Imbecilism on a new level!

Because the space station circles the Earth 16 times a day, theoretically a Muslim would have to pray 80 times a day while staying there.

I lol'd. However guidelines state they will only pray five times a day...Bleedin' infidels.
When the Earth becomes insignificant and then destroyed, what will become of the Holy land? Will the dust be worshipped as 3 parts in a trillion?
Dude, do you know how difficult it is to pray towards Mecca when you're rotating above it really, really fast?
Dude, do you know how difficult it is to pray towards Mecca when you're rotating above it really, really fast?


Just replace Jesus with a Muslim worshiper, strap on a GPS with a rotary mechanism. Blammo!
Imagine if it was a Hare Krishna worshipper (member?). They have to repeat their mantra like over a thousand times a day I think.
Religion should be an excuse for everything.

That guy believes some other guy came back from the dead (1-Up?) then ascended into the heavens on a cloud (Mario?)!
But it's his religion...

They believe homosexuals should be stoned to death!
But it's their religion...

They want to teach young impressionable kids about the earth being created in 7 days, and rejecting all modern science!
But it's their religion...

They think that 2 airliners should be crashed into buildings in NYC in revenge for support of their enemies!
But it's their religion...
But it's their religion...

bush is also stupid, why can't i make fun of him?

everything that stupid should be mocked. it's not a question if it is a real concern to me (eventough you should be concerned, since we are sending up there people whose believes may hinder progress).

i find it very ironic and sad that we are sending people in space, whose believes are somewhat contradictory to what is my view of space exploration.

these believes played a major role in suppressing human knowledge.

if you don't know what i the movie "Contact"...where the commission board argued if they should send a religious person or not.

i absolutely hate when proud religious persons take secular scientific achievements for granted.

they actually instructed the astronaut how to wash, eat,...the nerve of them! if i was in charge i'd throw them out the airlock.
It's cool.

The world should have complete access to space. Only with our pooled resources do we stand a chance of building diverse space vessels and colonizing mars.
It's cool.

The world should have complete access to space. Only with our pooled resources do we stand a chance of building diverse space vessels and colonizing mars.

i couldn't agree more, but i would limit that to only the enlightened, intellectual and secular people of the world.

religion had it's time, let's not infest other worlds with it.
Religion belongs in the dark ages... it simply cant apply in todays world - we know so much more.

The more we discover, the more we take away from religion. Thus, religion has nothing. Religion is merely an excuse for a lack of knowledge. Where did the heavens and the earth come from? Oh, god made them. He can do stuff like that.
Religion belongs in the dark ages... it simply cant apply in todays world - we know so much more.

The more we discover, the more we take away from religion. Thus, religion has nothing. Religion is merely an excuse for a lack of knowledge. Where did the heavens and the earth come from? Oh, god made them. He can do stuff like that.

it's funny...if god knew we'd be venturing into space, he could have written down some instruction. but no...some "wise guys" have to make up some rules...

seriously guys, doesn't such stupidity amaze and simultaneously shock you?

now it's just instructions...wait a few hundred years and in the year 2231 edition of Koran you can read

"if thy ion thrusters are badly touched upon, place thy holy plasma inhibitors on thy ion thrusters exhaust socket, so thy vessel shall be restored to full vitality. For safe journey, thou shall never forget to beat thy wife with thy big metal rod!"
the sole purpose of religion was to tell people to do good and follow some useful principles in life that may help others and ourselves.. but look what has happened to it now a days..
the sole purpose of religion was to tell people to do good and follow some useful principles in life that may help others and ourselves.. but look what has happened to it now a days..

No, the sole purpose of any religion is to ensure that it survives.Religions are merely very successful memes that survive by means of being very transmittable, and impossible to get rid of having invaded the mind of a host. Since most religions ascribe to believing them on the sole purpose of faith, and not for the means of improving the human condition, they cannot possibly be said to exist for the purpose of bettering people's lives. Religions are actually much more humanistic today than they were a thousand years ago, and I see this as a good thing.
No, the sole purpose of any religion is to ensure that it survives.Religions are merely very successful memes that survive by means of being very transmittable, and impossible to get rid of having invaded the mind of a host. Since most religions ascribe to believing them on the sole purpose of faith, and not for the means of improving the human condition, they cannot possibly be said to exist for the purpose of bettering people's lives. Religions are actually much more humanistic today than they were a thousand years ago, and I see this as a good thing.

