I am visiting Valve today!!!

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CB | Para said:
OH and I'd really wish they give the CT Team a more realistic look. I mean one is green the other blue and one black... And the terrorists really look like bad guys from a Chuck Norris movie.

Condition Zero's skins look much better :)
That gun in the picture ( I think m4a1) looks too small of a model to match those arms... anyone else see that? Maybe its just at a bad angle.
i got thinking about making an arm replacement thing, would be easily modable, basically apply the same principal that gives variety to enemy to the arm models. So instead of 4 models for the human grunts each one having a different head or gun or whatnot, the arms all differ, then code it in to relate to your selection so each model has its own arms showing..or if you're lazy just have one set for Ts and one for CTs.

But we knew that...sorry.
Yeah Rupert but if the arms are connected to the weapon-files then it will be harder I guess. But we think alike :)
PatPwnt said:
That gun in the picture ( I think m4a1) looks too small of a model to match those arms... anyone else see that? Maybe its just at a bad angle.

It's probably because its meant to be small and compact, hence the entire concept of the m4.
merc said:
yes there were some bricks and barrels and wood planks and sheets of metal laying around that i could shoot around and they would fall over and stuff or i could use them for cover until someone shot them away.. it was sweet

I like the sound of that! Barrels, you expect but smalls bricks and piece of wood? That's rocking detail...
dura said:
It's probably because its meant to be small and compact, hence the entire concept of the m4.

no... it looks TOO small and compact.
Very nice man :) I like the new info!

I don't think anyone asked, but what was your worst experience, well I shouldn't say worst... how bout not as good as the other experiences like did anything disappoint you? did they give you warm milk? that would surely suck...

hehe I bet it was fun though :D
Shuzer, weren't they supposed to merge CS and CZ at some point? I remember reading about that before CZ was released.
PatPwnt said:
no... it looks TOO small and compact.

I think it's perfect, hopefully some new guns will be added to cs:s to actually make it feel its a really updated brand new kickin @$$ game.
tokin said:
I think it's perfect, hopefully some new guns will be added to cs:s to actually make it feel its a really updated brand new kickin @$$ game.
If they do decide to do that then they will probably have to put them in as a seperate gameplay type. You could play CS "Traditional Style" or the new style, new style would of course have new guns, vehicles like what was mentioned here, etc.

It would definately be a good idea though since like you said it would make it feel much newer and much more interesting, however I would hate to see the kind of insults purists would be throwing at Valve for making such a decision which is why they would probably have to have it as a seperate play style.
CB | Para said:
Shuzer, weren't they supposed to merge CS and CZ at some point? I remember reading about that before CZ was released.

They seem to have been taking steps towards it.. IE. owners of CZ get CZ models in CS

Sure, that's not exactly the same thing, but it is in a way, a step towards it.

On the flip side, CZ has gotten some exclusive updates that had the CS community up in arms about, simply because they didn't get them.
Does it really matter? I can't see CS/CZ being as big as it is right now when CS: Source comes out.
PatPwnt said:
That gun in the picture ( I think m4a1) looks too small of a model to match those arms... anyone else see that? Maybe its just at a bad angle.

Trust me, if you ever hold an M4 in real life, it really is THAT small.
Yeah, I was shocked at how light and small and flimsy feeling M16 carbine variants are!
Hmm I guess you're right, it doesn't really matter. I just hope they merge everything into one when CS:Source comes, have everyone play the same thing.
I admit, it'd be nice. I played CS on the HL2.net server today, I was absolutely terrified at how plain and ugly Vanilla CS' dust was.. CZ looks SO much sharper, nicer, and all together tidier
Yeah.. I don't like it when there are 4 versions of the same game floating around, it really disrupts the community. :(
ok, merc drives all the way there, and gets 2 new pics, on eof CS and another of the servers? was it truly worth visiting if he got no new information? I mean, i'm glad he went but.. i just think there should be more to leave Valve with...
john121 said:
ok, merc drives all the way there, and gets 2 new pics, on eof CS and another of the servers? was it truly worth visiting if he got no new information? I mean, i'm glad he went but.. i just think there should be more to leave Valve with...

Merc visited Valve for himself, because he wanted to have fun, not to play reporter for this forum. Get over yourselves, sheesh.
john121 said:
ok, merc drives all the way there, and gets 2 new pics, on eof CS and another of the servers? was it truly worth visiting if he got no new information? I mean, i'm glad he went but.. i just think there should be more to leave Valve with...
I don't think his goal was to get any information for us, really its just lucky for us that he got any at all. He mostly went for the experience I think.
well... if I went. I would have gotten as much info and pics as I could. I guess merc isn't one of the true HL fanboys.
i wont be looking at this thread anymore so if you want to ask me questions post it in the second trip to valve thread... thanks

goddman fame gone to his head, i told you you'd make the big time kid but you need the smarts, me i'm a tumbler....
merc said:
also sometimes when guys died their guns would bounce away from their bodies into the open where you may not be able to get to without being shot..


did you notice if the weapons like bounced away if a grenade exploded near them? or if you could shot at the weapons lying on the ground, and make them move? :)

when you threw weapons (if you ever did that :P)
did they like bounce away on the floor, or did they just "crash" down to they ground as in CS(1) ?
merc.. i didnt read allthis cause im lazy apparently.. but you can atleast tell us if they kept recoil the way it was before.. :(

plus its those "glitches" that make cs so competitive.. plus the m4 although you can fast switch after silencer... you still have to wait half a second.. in the end you dont save time.

next time.. I'M going to valve !
Word to the wise: Don't expect CS:Source to be any different from CS.

CS gets better looking with every new CS version check this image:


  • getsbetter.JPG
    68.5 KB · Views: 390
CB | Para said:
Word to the wise: Don't expect CS:Source to be any different from CS.
Exactly. Just expect it to be CS with nice graphics, great physics, and a new map here or there. It won't stop me from playing it, though. :E
And your just being ignorant para and rayman. Your trying to tell us what cs source will be when merc, who has clearly PLAYED THE GAME, is telling us it plays and feels different and better.
Lafie said:
Yes it is. I toke the CS 1.6 and CZ 1.2 myself and you know where the CS:S is coming from

cool, thanks for that, its nice to have a comparison image :thumbs:
CB | Para said:
Word to the wise: Don't expect CS:Source to be any different from CS.

um.. i hope not anyway... i want cs:s to be EXACTLY like cs only looks better
noluck said:
um.. i hope not anyway... i want cs:s to be EXACTLY like cs only looks better

..with ragdoll
..and interactive environments
..and better hitboxes
..and better netcode
..and and..
Katana said:
did you notice if the weapons like bounced away if a grenade exploded near them? or if you could shot at the weapons lying on the ground, and make them move? :)

when you threw weapons (if you ever did that :P)
did they like bounce away on the floor, or did they just "crash" down to they ground as in CS(1) ?

yes weapons did bounce away from guys... i remember one time i saw a guy killed with a grenade and i was goin to grab his ak47, but it flew far off and i didnt have time to get it..

expect the gameplay to be a bit different because of the changes made to the maps (althought I think someone will port over the old maps too) and offcourse the graphics. Most of all the gameplay will be different because of the interactive environment, hiding spots that will be blown away by a nade is a big gameplay differents. Also when vehicles will be implemented the gameplay will also be very different.

BTW imagine a barrel rolling down the ramp in de_dust hitting a terrorist that just came around the corner (Sweeeet) (I hope that will damage the terrorist a bit)
merc, so there was a tf2 section like in the main HL2 menu? or on the windows desktop?
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