"Interesting Poses" - The Official Thread for Garrys Mod Screenshots / Movies / etc.

Sn4tcH said:
That sounds so much easier than the way I am doing it... I'm trying to keep the action movie feeling going so almost every shot is in a different angle than the last, but in a fashion so that you get the feeling that the cameras moving around the action. (Almost like a constant bullet time, without slow-mo) Thats sounds weird, but I can't really think of another way to explain it...

I can picture what you mean. I'm not using that method because I'm trying for a creepy, horror feeling, as opposed to action. I think a motionless camera might help me there.

I'm using the prop camera also because I figure that will make it easier to 'greenscreen' special effects into the scene if I know the background never changes, only the characters.

Right now, I'm animating characters against a black background(a map with no light) using the lamps to light the characters only. Then I'm going to light the empty 'set'(the dark map) with lamps, 'film' that, then composite some freaky as yet undecided enviroment effects onto that, then overlay the characters over all of that.

I'm also currently finishing up another comic, which I will provide the link to in this thread when I'm done, maybe tomorrow. This time it's a funny one. Doing comics keeps me from getting burned out on doing the animating.
Here's a proposal, Garry's Mod Screenshot Contests, with different topics every month or so? Who else thinks this is a good idea?

VERY nice comic, I enjoyed that a lot... And I'm not even done reading.
i made some more scenes referring to resident evil. i think it has a "end of the world" feel to it.

the first one is the main shot of them shootting and the "base"
the next is a closer shot of them shooting
this one is there computer area.
this is a weapon storage area
i would have a bigger view of their car and the repair area but i lost the entire map. on a bad save i reloaded the map and the objects were laying everywhere away from the orginal place they sat. tell me if u like these then i will make some bigger and better ones maybe even a comic type of thing. :cheers:
how do i do that?

and do you think it looks ok with the dirty effect or should i take it off?
I think they look okay, work well for the back of the picture, but the terrors arm looks really pinky and mono-tone at the bottom, i dont know if its meant to be like that, but maybe the effect did it? To increase the res...i dunno i'd guess cranking up your resolution for the shot? or use photoshop to do some stuff to do....(me = photoshop n00b)
well, if you click to enlarge it it should be big enough for you to use as a wallpaper.
True but a high resolution picture would be better, my desktop as is about 90% or peoples is on 1280 by 1024, and that pic is 1024 by 768 i think (assumption) Kinda simple ask of a wallpaper these days is in several resolutions...including that one!
but how do i get a resolution thats bigger than my screen?
lol maybe we should have PM'ed all this, just increase the resolution! Its in video settings in the game. If you want to change it for your computer, right click on desktop, go to settings and pull the bar across to what your screen can support. Should be high for the monitors around these days. Whatever you have CRT / TFT.

Feel free to carry on posting your garry mod pics now...considering version 7a is out.
no need that is excellent...you got it right now! good job.
halflife-bmxer, I really liked those 'end of the world' pictures. It really captures the feel of zombie movies. I'd be very interested in seeing a comic, if you decide to do one.


Made by me. The idea isn't original though. :rolling:
Hey hey I won Gamersnap in the PC Gamer UK magazine using Garry's mod screenshots! :D I won the top 10 PC games at Play.com :D :D
Jangle said:
okay then, well i didnt save that one so i'm afraid there wont be a high--res version of thet, but heres another.
1280*1024 :D

i'll make a smaller one if anyone would like?

Hahahahaha! I actually thought it was supposed to be part of it, but an ad there reads "Tax Season is here! Are you prepared to file your taxes for the IRS?".
That made it so much better.
Fireindaho said:
halflife-bmxer, I really liked those 'end of the world' pictures. It really captures the feel of zombie movies. I'd be very interested in seeing a comic, if you decide to do one.
thanx, im making a comic now but its taking forever and also i need ideas. i might do it as a part 1 part 2 ect.. kinda thing. im almost done with part 1 its not full of action because its the introduction
I just checked out your Resident Evil comic, it has alot of potential!

Couple of ideas:
1. try to use another map. There's lots to choose from and it'll help your comic stand out, since everyone uses that first map.

2. Try to build suspense by letting us see the zombies sneaking up, even if the characters can't see the zombies. That way, we won't know if the zombie will kill someone or not until it happens. If the zombie just pops up out of nowhere, you lose a chance to build excitement.
that's nice work bmxer but you really need to learn grammar and writing properly, it kinda spoils the work...
thanx for the comments. im looking for a map but im having trouble finding one with a garage or something like that. i might look in the sand traps level but until then i'll use your comments and improve my comic.
I dowloaded it but it keeps crashing/freezing up when it get the the New Game/Load Game screen. When I click on New Game it says loading in the bottom right hand corner but it freezes up and I have to manually restart my PC (not good).

...? Can anyone help?