But why not just be a secular humanist? It is still humanism, and you cut the paranormal crap!
My religion doesn't look down on science. Hell, to be honest, I'm wondering if a lot of the things the gods did aren't "simple" ways to state Scientific things, or interventions?

For instance, in our creation, Odin, Vi, and Villi "carved us out of a log". From an Ash they created the first man and an Elm the first woman. Then they gave them wisdom, life, etc. From there they where to "teach others", which implies more where made.

What if this "carving" or "shaping in the image of the gods" really means they taught one man and one woman ancient human things and then had them spread what they knew? Religion isn't always Ignorance. Hell, our chief god carved his eyeball out to get MORE knowledge :|.

Just because they want that INDIVIDUAL to have an interpretation on how to do his CUSTOMS in space, doesn't mean JACK. It's his culture, and he has to adapt it. I'd adapt my culture if I went up there.
My religion doesn't look down on science. Hell, to be honest, I'm wondering if a lot of the things the gods did aren't "simple" ways to state Scientific things, or interventions?

For instance, in our creation, Odin, Vi, and Villi "carved us out of a log". From an Ash they created the first man and an Elm the first woman. Then they gave them wisdom, life, etc. From there they where to "teach others", which implies more where made.

What if this "carving" or "shaping in the image of the gods" really means they taught one man and one woman ancient human things and then had them spread what they knew? Religion isn't always Ignorance. Hell, our chief god carved his eyeball out to get MORE knowledge :|.

Just because they want that INDIVIDUAL to have an interpretation on how to do his CUSTOMS in space, doesn't mean JACK. It's his culture, and he has to adapt it. I'd adapt my culture if I went up there.

no you see...that's the problem.

first of all, there is absolutely no proof that man was made like this. this story lacks even more data than Christianity.

second...can you question your believes? say...what if man wasn't made from ash?!

how can't you realize what crap are you throwing out!?!?
no you see...that's the problem.

first of all, there is absolutely no proof that man was made like this. this story lacks even more data than Christianity.

second...can you question your believes? say...what if man wasn't made from ash?!

how can't you realize what crap are you throwing out!?!?

You totally missed the point. Let me break it down.

You totally missed the point. Let me break it down.


it doesn't seems like you support/defend ideas like this. since these ideas are stupid you're not to far off if you really believe in one.
You all know that I'm one of the most outspoken atheists here but this thread is ridiculous. Religion and science/intelligence are not mutually exclusive. There's nothing wrong with an astronaut being prepared to practice and possibly die as his religion dictates even in space. As long as it doesn't mess with the mission, it's not a problem.
You all know that I'm one of the most outspoken atheists here but this thread is ridiculous. Religion and science/intelligence are not mutually exclusive. There's nothing wrong with an astronaut being prepared to practice and possibly die as his religion dictates even in space. As long as it doesn't mess with the mission, it's not a problem.

actually it's expected from an astronaut to be at all times prepared and ready for a task.

he's like praying while and solar panel breaks loose?! what if the food has pork in it? what about women without the veils? seriously this is just stupid.

for me besides the technical incompatibility, there is also the issue with ethics.

religion should be left in the dungeons where it belongs not in space.
Now now, play nice.

You may be aethiest but you can still be tolerant.
I've got jverne's back. He's just stating his opinions strongly, not being outright insulting. If he was criticising a political party for example, you wouldn't bat an eye. There's no reason religion should be given special consideration.

Religion and science/intelligence are not mutually exclusive. There's nothing wrong with an astronaut being prepared to practice and possibly die as his religion dictates even in space. As long as it doesn't mess with the mission, it's not a problem.

Explain to me how Muslim faith (or any faith for that matter) isn't incompatible with science. Really, I'd like to know. Even if this doesn't interfere with the mission in any way - which I highly doubt given the incredibly busy schedules of astronauts - it sets a lamentable precedent. The cutting edge of science is supposed to be enlightened, and making room for faith is not laudable. :\

I hereby declare we need more outspoken-er atheists on

Yea, that's my 16 posts talkin'!
like Lh'owon mentioned. i'm not insulting i'm just outraged by such events.

advanced science is (should be) the realm for enlightened people, religion should have no part in it.

i have my style of view on intolerance...

the concept is simple, i just throw two comparison ideas on a Libra and see who has more potential of doing good.

