I'm Probably Going to be a father

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nor is a fetus that's about the size of a grain of rice by the end of the first month. ..it's just a collection of cells
... when does it become a human being then?

scientists, doctors, theologians, philisophers have been unable to determine that what chance do I have? ...I'm all-knowing Stern, but even stern has his limits :E
We already had this debate.

Science tells us that a fetus, by and large, is simply NOT human within at least the first 8-12 weeks. Beyond that, there is some discrepancy.

In situations like this it pays to be LOGICAL and RATIONAL rather than EMOTIONAL and STUPID.

Debates about fetuses being humans need to gtfo of this thread. There's a thread in the Politics forum, you can resurrect it. For now we're giving Willie some advice that makes sense, and keeping a child at 15 because some people think a bundle of cells is a human is a ****ing stupid reason to put two kids in grade 10 through this.
Lol @ one of Willeh's threads turning into a debate on fetuses.
But we can all agree that fetuses are AWESOME with sugar.
I think the topic creator should be lookin for one of these
I realize that this must be hard for you, but abortion seems to be the only real option here.
Good for you, then, if you can look at it that way and not feel guilty after abortion.
so right now you find out your girlfriend is two weeks pregnant Unfocused what do you do?
try not to miss next time ;) ..or better yet; aim at HER, not self ;)
Well, you could always join the Forgein Legion. But not quite yet, you need to be 18 (well, for the French one, anyway, dont know about Spain), IIRC, so thats not much help.

Get abortion?

Failing that, get fake ID and join the Forgein Legion.
The best thing about foetus is the cold foetus sandwich the next day.
I had banana rape with this girl, and I ****ed up big time. We don't know if she is really pregnant yet, but I fear for the worst. Don't know what's going to happen. I am not proud of myself or what I have done. What the Hell do I do?


Sorry, couldn't resist XD
You know all new sexual health programs in the US must teach Abstinence to receive funding. There's a brilliant bullshit episode on the subject.
Apparently countries accepting foreign aid from the US are not allowed to teach about or provide contraception.
is it incest if the baby is born with the tongue out?
I'd get an abortion. If she doesn't want to, shes very foolish, BUT you'll have to try and help her along.
seriously Willie....have her go to a doctor, if she is in fact pregnant,just tell her how much your lives would change if she had it.....but if she wants it, i dunno what to tell ya....good luck
Adoption and Abortion are 2 different things. If she doesn't want to abort, adoption is a very good idea.
Take responsibility for your actions, and remember that abortion is a pretty destructive thing for a girl's psyche. But first, check for pregnancy.

If it turns out positive, act like a responsive adult and tell both yours and hers parents, as it is eventually going to manifest itself (kind of hard to find a bloated tummy). Apologize, do a barrel roll, whatever, it's important to first secure their support, both financial and, well, emotional.

Next, plan ahead responsibly. If she's willing to have the kid and raise him/her/it (don't ask this question too soon though, juvenile mothers tend to be pretty hysterical and make hasty decisions), then support her, prepare all the stuff a baby would need (ask your parents for help especially), find yourself a job, even part-time to get a bit of cash flowing in to help to cater for her.

Of course, you need to remember about your education, so that you can, in the future have a slim chance of holding a job that actually doesn't mean "12 hours at work churning out burgers". Remember also about hers.

Last, use condoms next time and let your brain, not the penis, do the thinking.

Again, remember that abortion screws women up rather seriously, so don't be too hasty at making decisions.
yes because it's just a simple matter to bring to term a child, build a bond with it and then give it away to strangers ..ya that's much less emotionally devastating than getting rid of a few thousand cells before it has time to develop into a human

but you know what's best for him: as long as it satisfies your moral code
Mikael Grizzly said:
Again, remember that abortion screws women up rather seriously, so don't be too hasty at making decisions.

no it does not ..repeated abortions of a certain type may over time cause scarring and that is rare ..it's an urban myth that abortion screws up women physically most of the methods are non invasive
Dang Willeh.

Some of the people in this thread have been helpful and others not so much, but ultimately the responsibility of what happens comes down to her and her parents. Tbh, it all depends on whether their stubborn Christians or determined Catholics (or any other synonym for "hard-headed" and another religion). Like I said earlier, there has been great suggestions on what you can do to help soften the blow for you, but what happens with the kid (whether it be abortion, adoption, or keeping it) you need to be supportive of her decisions whatever they are.
So...Say her parents were Catholic. What would I be dealing with there?

Thanks for not being circlejerkers guys.
If her parents were catholic then it's likely they will refuse abortion and also it is possible that they could get super ****ed off and will not let you see her or the kid again.
pregnancy tests are only reliable after some time has past. id doesn't work in the short term.

We've already discussed this dammit. NO.

How many more times am I going to hear "get her tested"? I got the picture! It's gonna happen! CHILL.

over the counter pregnancy ..they've worked with 100% accuracy for me twice ...ummm more than twice ..but twice for sure that came out positive
no it does not ..repeated abortions of a certain type may over time cause scarring and that is rare ..it's an urban myth that abortion screws up women physically most of the methods are non invasive

Mentally. I meant mentally. Isn't that kind of obvious from my post? D:
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