I have been chosen!


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
I have been chosen for the Far Cry beta! Holy SHIT I am so happy!!!!!:) :D :D I come home from the hospital and this! Wow something good came out of this week! :) :D :D I am literally jumping around like a Mexican jumping bean! Here is how you find out if you have been chosen(copy and pasted from FC forums, for you guys):

Try the following and reply to this thread to see if you think this is true or not.

I think I may know a way to find out ahead of time if you have got in the beta.

Heres how.

1. Go the the new forum site:


2. Once there you click on:

"Beta General Discussion"

3. If it says:

"You have not been given the security rights to access this page. You require the rights to read this forum. For a full list of any special rights you have on this site, see your profile. If you want to be given this access right, contact your administrator and ask for the 'Read Forum' right. This right is forum specific."

This means you might not have been selected (or at least not entered into the data base yet).

4. If it says:

"Log into the forums using your ubi.com user name and password. If you subscribe to a ubi.com game such as Uru or Shadowbane, use the same user name and password you use to log into the game. "

Then you need to log in first.

5. If it says:

Only registered users can access this area. You have not yet confirmed your email address so this area is restricted.

Then you have been selected and its only a matter of time before you get your email !!!!

Hehe....What you all think ?

Good luck guys! Hope to see some of you on the battlefield.
Error: You have not been given the security rights to access this page. You require the rights to read this forum. For a full list of any special rights you have on this site, see your profile. If you want to be given this access right, contact your administrator and ask for the 'Read Forum' right. This right is forum specific.

meh, I still got untill the 28th to feel down, but then, somebody will most likely leak the beta.
Rememebr that "hack this site" page? Somebody hack that beta forum page so we can all get in, or hack ubi so we can all download it.
Man, I really want to get in this beta, I'm gonna try this method every day until the 28th :D
I think I got picked too. I followed what ray said and it worked for me! Now I'm just waiting for the email to arrive. :p
OMG I GOT #5 TOO!!!! FUKEN A I HOPE YOUR RIGHT. enough caps, sorry for the eye sore, i am very excited. i signed up with two acounts, different names and such, surprisingly the younger of the two accounts got the gig. anywho im still waiting for the e-mail but im fairly confident im in thanks to rayman. awesome shit.
Meh, if this is the final word I'm just going to hope somebody leaks the beta.
based on the 3/4/5 theory above by ray_MAN

3 means that you ARE logged in but have not been given access to the beta forums (no proof of selection). 4 means that you are NOT logged in to the forums (no proof of selection). 5 means that you ARE logged in, but you have not confirmed your email address to access any parts of the forums (again, no proof of selection). Your theory is wack.

pulled this off the far cry fourms*
Yep, sorry to further burst your bubble, but people who haven't even signed up for the beta clicked that link and got #5. There's no way of telling if you got in or not yet.
Yeah why can't Ubi clear this up? I am so mad. Well I am gonna follow this story all day...*crosses fingers*
Did you try it G0rgon? I retried many times and I still got Option 5...
G0rgon said:
I had it before ya. mouahahahaha. :)

I don't think you ever explained how you 'got it' before everyone else... ?
Didn't I? Sory then. OK I clicked on the link that the company sends me then It says please confirm your address I clicked on confirm then a message shows up with four line of info then at the end of the message ( Gongragulation Gorgon (My username at farcry) you have been selected ).

IN my opinoin I thin they chose me and some others maybe before 20 of december because of the old membership I had with them.

edit: I forgot to mention this, at the end of the message there was a security info : please delete this message)

offtopic, Abom you have chnaged ur ave, Nice one.
Tehehe I love my new avatar. Everyone join in the fun of MS Paint avs!

OT: G0rg I think you are right of that old membership thing. Good job man!
I didn't get hax0r3d! I used my F|R3W411 to make 1 on my 0wn!111!!1one11!eleven!1

EDIT: Cool, I'm a |-|yDr4 again!
Heh... not everyone can change their custom avatars... ;(

Ah well... my offer still stands :)
You can change mine if you want Badger. But, beware my firewall is killer. Literally.
ray_MAN said:
You can change mine if you want Badger. But, beware my firewall is killer. Literally.

Tee hee ;)

G0rgon said:
Didn't I? Sory then. OK I clicked on the link that the company sends me then It says please confirm your address I clicked on confirm then a message shows up with four line of info then at the end of the message ( Gongragulation Gorgon (My username at farcry) you have been selected ).

IN my opinoin I thin they chose me and some others maybe before 20 of december because of the old membership I had with them.

Lucky bastard, I had to make a new account as I forgot all my old one's details... I might have been legible for that offer :/
ray_MAN said:
Abom how did u |-|4x0r my 1337 F|R3\/\/411 ?!11?1?

I jacked into the matrix, rerouted the subcommand system prefixes with my microcracker control panel, manipulated the firewall manifest within your programming, then exited out before the sentinels could rip me to shreds. The hard part came next. I had to login to the modcp, battle through the vB layout, making my way to the avatar changing section. From then on, I uploaded the new avatar, logged out, reimbursed your firewall and typed this paragraph.

Now, on topic everyone please :)