I am visiting Valve today!!!

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Jul 31, 2003
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Well what types of questions should I ask him about and what should I take pictures of? I will be touring Valve at 4 PM PST and will post pictures as soon as I get back home...

Congrats... hope it goes well. Do us proud, merc. ;)
Ask Gabe why he didnt reply to my email, I dont think he wubs me any more ;(
Please, for the love of all that is good, PUSH for new info on TF2, or DoD:Source. I BEG OF YOU!
As soon as you shake Gabe Newell's hand, put him in a head lock until he gives you sound information on HL2 multiplayer.

Just kidding, have a great time.
If there's a chance, see if they have any idea about the collector's edition contents.
just please, don't take any pictures on more white boards with misc stuff written on them..we might over react

EDIT- try and understand how far are they with the game and stuff... check those monitors for models etc..the usual stuff
Ask about the SDK, the Source ports, and of course Multi-player.
Smuggle in a gun and hold the entie building hostage. Only free Gabe if his staff release exclusive info about HL2, and TF2 and all the source port, and try and pressure him into saying a release date :D
I just want to know what they are actually DOING in all this time ^^

I doubt we'll ever get a release date, but we can live in hope.
ask if any new details around MP will be released before the game is released
ask about the contents of the Collectors Edition!!
ask if anything has been finalized for that edition
certainly they must have made their minds up on something about the Collectors Edition if not everything :)
MP and DoD:Source!!!! :O
oh, and try to get some shots from the new De_Dust2 for CS:Source! :naughty:
Look out for TF2 artwork or something that could look like the MP
lol, Yup. Pretty much what other people have said...

TF2 info.
SDK info
DOD_Source info if possible
HL2 info.... well duh!

And pictures pictures pictures!!! :)
yeah some hair and hes toe nails, so we can make teh hl2 potion :)
Dr. Freeman said:
ask about the contents of the Collectors Edition!!
ask if anything has been finalized for that edition
certainly they must have made their minds up on something about the Collectors Edition if not everything :)

Yeah I second that and I would like to know if there is going to be one and hopefully you can get a picture of the Collectors Edition Box :)
Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!! Ask to play the game!!!

oh and ask when the binks E3 04 videos will be out :P
ask if there will be a beanie headcrab in the collectors edition

or a flypaper barnacle :frog: - (this would be unbelievably cool :afro: )

bath bomb pheromone capsules

ask about the SDK - any news is good news frankly

ask about the "www.half-life.com/secret" directory!

take LOTS OF PICTURES - this cannot be stressed enough

tell them we appreciate their work unreservedly :)

keep your smile on the sane side of inane as you enter the building :p
I may be too late or you may not have time to read this. BEFORE YOU START ANYTHING.

Tell him you want to know everything he would tell you. MAKE sure you get as much info as you can. Bring a LIST of stuff to ask as well as things to take pictures of.

(I want a complete picture blue print of their office ;)

Ask if you can play the GAME FOR SURE. Then ask if you can get a fresh picture of ONE thing new. Squeeze EVERY last drop out of this trip.

If you come back empty handed then SHAME on you.

good luck
If you happen to take pictures of a whiteboard, please make sure that no one is in the way, and that you are close enough to read it. ;)
If HL2 is not coming out till august/september, ask for the E3 2K4 video's to be released in bink format.
Make it damn specific, ask if the HL Source ports are going to be ONLY HL2's multiplayer aspect.

Ask, "Will HDR be in the retail version?"
Ask, "Are the screenshots we see of HL2 on Full Settings?"
Ask, "What about the new binks? e3 2004"

Ask about the SDK!

Anything with modding! PLEEEAAAASSEEE!

Im dieing here!

Also, SubKamran, Your sign is too big, max 4 lines.
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