I have been chosen!

/me keeps hitting F5 on his email inbox
plz! plz !! ubisoft
praying is a good idea......
guys like my new avator...???? i had to join in the fun it reads.. "I will join in too"
Ah well it's just a game. Congrats to you guys who made it.
Congrats to all that got through. I do hope you keep us informed on the game, tell us what its like.
if this forum thing is real, which i sincerely doubt it is... there will be an EXTENSIVE NDA which will completely prevent anyone from saying anything.
i dont understand why i dont have an email for the beta....i have a great computer!! why not me? i dont understand
Pauly said:
i dont understand why i dont have an email for the beta....i have a great computer!! why not me? i dont understand

Well they didnt ask for exact specs, they just asked for you to make sure you met the requirements. They dont know you have a uber 1337 rig.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
lol at this thread!

I wish i was eligable for the beta. I'm only 16 so i dont get even a chance of being entered. Which is annoying....

Heheh, I want my avatar just the way it is for now thanks btw :p

LMAO, I just said I was 18 and submitted... :naughty: hope they don't do background checks! O__o!!!
The Terminator said:
Ill just play the leaked version ;)

heh heh heh...

I never signed up...

Cause I had no idea about it....

Merry christmas to me :(
Spiffae said:
if this forum thing is real, which i sincerely doubt it is... there will be an EXTENSIVE NDA which will completely prevent anyone from saying anything.
I doubt the NDA will be extensive. If publicly selected anyone can enter beta tests come up, there's never a strict NDA attached (although there is usually an NDA, but no one follows it nor does anyone care).

Just look at say, WarCraft 3, that technically had an NDA, but everyone discussed it anyway. They even cracked it and had spoofed battle.net servers running, did Blizzard care? AFAIK, not really, it gave them a publicity boost and everyone was more pumped for the game

edit: Btw, I signed up afew weeks ago.. Im not showing off or anything, but im saying people who signed up just for the beta have a chance too it seems :) Maybe it goes off what comp you have? Who knows....


This sucks, I know Im not gonna get in AND HERE YOU GUYS ARE GETTIG IN!

The acceptance emails are being sent out to the 28th right?
ph34r t3h cute said:

edit: Btw, I signed up afew weeks ago.. Im not showing off or anything, but im saying people who signed up just for the beta have a chance too it seems :) Maybe it goes off what comp you have? Who knows....

Man, I felt the same way, but really it was more like my hart stopped then I ran around the room like a bananaman.
Indeed, Im more looking forward to Far cry then hl2 right now, yet I post here in offtopic cus you guys are great, or something o_O

I want so bad to post on the hl2 forum "HAHAHAHAHHAAH shut up guys..." At ever post in there :( But I cant bring myself to do it, im a pussy -_-
i got in, i bet this game is gonna own...
btw: the method shown in the first page didn't work for me, but i did get the email today.
I just noticed, The beta needs XP or 2000 to run, I bet alot of people still use ..ugh..ME.. or 98, most likely one of the reasons they did not get in..
When you sign up for the beta, or for a ugi user (forgot what one) you need to put in your comp specs..
Yeah, you're prolly right... I just don't pay attention to what the Hell I'm doing.
I know I'm not gonna get in. I never get in any betas. I almost never win anything...and when I do it's something lame... like a coffee mug...

Damn probability and its fiendish ways!

Bah humbug to this beta...

I'd love for there to be hacked versions sorta like the WC3 beta...that was awesome.

I not jokin! i just recieved the e-mail that confirms my place in the beta :E



:p I GOT IN!!!!!

Dont ask me how but i got in. I was under the impresion that cos i am 16 i wouldnt get it. But no! I just got the email :D

Oh so happy!
awwww, I really feel sorry for those who didnt get in....

I just had a close call there. I couldnt remember my username and password to get into the ubi website. Which i need to go on the beta forums :O

I got in now tho PHEW!!.....

Nice christmass present this. :)

I might start a thread in there to see how many people from hl2.net are actually on there. Unless someone beats me to it. :)
Awww :( i still haven't gotten a confirmation letter :(
If we are allowed to post screenshots. Then I will be sure to get some interesting shots for you all :)

Does anyone know if thats allowed in a beta? I really dont have any idea. I never been in any before..
marksmanHL2 :) said:
If we are allowed to post screenshots. Then I will be sure to get some interesting shots for you all :)

Does anyone know if thats allowed in a beta? I really dont have any idea. I never been in any before..

There's an NDA (Non Description Act), so no, you're not allowed to give any information away about the beta or its contents. There's a $100, 000 fine up for grabs if you do, as well :|

Anyway, anyone up for making a little halflife2.net crew during the beta? We could just team up in games and stuff.
I am goign to check my mail now. Wish me luck. If there is an abundance if cursing in the edit please disregard. It means I didn't get anything.
EDIT: Shit **** SHIT BULLLSHUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I din't ****ing make it!
heheh, unlucky mate. I still can't believe i'm gona be playing this...

There are alot of people from HL2.net on the beta. How about we set up a small clan so we can own all the other testers :p

And find bugs easier as well of cause...... ;)

Just so you lot know. My name on those forums and on the game will be GingerNinja :)