For Ace

For Vegeta
The laying of the Whitehouse's first cornerstone, by Washington in full Freemason Attire.


A stain-glassed prayer window found within the Whitehouse. Washington more or less praying to the all-seeing eye.

Krynn Dogg said:
Holy shit. GW had a huuuuge torso.

Oh indeed, if America wasn't so Christian during the earlier days you would have a Pagan-style statue of him.


This sculpture depicting a bare chested and fiery Washington (modeled after Zeus of Olympia) was meant to be put on display at the Capitol. It caused controversy and made people uncomfortable in very Christian, very puritan early America. Nobody really understood why they had to look at a naked Washington. They also did not understand why he was portrayed as a pagan god. It is now in the Smithsonian.
Pretty funny how it wasn't allowed to be displayed at the capitol, but being displayed in a museum that is in the capitol is totally fine.

Well I guess it would be for the sake of archiving history, rather than worship/etc.


An apotheosis can be defined as the exaltation of a subject to divine level. In other words, this painting depicts the elevation of George Washington to a god-man status, like Jesus Christ. He is shown seated on a rainbow and behind him is the gateway, the vortex, the sungate to the heavens (the spirit world). The dome esoterically represents the womb giver of life. Washington is about to exit the womb of the dome to experience rebirth as an immortal god. William Henry has appropriately noted that Jesus Christ’s divinity was portrayed in a similar way in ancient religious art.

Alchemy is both a philosophy and a practice with an aim of achieving ultimate wisdom as well as immortality, involving the improvement of the alchemist as well as the making of several substances described as possessing unusual properties.

The ultimate goal of alchemy is the achievement of the “Great Work” which is the transmutation of base metals into gold or, esoterically, the transmutation of men into gods. The painting reflects this harmony between the elements of alchemy, which are air, fire, water and earth who are embodied respectively by Hermes, Vulcan, Ceres and Poseidon. George Washington himself is portrayed in a similar fashion as the figure of “Alchemy” on the very esoteric Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral.





W. Henry said:
In alchemical symbolism Washington’s throne is the Seat of Wisdom. He is comparable to Alchemy onthe Seal of the Great Work at Notre Dame Cathedral. Commenting on this seal in The Mystery of the Cathedrals, Fulcanelli says Alchemy is represented by a woman with her head ‘in’ the clouds. Seated on a throne, she holds in her left hand a scepter, the sign of royal power, while her right hand supports two books, one closed (esotericism), the other open (exotericism). Supported between her knees and running up her body is a the scala philosphorum — the ladder of the philosophers — also known as the scala dei or stairway to heaven. Like Alchemy, George Washington is in the clouds. Instead of a scepter he has a downturned sword. He directs us to an open book. This is the book of light, the book of heavenly secrets. What are these secrets?
Thankyou. Christ, for a forum that can sniff out hotlinking like a shark honing in on blood particles, you think someone might've noticed the slightly suggestive file name "lady_gaga_as_a_man". :P

I'm pretty sure only 3 people even saw your question. I had to go back and search for your posts to see what you were even talking about.
Hey Kinslayer just inspired me.

My computer is ****ing dregging at the moment, and doesn't seem to play .gifs once they're saved to my computer - even my old animated avatar no longer seems to play (Hence the static avatar before your very eyes)

So while I go medieval on my PC's ass, do you think somebody could do me a quick favour, and do like, two minutes of .gif editing for me?

I might give you thanks in my signature, etc.

The .gif is too big to upload as an avatar in it's full form, so I was planning on removing all frames after #29, and putting #1 in the place of #30 to make it more loop-friendly?

Help a bro out?

EDIT: Taviow is now my main squeeze.
Jesus, mods are watching this shit like a hawk. I wonder if this new system included commission for infractions. It would explain this stupid rule and why they're all over every god damn post.

Also, KA is a fag. I bet he wouldn't even have sex with this chick if she were real.

twilight is gay

Wow. I now have a much less reasonable hatred towards Robert Patterson.

EDIT: Goddamn't. The only infraction I've ever gotten.

Thanks for ruining my reputation Pi.



What a wonderful advertisement.
I'm pretty sure only 3 people even saw your question. I had to go back and search for your posts to see what you were even talking about.
Right, because nobody is typing words before their images in this thread. Nosiree, not a single post in here where the image is just there to keep the mods happy.

I don't understand where you manage to unearth this stuff KA.

snipped picture(s) of cultural food

Do you see the carrots in the Beijing family's picture? I found carrots like that in Japan... those carrots are so good that they ruined me for carrots, since the local varieties are comparatively terrible. I love carrots... in case anyone thinks that eating tons of carrots won't turn you a shade of orange, I went through that for a couple years personally. They taste like garden variety carrots, but they're huge. Does anyone know how to get these in California? The pic below was from my trip to Japan. I may have eaten more carrots than sushi.

Right, because nobody is typing words before their images in this thread. Nosiree, not a single post in here where the image is just there to keep the mods happy.


I miss most people's posts in this thread now that we are bombarded with hoards of dumb images.

Do you see the carrots in the Beijing family's picture? I found carrots like that in Japan... those carrots are so good that they ruined me for carrots, since the local varieties are comparatively terrible. I love carrots... in case anyone thinks that eating tons of carrots won't turn you a shade of orange, I went through that for a couple years personally. They taste like garden variety carrots, but they're huge. Does anyone know how to get these in California? The pic below was from my trip to Japan. I may have eaten more carrots than sushi.

I get the feeling you were using that carrot as a fake penis to scare someone or something.