I think I consumed too much salt.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Man... I had 2 uncooked cups of brown rice today which I ate steamed. That's all I ate. About half what I probably should have eaten today calorie wise. However, I flavored them with tamari and I think I consumed too much salt. :x

My sides hurt, my head feels weird. I feel disoriented. Damn soy sauce, why do you have so much salt!?

Okay, I know tamari sauce is known as a very healthy food, even though it has lots of salt in it, so it's not really one of those foods that manufactures load tons of salt in.

I hate that... why is our food today loaded with so much sodium? Everything you see has huge amounts of sodium in it. High Fructose Corn Syrup and Sodium. The two main staples of the American diet.

Hopefully after I sleep I'll feel better in the morning... Hope my kidneys aren't too damaged. I must of had 7000mg of sodium in those servings of rice in a relatively short period of time.
Ahhh dude that ****in sucks, dont you get kidney stones from too much sodium? I'd hate to be you. Drink lots and lots of water..
Yeah, I typically drink 4-6 litres of water every day.
Over a gallon? 6 liters is nearly 2 gallons; they normally only suggest .5 - .75 gallons...

I like my water. We're recommended to drink 8 cups of water every day. That's 8 fluid ounces each, so 64 fluid ounces of water. I only consume 2-3 times that recommendation, sometimes only that much when I don't drink much water.
Don't flood your brain with all that water. Srsly.
What are you guys, insane? That's not too much water. You can't drink too much water until you get near the point of water intoxication. Which... I am nowhere near.

:rolleyes: 4-6 litres of water a day isn't that much. I drink it all out of 2 litre bottles I have. Soda bottles with the soda dumped out and used for the best beverage. :thumbs:
Too much water, it is not.

Too much salt, it might be.

Go drink more water and dissolve all that salt internally :D
Hell, yeah I have a soda bottle full of purified water.
I drink it and refill it atleast 5 times a day.

I love my water and don't worry you're probably just a little sick from eating stuff that didn't mix well.
actually won't salt + water = dehydration due to hyperotonic solution?
If youre drinking that much water i wouldnt be worried. Your kidneys will easily take care of it. Your chemical balance may mack you become hypertonic like deathmaster has said, but the unusually high amount of water youre drinking will simply create an equilibrium in your kidneys again in terms of chemical balance.

Just watch your urine colour next time you pee. If its clear dont be worried. If its dark, meh dont be too worried, but if it really smells at the end of the day, drink more water..if you can hehe.
you can die if you consume all the salt of a salter
you can die if you consume all the salt of a salter

Once on a dare when I was young, I put the entire salt contents in my mouth. I promptly vomited and spit it all out of my mouth, then washed my mouth out in the river we were near.

Ahh, the joys of stupid dares, and the realization you're stupid enough to be the one accepting the dare.
Once on a dare when I was young, I put the entire salt contents in my mouth. I promptly vomited and spit it all out of my mouth, then washed my mouth out in the river we were near.

Ahh, the joys of stupid dares, and the realization you're stupid enough to be the one accepting the dare.

Natural selection has once again failed me :|
I wish the water around here wasn't so nasty. Then I could just buy some bottles of water, refill them over and over, and not spend a bazillion dollars on drinks.

But when I pour myself a glass of tap water, through my Brita filter, I can still see all this nastiness floating around in it. I dont even use ice anymore because then I can see the nastiness frozen inside of them.
I wish the water around here wasn't so nasty. Then I could just buy some bottles of water, refill them over and over, and not spend a bazillion dollars on drinks.
Blergh. I felt like a right posh git in Florida some years back when I was using mineral water to brush my teeth.
I dared my friend to drink a gulp of a concoction made of A&W root beer, a healthy dose of salt, and pepper.. And all for a quarter. He threw up 10-15 times as we were walking back to school from A&W.
You can drown from drinking too much water, happened on an american radio show.
You can drown from drinking too much water, happened on an american radio show.

You don't drown... you suffer from water intoxication.

It's severe electrolyte imbalance.
Once on a dare when I was young, I put the entire salt contents in my mouth. I promptly vomited and spit it all out of my mouth, then washed my mouth out in the river we were near.

Ahh, the joys of stupid dares, and the realization you're stupid enough to be the one accepting the dare.

Drank a sachet of vinegar. Stomach didn't like it, but I was fine.

And yeah, these symptoms might simply be natural selection :P

I wish the water around here wasn't so nasty. Then I could just buy some bottles of water, refill them over and over, and not spend a bazillion dollars on drinks.

But when I pour myself a glass of tap water, through my Brita filter, I can still see all this nastiness floating around in it. I dont even use ice anymore because then I can see the nastiness frozen inside of them.

Hate water around here. But I still drink the stuff :(