I'm Probably Going to be a father

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Even if it did work out for her, it's not guarantteed (guaranteed? Guarantied?) that it will work for Willeh.

Yeah, so basically what PvtRyan said.
I can't be bothered to read the rest of this thread. My girlfirend's sister got pregnant as a freshman. She is happily married to her boyfriend in high school, and had 3 more kids. Things will work out.

she not think it out??
also wtf did they have sex like a month after the birth of the baby??
Abortion argument in t minus...




Extraction failed. Abort, abort, abort.

If the girl isn't all that special, you probably wont miss the embryo anyway. Besides, education guarantees a job that pays at least a modest salary, which you need to be a parent at this age. Besides, I don't see how any teenager could deal with the torture that is raising a baby - breastfeeding, trying to get it to sleep, paying for diapers etc. The girl's life will be hell for the next couple of years.

Just steer clear of the "BE A MAN!!" arguments, and use your head. And good luck.
Flame on, people, flame on!

Maybe put the kid up for adoption?

Unless you want to get on the Jerry Springer show, or even worse, Maury...
Still no news from Willeh? I actually feel horrible because I've laughed at most of this thread.

Still, one bonus is witnessing the amazing feat of birth. An entire head, body and legs coming out. You'll wonder why it's so hard to get your fist in there.
Still, one bonus is witnessing the amazing feat of birth. An entire head, body and legs coming out. You'll wonder why it's so hard to get your fist in there.
I fell on the ground laughing. :laugh:
Yeah I got that. Shiiiit this is gonna be one Hell of conversation piece. I'm surprised by how nobody came into the thread screaming "What the **** is wrong with you. You're ****ed. Good luck."

What the **** is wrong with you. You're ****ed. Good luck!!!

no but it wasnt ur fault cuz the condom broke, however u still have to take responsibility for it. Oh and this is the perfect time for that one cartoon slip were they show stick figures and how it pushes this pregnant woman down the stairs and it says "problem solved"
if he wants to be a man he should just **** a woman..oops I remenber thats what bring the trouble
I haven't read the whole thread, but why didn't you use the morning-after pill?
Still no news from Willeh? I actually feel horrible because I've laughed at most of this thread.
He's at his dad's for... ****, I can't remember if it's for the week or just the weekend. But anyway, his dad doesn't have internet, so he's probably not going to be back in this discussion until Friday.
If you are the type that always plays video games on the 'very easy' setting, and uses lots of cheat codes, you best to wear a condom.

If you finished Halo on Legendary, ..

...So I have more fertile sperm if I don't want to play a ridiculously hard game?

Sorry if after a day of school, and working on a horse farm for 2 hours I like to come home and speed run through every game I have on easy. :/

Man, I say the best bet for you right now is to just prey she's not pregnant, and talk about what you're gonna do if she is, then make a promise to yourself and everyone that you won't **** again until you're ready to be a dad. God gave you hands for a reason buddy. ;)
...So I have more fertile sperm if I don't want to play a ridiculously hard game?
No, you have less fertile sperm if you play easy games. ;)

Sorry if after a day of school, and working on a horse farm for 2 hours I like to come home and speed run through every game I have on easy. :/
It's a metaphor.

He's saying if you like to take the easy way out of things then being a father shouldn't be on the top of your priority list.
I know, but it seemed silly he was comparing video games to real life.

Yes, I know, that's stupid of me. no? (Just expecting that from the internet)
It's been said many times, but I believe, unless the 2 of you agree to keep it, that adoption is the best thing, for everyone. I am not sure what I think about abortion, TBH. I guess just try to talk things out with your parents, the girl, and her parents, so that everyone can be on the same page and choose what is best for the child, you, and the girl. I wish you the best of luck.
I know, but it seemed silly he was comparing video games to real life.

Yes, I know, that's stupid of me. no? (Just expecting that from the internet)

I thought it was a good metaphor because most of the people here can relate to it. :/

Meh, i'm to tired to start arguments... :sleep:
Hmm the Halo legendary reference was a joke. I'm a comedian.

What happened to me? In case you want to know the big story of some of the loves of my life, here it is. This might be help for you Willie, or it might not.

I'm going to use Aliases (fake names) for this, just for the **** of it.

I got Amber pregnant the first night I met her. We had the best sex I had ever had - over and over that night.

I think it's important to be crude for the sake of clarity, I probably put it back in or something (should have washed the sperms off)

I can't imagine telling my first born that we ****ed on the floor, we ****ed in the chair, we broke the recliner, and we ****ed on a sheet or something.

Sounds like an obscene Dr. Seuss writing.

We totally planned you, son/daughter.

It was just a good time, and I didn't see her again for like a week or two.

Later down the road, she was late for her period, and, according to the nurses/doctors at the clinic, The time of conception (got her pregnant) must have been the first day I met her.

We had been ****ing on a daily basis for a while, but I thought I was in love with my original girlfriend, Stephanie. Stephanie was this girl I was infatuated with AND in love with for a year or two. She hadn't been giving me love in the way I envisioned it. We were more like friends, but I was in love with her, and wanted her badly.

