"Interesting Poses" - The Official Thread for Garrys Mod Screenshots / Movies / etc.


Those shooting shots were cool. I dunno why but i put one of them as wallpaper...Keep them coming. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Cool pics Those faces were funny but the end was best. Instead of THE END there was LOL...heheh
In theory, they're great, but you need to work on the posing. Keep up the good work though!
Hectic Glenn said:
Counter Strike vs Halflife 2 (random battle, just had some time) feedback would be nice :rolleyes:


If you're new, that's not bad.

But you should learn to pose so you don't have that 'ai disabled' message on your pics. That means you spawned some NPCs and just took pictures of them. That's fine for when you're learning, but to get real feedback you need to do all the posing yourself.
That are some really fun basketball screenshot. :E.

bigdeezy23 said:
If you guys know of a good (or better) hosting site, please let me know.

Im working on something like that for my website. Elk-hound.com . Nothing on there yet. I'll tell you when it will be online. if you want to know more feel free to ask
Elkhound said:
That are some really fun basketball screenshot. :E.

Im working on something like that for my website. Elk-hound.com . Nothing on there yet. I'll tell you when it will be online. if you want to know more feel free to ask

Cool, thanks man.
I tried posting a trailer for a movie I am making in Garrys Mod earlier... but ran out of bandwith. Tee hee... Anyways, here are some still frames. I'm making this in claymation-ish fashion, shot by shot. It's just a hug fight scene pretty much ala Matrix Reloaded. It's called The End of G-man. Look for it in a theatre near YOU! lol

Zombiekabob, poor guy. :laugh:

Hey, Sn4tcH, I'm working on a horror movie scene(to see how much work an animated movie would be to make). I'm currently using the prop camera as my main tool, since that allows me to move my models without having to worry about putting the regular camera back in the exact same spot for every shot. Is that how you're doing it to, or do you have another way? If you don't mind sharing ideas...
Fireindaho said:
Zombiekabob, poor guy. :laugh:

Hey, Sn4tcH, I'm working on a horror movie scene(to see how much work an animated movie would be to make). I'm currently using the prop camera as my main tool, since that allows me to move my models without having to worry about putting the regular camera back in the exact same spot for every shot. Is that how you're doing it to, or do you have another way? If you don't mind sharing ideas...

That sounds so much easier than the way I am doing it... I'm trying to keep the action movie feeling going so almost every shot is in a different angle than the last, but in a fashion so that you get the feeling that the cameras moving around the action. (Almost like a constant bullet time, without slow-mo) Thats sounds weird, but I can't really think of another way to explain it...
Some of my new pictures

Well I like to show pictures that focus a little more on the small details. the pictures that I'm going to show now aren't anything big.

This one here I think looks pretty cool


Here you see the show down of combine aircrafts!


Man this thing has a cool eye


A scary realistic shot of G-man


This next would look cooler in real-time because I posed the G-man in front of that
water tube/tank thing from kliners labs so half was all watery/distorted. well just look...


Another G-man shot but different coler with and extreme close up


I think people with like this picture, makes a good Background. some may say it looks depressing.


Now for the sexy alyx screenshot. (don't worry I don't think this falls under the catagory of porn)


thanks for checking them out!