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Impossible. I think the upside down cross is absolutely true, and therefore, it cannot be any more true than i think.
Made this out of boredom, not sure if lulzworthy but atleast i tried.

There are so many things flawed with that comparison that I'm not even going to go into it.

I agree that metric is better, but that image is so ****ing stupid.

I've always wondered why people think metric is better?

I don't really care, it's just whichever one is in front of me I'll use, but how is one better than they other?
I've always wondered why people think metric is better?

I don't really care, it's just whichever one is in front of me I'll use, but how is one better than they other?

One is standardized and uses base numbers(1, 10, 100, 10000)[centimeter, decameter, meter, kilometer(? I might be missing a 0)] and the other is ridiculous and and has the use of several illogical distances. Inches? Why are 12 inches a foot, and not 10? 10 would be easier.

Likewise, why is a mile 3000 something feet? I can't remember it for the life of me since I don't often use it in everyday life. A 'standard' is used in most sciences as well. A 'meter', and then several other 'x'meters with varying prefixes. It's simple to remember as long as you understand basic Latin and Greek.
One is standardized and uses base numbers(1, 10, 100, 10000)[centimeter, decameter, meter, kilometer(? I might be missing a 0)] and the other is ridiculous and and has the use of several illogical distances. Inches? Why are 12 inches a foot, and not 10? 10 would be easier.

Likewise, why is a mile 3000 something feet? I can't remember it for the life of me since I don't often use it in everyday life. A 'standard' is used in most sciences as well. A 'meter', and then several other 'x'meters with varying prefixes. It's simple to remember as long as you understand basic Latin and Greek.

2, 3, 4, and 6 go into 12.
2 and 5 go into 10.
When the system was invented, people didn't have calculators or decimals at their ready disposal; they had basic math. Yes that's not true anymore and seems silly these days and I'm not justifying its continued existence but back then it served its purpose. A mile started out as 5,000 feet, but the British modified it to be based based off of furlongs, which was what the British used to measure field distances. Since a furlong (660 ft) doesn't divide evenly, they increased the mile to make it 8 furlongs (5280 ft). I'm not defending that; it's pretty f*cked up.
Likewise, why is a mile 3000 something feet? I can't remember it for the life of me since I don't often use it in everyday life.
[centimeter, decameter, meter,

Apparently you can't remember the metric system either. It's decimeter. Decameter is after meter. And you also forgot hectometer.

Gee, it sure is simple isn't it?

You ruined your argument because it seems more like you just have not much use for any measuring systems and thus forget stuff from both metric and imperial.
2, 5 and 10 are much simpler to handle than 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12.
2, 5 and 10 are much simpler to handle than 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12.

2 and 5 are fewer numbers than 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12. They wanted to cover all the bases when trying to make it divide more-or-less evenly for any division you can throw at it.
I'm starting to think you're closed-minded, just like this one college roommate when I was trying to explain this same concept to him. Get your brain out of the calculator.
2 and 5 are fewer numbers than 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12. They wanted to cover all the bases when trying to make it divide more-or-less evenly for any division you can throw at it.
I'm starting to think you're closed-minded, just like this one college roommate when I was trying to explain this same concept to him. Get your brain out of the calculator.

This is a little absurd. More numbers to divide by to get more even results? Maybe I don't know a lot about the subject, but it seems to me that a base10 system is much more accurate, less error prone, and easier to visualize. Also easier to teach by, you might say, ten fold.
Thanks V-Man, for reminding us what thread we're posting in.

Guess what the black areas represent.
If 10 is so awesome, how come compasses have 360 degrees? How come there's 60 minutes in an hour?

Because 60 is divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30, morans.
But seriously, everyone has 10 fingers and toes.

Also, 10 just happens to be easy to multiply/divide BECAUSE WE USE A BASE 10 SYSTEM WHAT DO YOU THINK THE WORD DECIMAL MEANS.
People with six finger hands prefer the Imperial system. Fact.
Kind of saw it coming, it was more like a donkey-punchline.
Unless there's a mirror involved, donkey punches aren't seen coming.

EDIT: I'm just fine up here not making a new post, Danny.
We will never compare with this man. I'm not entirely sure if that's a bad thing.

Hahahaha, wow. I gotta say I never expected CSI to be that bad, but man...
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