Science...medicine (which outright pwns all other arguments), more free time, fun, safety,...

Religion...god up there watching my every move, false believe in eternal heaven or hell, stupid nonsense rules, dividing people, lack of medicine substituted by prayer, no free time,...

science and enlightened society can do everything religion can and way more.

tolerance...religion wants to suppers and control science. science doesn't have any main point like religion does, so it's a good, flexible thing and not even close to a threat.

it's really hard to choose! :rolleyes:

if it was for religion all of you who wouldn't agree with it would be burning, decapitated or crucified.
if it was for science everyone would live as best a biological being could.

oh and don't start with the religion is also good and stuff...the bad stuff far outweighs the good.
Mayans were super advanced in mathematical science, and even had the concept of 0 before most other civilizations. Yet they were sacrificing people to their sun-god constantly.

How awesome is that? They didn't even have the concept of a secular society. No civilization in the Americas did.

Point being, that people like to say Religion isn't conductive to scientific development of any kind. It might not be, but it also isn't necessarily restrictive either.

People make most of their opinions based on the Big 3... Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. They take the concept that these religions are angered by people trying to figure out the world around them using non religious means. Not all civilizations are that way, and not even all people who practice less tolerant religions think that way.

The civilizations in the Americas as a prime example to show that even though these people are fanatically religious, they don't stop trying to discover more about the world and worlds around them.

It doesn't make it any less amazing to discover how things work simply because you worship a god. The fact of the matter is, you are still unlocking the sciences of the world around you. And despite lacking in outside influences of the many hundreds of countries in the rest of the world, these people were quite sophisticated in their knowledge of not only mathematical science, but other sciences as well. Nothing in comparison to what we know today, but for their time? Quite considerable.

I'm not making any sense, am I?
You all know that I'm one of the most outspoken atheists here but this thread is ridiculous. Religion and science/intelligence are not mutually exclusive.

I disagree. Religion is the suspension of reason, science is the epitome of all reason. Further, it's the suspension of disbelief, of critical thought, a keystone in science. If you're willing to accept (or presume) the existence of a divine being on nothing at all, what stops you from presuming the existence of goblins? If you're willing to suspend critical thought on one subject, why not on all others? While most religious people are fine with science doesn't mean that in principle they should be. There's plenty of religious scientists, but that fact doesn't mean that the two can co-exist, just that they found some kind of awkward balance. If you're critical and objective in your job as a scientist, why exactly would you suspend that the moment religion enters the discussion?

You're right that being religious doesn't exclude intelligence, but intelligent people can be irrational too, they're just much better at rationalizing their irrationality (and thus theologians were born). But religion comes down to accepting the truth of something without looking at it objectively and critically, the cornerstones of science.
Personally I have always found all this messy rituals and stupid practices in religion dumb. I mean, the sole impetus of religion is to provide a platform in making people follow good morals and do good. However, many religions like Christianity or Muslims take it too far.. (sky high in this case lol..)

for me: 3 things:
1. I believe in One Divine Being (I mean there has got to be..even if it's gman..)
2. Karma
3. Reincarnation..
Personally I have always found all this messy rituals and stupid practices in religion dumb. I mean, the sole impetus of religion is to provide a platform in making people follow good morals and do good. However, many religions like Christianity or Muslims take it too far.. (sky high in this case lol..)

for me: 3 things:
1. I believe in One Divine Being (I mean there has got to be..even if it's gman..)
2. Karma
3. Reincarnation..

sorry, i really don't want to insult you in any way, but i must call you stupid.
since you believe in things that are outright stupid, dated and completely made up.

concerning the soul, karma and all that stupid shit...

todays cybernetic engineers cannot even remotely simulate a fly. as in they cannot construct a neurological net that would be as smart as a fly.
it's simply too complex for our current knowledge.

let me not start on a human brain that is billion times more complex! that's why people need to invent a soul so they can feel comfortable when confronted with this issue.