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He hotlinked. No matter the quality of the post. One of his images only loaded halfway. D;
God, dude. Do you read any posts at all? People were JUST talking about Akira getting infractioned for hotlinking.
Sorry, thought I copy pasta'd the link from imageshack, but I guess I didn't. I'll go fix that.


Image would be okay if the mac was something like this:

i'll plead ignorance on this one.

Never really bothered to pay attention to "hotlinking" or whatever. So, what's hotlinking? Why is it frowned upon? I always used to just copy and paste the address of the images and post it here before what's the problem now?
The only place I hotlink to are wikipedia images.
Is that supposed to be okay?

Absolutely. Wikipedia developers have said hot-linking bandwidth consumption is so low that it is not presently an issue, and will state in the future when it does become an issue and they change their policy regarding it.

Our policy isn't that all images must be rehosted, it's that if there is any possibility of problems as described, then you better hope you don't subject others to them.

Wikipedia images do not have those issues, ever.
And yes I'm aware that KA or some other moderator is going to come in and say something along the lines, of "Blah blah that's not the spirit of the policy and blah blah blah" and say I'm wrong... but until I hear that contradiction I'll continue doing it because A: I rarely ever link to wikipedia images, and B: wikipedia developers have stated hotlinking is currently acceptable. I mean Jesus Christ, it's wikipedia. They've essentially stated that as of present they don't consider it bandwidth theft. If bandwidth consumption from it becomes a problem in the future, they reserve the right to change their stance, and I respect that.
Clearly there isn't a rule about hotlinking (although the very first post of this thread states that you should rehost your images) and I'm not going to go on a crusade, banning people who hotlink. If you're hotlinking from a site that has a specific policy that states that it's okay, then that's fine, but really the main problem with linking straight from sites is that 1) A lot of the time the images don't show up or are broken and people never seem to bother to check this, and 2) It's just common decency to not steal other people's bandwidth.
Clearly there isn't a rule about hotlinking (although the very first post of this thread states that you should rehost your images) and I'm not going to go on a crusade, banning people who hotlink. If you're hotlinking from a site that has a specific policy that states that it's okay, then that's fine, but really the main problem with linking straight from sites is that 1) A lot of the time the images don't show up or are broken and people never seem to bother to check this, and 2) It's just common decency to not steal other people's bandwidth.

How are you supposed to know if other people can't see the images you posted other than them telling you after the fact.

Image Dump used to be so simple. :(
Clearly there isn't a rule about hotlinking (although the very first post of this thread states that you should rehost your images) and I'm not going to go on a crusade, banning people who hotlink. If you're hotlinking from a site that has a specific policy that states that it's okay, then that's fine, but really the main problem with linking straight from sites is that 1) A lot of the time the images don't show up or are broken and people never seem to bother to check this, and 2) It's just common decency to not steal other people's bandwidth.

I rehost all of my images and always have, with exception of course to wikipedia images as I have previously stated, which I rarely ever post.

And I was fully prepared to rehost my wikipedia images too if I was told I had to.

I find directly hosting to wikipedia images to be helpful because if people have an interest they can always go there and backtrack to the article itself easily.
How are you supposed to know if other people can't see the images you posted other than them telling you after the fact.

That's exactly why you should always rehost, just to be safe.

This image features the Atlantis' cabin and forward cargo bay and a section of the International Space Station while the two spacecraft remain docked, photographed during the STS-132 mission's first spacewalk.

I think a company should invest in a VR connection to Earth and lets say $100 a pop gets you 15 mins in a machine and you get to control the camera and shit and look around. If I won the lottery I'd at least make a satellite that does this and I'd be even richer


its like this only better
I already posted this on the day Atlantis landed from its final mission.

Also, I posted the full size photo.

Mine's better. :arms:

nice bro! but what do you think of my idea, of having a satellite where you can control the camera up in space for a small fee?? I think it would be awesome and all you'd need to do is head down to your local museum. I just need a few hundred more million dollars to go :(
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