Steph wouldn't have any kind of sex with me, no matter what. Not even kiss, and I was inexperienced and insecure, so it hurt.

Amber was totally opposite. She like worshiped me. I felt so good looking and secure, that she me feel I was too good for her. She was a bit annoying since she was SOOOO quiet. Like, it was actually difficult to get her to even speak. But many guys would kill for a girl like that ;)

OK so I stayed with the girl I got pregnant, Amber, for like 3 years, in retrospect, maybe I should have kept the kid and married her.

There were serious trust issues. My best friend supposedly raped her once I moved, but he claimed she wanted it. She didn't report it to the police, so I suspect they just both wanted it. I was really pissed off. Things were different after that.

We both started to get pretty jealous of each other, and I didn't trust her anymore. I started cheating and flirting around, telling girls my misfortune about my girlfriend and my best friend.

So I met someone else who was really ****ing pretty (Jen), and started ****ing her immediately, then broke up with Amber, and Amber went physco. She like punched mirrors and stalked me.

Dunno if thats confusing - too lazy to add anything else.

Basically, Anyway, skipping back some, so I guess Amber told her mother she was not having her period, and was pregnant, and her mother told us to NEVER tell her father.

Father is big, father is strict as Hitler, father's little girl is ****ing me.

I paid half, and her mother paid half of the abortion.

Amber was crying and stuff after the abortion, and I didn't understand it at the time. They told me girls are often in shock afterwords.

Anyway, I ended up cheating on Jen with Amber at least once. After all, I still loved her, and she was stalking me, looking all hot too.

I would come home and she would be in my driveway. Or she would get dropped off at my house while I was out front with Jen. Like Whoa, this is a really uncomfortable situation. Also, a cat-fight waiting to happen.

She was pretty crushed. I wasn't hurt about leaving her - I guess thats the way it goes.

I have heard that women grieve, and men replace. Guess thats what happened in this case at least.

Jen found out that I ****ed around with Amber again, and I told her, I'm sorry, I do still love Amber, but I'm not in love with her, and it was a mistake, etc.

Eventually I got really jealous of Jen's male friends because She was hot. She would COMPLETELY ignore me when at parties and stuff. Like not one word.

When I got home one day, I told her off, and broke up with her.

I regretted it. I was crazy about her. Called her right back, and she was like, "no your right, we should break up"

Me = crying.

Stephanie shows up out of the blue (tracked me down somehow at my new house)

She said I looked like the rapper B.Real from Cypress hill now, and we get drunk, and not only did she finally let me kiss her, we went all the way. We got in fight, and I was cussing her out (I was really ****ing drunk, and probably high on weed.) I never heard from her again.

There would be other girls. Many other girls. An even greater love of my life, but that doesn't change the outcome. I regret the abortion. I don't care about money now that I am not struggling with a car payment, insurance, rent, etc. I easily pay my bills now. So I guess it's easy to say that love is more important than money. You will have to decide for yourself. I will warn you though. I would trade everything I own, for a family built on true love. So I would put a family that loves me in front of not having to struggle to pay bills. You might not.

I still love all of these girls, and a few others that I loved in my life.

Wasn't that an interesting story? You kids here will have interesting stories to tell too.

So what story will you tell?

1) The one where you sexed up a handful of cute girls, and ended up lonely and family-less? No heir to the throne?

2) Or the one where you ended up marrying the girl you lost your virginity to, having kids and living happily ever after with children that make you proud?

3) Or some combination of the both, or something completely different?

Only time will tell.....................
Personally, getting married to your first love isn't all that great, imo. You can't expect to have experienced everything in life with that one person. I'd hate to marry the first girl, then worry about 10 years down the line, what I missed...that's just cheating/divorce waiting to happen...and I'd rather keep searching.

Yeah sure, people find the perfect one from the start and stick with it, but I don't think I would be so lucky.
She might not even be pregnant so you don't need to worry.........YET.
But if she is then don't worry, sit down and talk to her see what she wants to do.
Personally, getting married to your first love isn't all that great, imo. You can't expect to have experienced everything in life with that one person. I'd hate to marry the first girl, then worry about 10 years down the line, what I missed...that's just cheating/divorce waiting to happen.

Thats exactly what happend to my best friend - married his first love - high school sweetheart, cheating, divorce some years down the line, but he has a wonderful son that means the world to him.
I've got a friend with a similar issue. Your only real option is to convince her to have an abortion, at all costs. You don't want to be slapped with child support or be chained to her forever if you don't love her. If either of those fail, I'm sorry man, but you've had it. :(
^ truth

Also Willeh is without internets until Friday-ish, so we'll just have to hold our breaths until then.
*Holds breath*

[muffled]F*ck it stiggy i cant take it anym-[/muffled]

*pulls out the knife from Azner's back*

Anyone else unable to wait?

If willie doesnt get back to us soon (friday) then im gunna have to impregnate HIM!
*pulls out the knife from Azner's back*

Anyone else unable to wait?

If willie doesnt get back to us soon (friday) then im gunna have to impregnate HIM!

So you thought you'd kill me eh.

I never trusted yah.

That mas mein decoy.
*Takes out Kalashnikova & sprays gunfire all over the place*
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