"Interesting Poses" - The Official Thread for Garrys Mod Screenshots / Movies / etc.

bliink said:
Hey, you're the one who jumped to conclusions... if you've got problems with how this site is run, you can contact munro
... :rolling:
As the day goes by, the combine relax in front of the TV to watch the news...


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sinkoman said:
I swear that screen looks real! What are your specs and what are you running the game at?

iam runing on med everything...
the pic just looks good because its small....lol
itsmygame said:
Well seeing as the game is rated M for Mature and that would mean that you would have to be age eighteen or older, it is most probable that one of underage would not be visiting this site. And as I say this, I want it understood that I really hate all the porn that was done with garysmod, its flooding the site. I was just stating that it look like you made your self look rather foolish. :O

You only need to be 18 or older to buy the game (U.S.). There are no rules that say anyone under 18 cannot play. This is to help parents control what their kids play.
NetWarriorDan said:
You only need to be 18 or older to buy the game (U.S.). There are no rules that say anyone under 18 cannot play. This is to help parents control what their kids play.

That goes for most of the world. Though it doesn't really prevent you from buying it. It's more of a recommended age.
sorry if this is a bit noobish but how do you get blur effect like that??
Press Usekey while holding camera.
Anyway, Here's my first series of pictures. Nothing Ha-hafunny, more of something interesting you can do with garrys mod.

Whoa! Deadly Flying ExplosiveBarrels of Crimson Chaos Doomfire!

What are those?

Three full combine invasionsquads! I Bet they are in for a nasty surprise....

Bombs Away!

You Evil Mastermind! You set the barrels on fire BEFORE THEY HIT THE GROUND?!

Here goes....

All dead. Poor Combine!

Edit: Here's the final Craneaccidentpicture. Enjoy:
I bound((Bind)), my h key to noclip..I am too lazy to walk places...And it gets the positioning done faster.
How can you set all of the barrels on fire at once? Give them all the same name or something. Whats the Code?
Easy my friend:)
Bind "[button]" "ent_setname X"
Bind "[not the same button]" "ent_fire X ignite"
aim at all the barrels and name them X, when u press the other button it's barbequetime:)
Damn, i just rigged up one shiznit bomb, but when i dropped it on some poor zombies....it crashed:/
Hmm. Maybe it crashed 'cos it wasn't big enough? That's gotta be it! Triple the size next time! :D
FearoftheDomoKun said:
Easy my friend:)
Bind "[button]" "ent_setname X"
Bind "[not the same button]" "ent_fire X ignite"
aim at all the barrels and name them X, when u press the other button it's barbequetime:)
Damn, i just rigged up one shiznit bomb, but when i dropped it on some poor zombies....it crashed:/
Hmm. Maybe it crashed 'cos it wasn't big enough? That's gotta be it! Triple the size next time! :D
Thanks alot :E.

And your bomb looks cool :)
Is there a mod required to do those funny things. u always could include tutorials to doing things like that it would be really cool.
SFPL1 said:
Is there a mod required to do those funny things. u always could include tutorials to doing things like that it would be really cool.

Read the Name of the topic.
i just wanted to know, with Mods, can we actually play them in hl2dm after installing them? or are they always a third party game?
KoreBolteR said:
i just wanted to know, with Mods, can we actually play them in hl2dm after installing them? or are they always a third party game?

garrysmod is completely independant from the rest of the hl2 components. garrysmod does have its own MP now though.
I'll say one (not entirely relevant) thing- it'd be good if someone could implement a kind of universal multiplayer code for use in third-party mods. I.e., take the existing HL2 MP support a step further for the "amateurs" to use. But that's more with Valve and their handling of any future code releases than anything else...

Wait, it is relevant, I've kept my only Garry's screenshot in my signature... I won't be shot!
I'm kinda late to this thread but here's one scene I created. And yes, I know its the same scene but from different angles. And I know I have texture issues :)


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My first "pose"


Kleiner: Gordon check out my pimped out ride.. :farmer: AHHH!

To enjoy this post,First I reccomend downloadin the song "Smerphies dance" and then view this post.Other than that,in order:


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Maddox said:
Brotherly Love

Dog on PMS
Lol I'm gonna make more this is addicting LOL
More lol
Told ya so

You meant PMSing dog for the second one right? That took me a while to figure it out.

And the last one was a bit blegh.

Good start though! I remember getting POed at GMOD because I couldn't get anything to pose right.

Keep trying :thumbs:

done in v3 before this newfangled v5 garrysmod, jk gmod gets better with every release


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Dead-Inside said:
That goes for most of the world. Though it doesn't really prevent you from buying it. It's more of a recommended age.
wrong! in MOST U.S. stores, the clerks ask for I.D. before you buy a M game. not for T, though :P
Ghost3021 said:
wrong! in MOST U.S. stores, the clerks ask for I.D. before you buy a M game. not for T, though :P
thank god they dont do it in my store then, or else i wouldnt have beaten it!
Ghost3021 said:
wrong! in MOST U.S. stores, the clerks ask for I.D. before you buy a M game. not for T, though :P
Ehm, no. It varies from city to city, it seems.