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Due to extensive research done by the University of Pittsburgh, diamond has been confirmed as the hardest metal known to man. The research is as follows. Pocket-protected scientists built a wall of iron and crashed a diamond car into it at 400 miles per hour, and the car was unharmed. They then built a wall out of diamond and crashed a car made of iron moving at 400 miles an hour into the wall, and the wall came out fine. They then crashed a diamond car made of 400 miles per hour into a wall, and there were no survivors. They crashed 400 miles per hour into a diamond traveling at iron car. Western New York was powerless for hours. They rammed a wall of metal into a 400 mile per hour made of diamond, and the resulting explosion shifted the earth's orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards mid-western Prussia at 400 billion miles per hour. They shot a diamond made of iron at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused two wayward airplanes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with two buildings in downtown New York. They spun 400 miles at diamond into iron per wall. The results were inconclusive. Finally, they placed 400 diamonds per hour in front of a car made of wall traveling at miles per iron, and the result proved without a doubt that diamonds were the hardest metal of all time, if not just the hardest metal known to man.

I love you so much, sometimes.
I don't think she was the one mailing his mom.

Edit: Wow, missed some pages there... I'll make up for it by posting this picture I found.
HAHA Hilarious.
That picture reminds me of that flash of the "All your base". Too bad it's not the gif version with him actually kicking!
I don't even understand :(

Also, YES - meme overused. But this still about made me lose it while on the phone with a customer.

Cmon, the anti-anime krynndoggy figured that out and you couldn't?

I dunno. The face didn't scream "raperaperape" to me, more like he was disturbed by what he saw. Also what was with the sunglasses?

Catting while you cat FTW.

I don't know how you guys don't get the face. I didn't know it was a meme, but to me it just looked sorta like "daaayum" and restraining himself from tapping that ass or something. And the sunglasses are because he's like feeling pretty cool for scoping that fine booty.
Eh, now that you say it like that I guess I see it. Not sure why someone went through the trouble of making that punchline though.

Just because I want to be the first Google search result to say this, I love how XZibit has become the patron saint of nesting.
Photoshop error detected in upper right corner, otherwise cool wallpaper.
thanks for the new wallpaper, it fits my new lcd quite nicely!

From some fake documentary about a serial killer. I hear it's good, but I don't know the title or anything. @__@

I just watched this movie and saw this scene - holy ****. Even though it's fake it gets really messed up after the end of that gif.

He like stabs her in the neck with those things and blood starts coming out of her mouth but she ends up drowning in it because the tape over her mouth. The scene goes on for like 10 minutes straight just of her screaming and dying.

That movie is ****ed.
Thanks for making that gif all the more scary as ****.
What the fuck, that's not the hardest metal known to man. Diamond is the hardest metal.
Diamond is not a metal. A diamond is a giant Carbon molecule. Carbon is a nonmetal. Diamond is not a metal.
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