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Antarctica probably.


No but seriously, i need real sauce.
The original is far funnier. Why did they add that other penguin?
The original is far funnier. Why did they add that other penguin?

Probably because they saw the original first, and after seeing it so many times, they changed it up to make it far funnier than it was by that point.

Kinda like how you like the "new" version more than the "old."
Naw the one with 1 penguin is way funnier.
Looks like sewage at the bottom of that pit thing.
It's a drainage hole thing in a lake, or body of water near a dam probably.
Did he get hit with the ban hammer? :o
EDIT: oh well, hope its just a temp ban.
I was just thinking to myself "Hey we should get some Banimal up in this mofo"

Banimal is clearly up in this mofo as it is.
hahaha oh wow

You should send a message to the email in the gif.
Send the gif in the email? Now that's more devious.
Its from some show where he claimed he could see into the future when he had these attacks.
I can't see what the elongated mouth could possibly see after that ****ing picture.

I literally can't unsee it.
I'm trying to figure out what it is myself. O_O
I think it has to do with that pocket of white-whataever to the left?
Its his hand holding the gun. Its really hard to see. Took me a while.


I still can't unsee it. *Spirals into nothingness*
I know the story behind it. The man claims he can fly - and no, it's a clip from Turkish television.
He sounds like that snotty kid in the playground who would always ruin the game by saying something like "yeah well I've got a forcefield and nothing can go through it ever, even things you haven't thought of also my gun can shoot through everything ever and I already shot you so you're dead and I win."

Yea I agree with Farrow.. How did that even sell? He must have no villains, there would be no crime.. Hhonestly nothing would happen because he'd already have prevented it. What a shitty superhero.
GER was the climax of the series. That chapter right there is right before the denouement chapter. Originally, Giorno Giovanna's stand, Gold Experience, only had the power to change inorganic objects into living organisms, like he might turn a cigarette lighter into a plant or a wire into a snake. Later on he realized he could create pieces of living things, so he could transform a bullet that was buried inside someone's body into muscle tissue or blood vessels. So the series up until that point was him realizing different ways he could use that power, and trying to overcome enemies with just that.

And then he gets pierced by this arrow that makes people who don't have abilities gain abilities (or die), and makes people who already have powers increase their power in strange ways. Gold Experience became Gold Experience Requiem, and got this power. However, it's a bit unlike that kid who says "I have a forcefield," because Giorno doesn't even know he has a forcefield. The only time GER ever shows this ability was that one time, against Diavolo and King Crimson, and time was stopped. Giorno had no idea what transpired; when time resumed Diavolo was already gone, having been sentenced to have his death reverted to "zero" for eternity. Giorno isn't even aware his stand is sentient.

Anway that part of the series ended there. There's a denouement and Giorno becomes the head of the mafia. It's kind of funny that you said, "There would be no crime," Dog, because the whole point of that story was Giorno trying to become a crime lord. He wasn't a superhero. And anyway, if he had been, wouldn't that make him the BEST superhero, since there would be no crime? How is that a shitty superhero? That's the best hero. NO CRIME, EVER.

Also Dog, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has sold over 70 million copies and has been ongoing for 20 years.
Anyone know what this is all about?


if you watch in reverse it's obviously a fake:


he's obviously rolling on the floor into shot of the camera, then jumping onto a couch to have a serious conversation
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