"Interesting Poses" - The Official Thread for Garrys Mod Screenshots / Movies / etc.

Sorry about that. The ONE time I link to that forum and it has to be when Garry decides to be having some fun at everyone's expense.

As for that crash message, you can only pose ragdolls(dead NPCs). You can't pose live characters. So either spawn the ragdolls you want, or kill the NPCs already wandering around the map.

You can use any HL2 or HL2 DM map for garrysmod. If you use garrysmod for cs:s, like me, you can also use any CS:S map. Single player maps obviously have live NPCs you need to deal with(typing 'no target' in the console makes them ignore you).
James, those look like the pics gj and its not the usual matrix stuff so congrats
i can't get building blocks map to work help
Just use gm_construct. It's really good now. And now that you can spawn stuff from a menu, there's no use for the objects spawners.
wheres the spawn menu,
nd thats just the normal map isn't it?
Hold q for a spawn menu with loads of items. And yes, it's gm_construct is the default map.

Nice good to see some matrix themed pics that don't involve kung fu.

James, those look like the pics gj and its not the usual matrix stuff so congrats

Thanks :cheers:
If i was to be picky, which i am, i'd say the trinity picture with mossman could be improved, the right leg positioning is sub-standard and looks as if its clipping through the floor, should have taken more care with the positioning as the background and environment is excellently done. Thats all.
Is there any good way to make ragdolls clip properly with the ground? The feet always seem to want to fall through, so it's tough to get them right on the dirt. And is there any good way to position their limbs, other than flailing them about and trying to quickly freeze them when they pass through the space you want? I keep running into weird range-of-motion issues; while they can fold flat backwards, ragdolls actually have less mobility in the arms than I do.

Despite their difficulties, I've been relying on frozen ragdolls because that's the only way I know how to do things. I've been working on something big, but am having a hell of a time getting the actors in line. Can I use "live" NPCs for anything other than standing and staring? It would be great if I could get them to walk and freeze them in mid-stride, or take advantage of their other various animations (pointing weapons, looking at things...)
D.L.: The default in Garry's Mod (7a at least, which is latest as of this writing) is to use 'q' for the spawn menu:

bind "q" "+spawn"

That line should appear in garrysmod\cfg\config.cfg . Note that the '+' makes the keybind "instant action", so the menu is only open as long as you hold the key down; when you let go of the key, the menu goes away. Also, note that binding anything else to the 'q' key will erase this binding, even though it doesn't show up in the in-game "options" dialog. If you really want to use 'q' for "last weapon" or whatever else, just bind some other key to "+spawn" (again, you'll have to edit config.cfg as "spawn menu" isn't in the "options" dialog).

Does that help at all?
Gray Cloud said:
Is there any good way to make ragdolls clip properly with the ground? The feet always seem to want to fall through, so it's tough to get them right on the dirt. And is there any good way to position their limbs, other than flailing them about and trying to quickly freeze them when they pass through the space you want? I keep running into weird range-of-motion issues; while they can fold flat backwards, ragdolls actually have less mobility in the arms than I do.

Despite their difficulties, I've been relying on frozen ragdolls because that's the only way I know how to do things. I've been working on something big, but am having a hell of a time getting the actors in line. Can I use "live" NPCs for anything other than standing and staring? It would be great if I could get them to walk and freeze them in mid-stride, or take advantage of their other various animations (pointing weapons, looking at things...)

To get that kind of use from NPCs I think you need to use Face Poser to choreograph your scenes. You can also look into spawn menu mods for Garrysmod, like Reaper's spawn menu. Those modified spawn menus offer controls for NPC ai. I haven't used them, since I pose ragdolls, but I hear good things about them.

For posing feet on ground, the best way is to grab the ragdoll by the head and lock the head when the ragdoll is the right height above ground. Then straighten and lock the upper chest. Then align and lock the lower torso. Now you can do the arms, legs, feet, and hands individually without affecting the basic pose. At this point you can also unlock the head to readjust its pose.
My first Garys mod picture... lol took me a while to set it up. check out the combine's hand on the top... hes got a beer bottle in his hand :P

xironmaidenx said:
My first Garys mod picture... lol took me a while to set it up. check out the combine's hand on the top... hes got a beer bottle in his hand :P


If you read this (or related threads) you would know we don't want pictures of Dr. Breen doing that.
i esnt to play thiss garry's mod but i cant since my serial key was invalid. so i think someone bought a pirate copy and used my cd key
Heres my first poses, kleiner stealing something from Eli. I cant think of a good story but it dosent need one :P




lol, nicely done Mr Kittles. although it would be pretty funny if Kliener was pulling a silly face aswell.
hehe thats good, shows the true face of the combine
I got one, dont know if you all will like em but meh what the hell
I made some if anyone wants a looksee meh.


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