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It was pretty cool back in the day when Suicide42(Or whatever number) made interpretive drawings of members and their respective posts.

There's also the arena comic.
We should definitely have a stickied thread with all the major based art and other such wonderful creations of our artistic queer members.

I will go find a snarky image
took me a minute or so to find a good one on /v/


this is a great way to start an argument too because there are a few MW2 fanboys on this forum

I like what you've done here.
Staples Center? I hope to god you city folk call it by its original name.
Staples Center? I hope to god you city folk call it by its original name.
Staples Center is such a shit venue for things. There's nothing to eat within reasonable walking distance except like this one Subway down by the Ritz Milner and who wants Subway all the time when you're there nobody that's who I mean how the hell are you gonna have the Staples Center and the LA Convention Center and then you ain't got any food around there shit's stupid there's not even a Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles
Chicken and Waffles in the same store?

America LOL
Don't knock chicken and waffles dude. It's the most amazing thing you'll ever eat.


Look at this scrumptious, perfectly-cooked piece of fried chicken. The skin, delicately spiced, not too crispy, not that limp "peel away" skin either. Just right. And underneath, tender, piping hot white meat that melts off the bone and into your mouth.

It sits atop a waffle unlike any crude freezer eggo or those things they pass off at IHOP; no, THIS, my friend, this waffle is the most glorious waffle you shall ever taste. It's tender as a pancake while maintaining its rigidity, and the flavor of buttermilk explodes like fireworks on your tongue.

It is the best piece of chicken and the best waffle you'll ever eat, and they're on the same plate, TOGETHER.
It might just be 'cause I have an upset stomach right now.

But shotgun not.

EDIT: It should be noted that you can't really just get a waffle here like you probably can in the land of infidels.
Oh, really? That sucks, man. Are waffles traded like rare currency over there?
I've only ever seen really terrible pre-cooked frozen waffles that are the size of a playing card.
That is absolutely horrible.

Also I was hoping maybe the situation was like Mad Max where roaming bands of drifters held your country's waffle supply in check.
I dont even understand how chicken and waffles is eaten, with the bones being in the way and all
You take a bite of the chicken, then you take a bite of the waffle. If you're really hardcore you take a bite of the chicken and a bite of the waffle AT THE SAME TIME but don't do it if you're a beginner bro because it's dangerous.
That is absolutely horrible.

Also I was hoping maybe the situation was like Mad Max where roaming bands of drifters held your country's waffle supply in check.

Oh, we're all roaming bands of drifters, we just eat Pineapple Fritters instead of waffles.
Ugh, that image is so reposted even Stern posted it once.
I used to think you were cool, Ace. Then you posted something Stern posted and that would mean I thought Stern was cool via the property of transferrence, so I had to put a stop to that.
I used to think you were cool, Ace. Then you posted something Stern posted and that would mean I thought Stern was cool via the property of transferrence, so I had to put a stop to that.

You guys are just mad you're fags.
That is so wrong, yet I can't stop laughing.
I don't even know what a "fritter" is.
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