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Nah, theres like 6-8 inches between the wall and the portal. Thats why hes having such a hard time getting though, because his leg is stuck between the wall behind him, and the wall the portal is on.

You've never been in a room that was 8 inches wide before?
It looks like they took an image of Walken flying against the wall on the right and pasted a portal around his leg. They didn't even erase the part of the wall that appears inside the ring of the portal and didn't feather the portal edge with its background. Not to mention the portal doesn't even appear to be on the wall. Ugh.
Imagine tyring to talk to a guy who speaks like that over xbox live in a game of Battlefield or Call of Duty.

I do it all the time. It's a pain in the ass.

IMAGE EDIT: While on amazon, I came across this.

Glasgow snip.

Having heard the atrocious Glaswegian accent in a movie before, I read that out in my own terrible impersonation of a Glaswegian accent and cracked myself up.
The Twitter one should read: 'How mobile phones are making people 90% more vapid.'
Doesn't Cadbury have that shade of purple trademarked?
Purple Drink is delicious. A friend and I were in Super Wal-Mart and we came across a carton of Purple Drink and we flipped the fuck out. It really is different than grape juice or purple kool-aid.
Purple Drink is delicious. A friend and I were in Super Wal-Mart and we came across a carton of Purple Drink and we flipped the fuck out. It really is different than grape juice or purple kool-aid.

my friend is white and he buys purple drink almost every day. it makes me rage inside that i can't have any at that particular moment

Goddamn, that hurts my eyes.
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