
This is how threads get closed.

You're absolutely right! :D

I was kinda hoping this one wouldn't get locked till it reached a thousand posts though hehe.
All I read now is blah blah blah. Sometimes threads just get too big and drift too far. This is turning into a flame war.

Remani - welcome to the boards. Word of advice - don't bitch about peoples generosity when you haven't shown any youself. I wouldn't want a seasoned forum member to criticise Merc for sharing his trip with us, let alone someone who joined 2 minutes ago.

Another one for the sh*tlist.
What merc did was fresh and new. & that's better than nothing by far. I appreciate it a lot. Things were getting boring again :E
merc: You want me to ask Valve any questions?
Us: Yeah, ask them "this" and "that".
merc: Ok, I'll ask Valve about "this" and "that".
Us: Cool, thanks a lot.

So we wait patiently.

merc: I'm back! I'll go chill in the pool for an hour.

So we wait some more.

Us: About those questions you said you'd ask...
merc: Yeah, I decided I didn't care.
Us: Oh, all right.

Can't say I wouldn't have done the exact same thing myself, though, sometimes you just get caught up in the moment.
SpaceRain said:
merc: You want me to ask Valve any questions?
Us: Yeah, ask them "this" and "that".
merc: Ok, I'll ask Valve about "this" and "that".
Us: Cool, thanks a lot.

So we wait patiently.

merc: I'm back! I'll go chill in the pool for an hour.

So we wait some more.

Us: About those questions you said you'd ask...
merc: Yeah, I decided I didn't care.
Us: Oh, all right.

Can't say I wouldn't have done the exact same thing myself, though, sometimes you just get caught up in the moment.

i never said i didnt care about those questions, i just felt that i had some questions that i wanted to ask instead... anyways sorry if i dont live on these forums and would want to spend some time swimming in the afternoon, seriously you people need to chill

lol, leave merc alone I think thats enough Q and A,

the guy isnt an insider, hes just a fan like you or I,, a lucky one at that. But still, lets not get all flushed when he cant answer certain questions, he has good reason why he cant answer some. We will all get to play CS:S and (HL2 more importantly) in 2 or 3 months time.

Leave the boy some breathing room. :)

its just a game
You all that are giving merc a hard time obviously have no lifes at all and probably dont go out much or accepted to well in the social scene....its a freakin video game relax you look realy pathetic b#$@*ing like this! :laugh:

Thanks Merc you did a goodjob I know if i went i would be so overwhelmed by it all that i probably wouldnt have brought anything back! :cheers:
Yea merc, don't let them get to ya. You did a good job and most of us here appreciate that.
Thanks but terrible job on info even if your just a kid...
I think merc did a great job, yah he could have made a report, but he has a life unlike some of you :upstare:

He answered both my questions both satisfactorily, :D
SpaceRain said:
merc: You want me to ask Valve any questions?
Us: Yeah, ask them "this" and "that".
merc: Ok, I'll ask Valve about "this" and "that".
Us: Cool, thanks a lot.

So we wait patiently.

merc: I'm back! I'll go chill in the pool for an hour.

So we wait some more.

Us: About those questions you said you'd ask...
merc: Yeah, I decided I didn't care.
Us: Oh, all right.

Can't say I wouldn't have done the exact same thing myself, though, sometimes you just get caught up in the moment.

Bump* .
Wow, you get lucky and take a trip to see the developers of your favorite game, you come back with some info and people say you didn't get enough and proceed to flame you. The only real reason I can see someone insulting him for is if you are a rabid HL2 fanboy who is desperate for more info, otherwise its just pointless.

It was his trip not yours.
If Merc went there and was completely impersonal and asked questions the whole time Valve probably would not have invited him back. Instead (I assume) he was a good guy and Valve liked him and respected his 'knowledge of games' and let him playtest. Now he has impressions (45 min worth) on HL2 that we all got to hear and it all worked out.
****it, if he hadn't have gone then we wouldn't have anything to ramble about so how about the ingrates chill.
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