If you could have 50lbs of anything, what would you have?

  • Thread starter Thread starter RevicLockwood
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Kangy said:
Holy crap, you could wait until all that tuna went off and then throw it out a plane into the middle of a city! Everybody would despise you, but it'd be the best prank ever.

Between me and my cats we could handle the tuna ourselves.

I wonder what a bed made of jello would be like...
It's the most delicious Ice Cream I have ever tasted. :burp:
50 pounds of winning lottery tickets.
Joims said:
50 pounds of weapons grade plutonium :o enuf for 5 massive nukes

What he said. Although I might go for uranium... whichever, it's darn expensive, I'd be rich! \o/

Kudos to morningstar for pimping Pink Floyd.
50 pounds of fairy dust.

Or... 50 pounds of geni in a bottle. 1 pound per bottle.
Pi Mu Rho said:
50 pounds of winning lottery tickets.
If no one else had a winning ticket it wouldn't matter if you had a billion of them. You'd still get the same amount of money. That is, unless all of the tickets were from different games, states, or times.

I would like 50 pounds of legally binding agreements from the richest entities (including entire countries) in the world saying that they must give me anything for which I ask... and that I never have to do anything for them in return.
50 lbs of feathers. No wait, bricks... No, wait... Errr... How did it go again?

Foxtrot: Yay a good soul!
Darkknighttt said:
a cock, i believe is a rooster.

wtf!!!!!!!! **** you what r u talking about. try it and see for yourself!!!!!!!!!
Why would you want weed though? Why not money to get the weed with? Or something to sell for money to buy weed with?
Ritz said:
Between me and my cats we could handle the tuna ourselves.

50 lbs. of HAWT!

Seriously, though...

Water, 35 litres.
Carbon, 20kg.
Ammonia, 4 litres.
Lime, 1.5kg.
Phosphorus, 800g.
Salt, 250g.
Niter, 100g.
Sulfur, 80g.
Fluorine, 7.5g.
Iron, 5g.
Silicon, 3g.
And 15 other elements.

These are the elements to make an average human adult body :cool:

Alright, so that's way more than 50lbs, but... well, equivalent trade can get ****ed.
Foxtrot said:
Why would you want weed though? Why not money to get the weed with? Or something to sell for money to buy weed with?

That would mean he'd have to do something before getting to smoke the mota! potheads are teh lazy :cat: