"Interesting Poses" - The Official Thread for Garrys Mod Screenshots / Movies / etc.

A few me and a guy made in me server (Cannot remember his name) :P


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Would you stop making pictures of npc's making out with others, it's really not amusing. :O
Here's another, she would of been looking at a headcrab.. but some guy crashed the server :(


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Allantois said:
ok Here goes I have yet another comic to post.
This one is a whopping 22 pictures long. But its well worth it.
Lots of good action...

Great work again, Allantois. These comic series rock! :laugh:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/satch919/gm_construct0001.jpg - Getting bitch slapped

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/satch919/gm_construct0002.jpg - Bitch slapped again!

Cubbage goes on the RAMPAGE!!!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/satch919/gm_construct0007.jpg - This is how Eli really lost his leg.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/satch919/gm_construct0009.jpg - Cubbage laughing it up while Eli squirms from under the metal behemoth

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/satch919/gm_construct0010.jpg - The product of Cubbage's reckless driving.
Hehe another quick one, before i go to the land of nod :afro:


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here's a working airplane for garrysmod 5 and buildingblocks final.

fly in circles to go up, just stop moving to land. lots of fun *g*
SecondChance said:
Here's another, she would of been looking at a headcrab.. but some guy crashed the server :(
Looks really funny :E. Never thought about making somethin like that. Nice :thumbs:
I made a "Family Picture" type thing in Garrys Mod. The viewing angle is a bit bad, but else its quite a cool pic. :P


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vsaravia said:
This is the first screenshot I've posted here using garrysmod, and this is the best one I've got out of a few other attempts.

"They have fallen in love"

I don't know why, but it looks like you're forcing them to have sex. It must be the Magnum .357. I think that's pretty funny

But you know what they say, you know it's good art when there are many ways how you can interpret it :E
Elkhound said:
Looks really funny :E. Never thought about making somethin like that. Nice :thumbs:

I made one with formidable looking Breen looking over the background. Didnt think to take a piccy though.
Reginald said:
I made one with formidable looking Breen looking over the background. Didnt think to take a piccy though.
That would look really funny. Don't foget to take a screenshot next time ;).
first 5...


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... sorry for quality.


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edit: people don't seem to get the difference between porn and and a harmless message ;)

it was the hl2 version of [URL Removed], in case anyone cares.
hl2 porn isnt funny anymore...

edit: A picture of a combine officer raping someone anally isnt porn?
is a pic of a comic fox doing the same thing to a comic dog porn?

anyway, it is gone, peace ;)
Seppo said:
I don't know why, but it looks like you're forcing them to have sex. It must be the Magnum .357. I think that's pretty funny

But you know what they say, you know it's good art when there are many ways how you can interpret it :E
Heh, not sure about them being forced to have sex, but come to think of it, it does kind of look like they are being forced to kiss each other.

"Do it or I'll kill you both!"
Messermeier said:
is a pic of a comic fox doing the same thing to a comic dog porn?

Its not an issue of what is and isnt "porn" its the fact this site needs to be kept 'clean' enough for underage people to look at it; as is the site's policy.

Any sexual content such as a metrocop raping someone will be removed.

In future, people who disregard these cautions will be warned. (I believe it is a 3 point infraction)
bliink said:
Its not an issue of what is and isnt "porn" its the fact this site needs to be kept 'clean' enough for underage people to look at it; as is the site's policy.

Any sexual content such as a metrocop raping someone will be removed.

In future, people who disregard these cautions will be warned. (I believe it is a 3 point infraction)
Well seeing as the game is rated M for Mature and that would mean that you would have to be age eighteen or older, it is most probable that one of underage would not be visiting this site. And as I say this, I want it understood that I really hate all the porn that was done with garysmod, its flooding the site. I was just stating that it look like you made your self look rather foolish. :O
itsmygame said:
Well seeing as the game is rated M for Mature and that would mean that you would have to be age eighteen or older, it is most probable that one of underage would not be visiting this site. And as I say this, I want it understood that I really hate all the porn that was done with garysmod, its flooding the site. I was just stating that it look like you made your self look rather foolish. :O

I think not. The fact is that ANYONE can play the game. All it takes is for parents to overlook the violence(And most do) and you have 10 year olds running around CS servers.

So, no. She didn't make herself look foolish. In fact I'm willing to bet that the majority of the HL fanbase is "underage."
Sorry, I hope my first picture didn't go too far... :(


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itsmygame said:
Well seeing as the game is rated M for Mature and that would mean that you would have to be age eighteen or older, it is most probable that one of underage would not be visiting this site. And as I say this, I want it understood that I really hate all the porn that was done with garysmod, its flooding the site. I was just stating that it look like you made your self look rather foolish. :O

The age rating for the game does not affect Site policy that wishes to keep halflife2.net as hospitable as possible for all ages.
Didn't you read what I said? I never mentioned hl2's age rating.. I was talking about this site.
bliink said:
The age rating for the game does not affect Site policy that wishes to keep halflife2.net as hospitable as possible for all ages.
Didn't you read what I said? I never mentioned hl2's age rating.. I was talking about this site.
Well, sorry? I had guessed that becuase the game was rated of a mature sort, then that the site wouldn't have a rule that would limit a users ability to that of all ages. But seeing as pondering as to why a site that is in my opinion the number one site for Half Life 2 would have to restrict itself when it is made for the game that is Mature. But hey, not my site. :O
itsmygame said:
Well, sorry? I had guessed that becuase the game was rated of a mature sort, then that the site wouldn't have a rule that would limit a users ability to that of all ages. But seeing as pondering as to why a site that is in my opinion the number one site for Half Life 2 would have to restrict itself when it is made for the game that is Mature. But hey, not my site. :O

Hey, you're the one who jumped to conclusions... if you've got problems with how this site is run, you can contact munro