"Interesting Poses" - The Official Thread for Garrys Mod Screenshots / Movies / etc.

one more...... :naughty:


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Oh yeah the guy who wanted to know how to spawn people with weapons, heres how

npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun (or whatever you want)
then straight after type
npc_create npc_barney (or whoever you want)

thee you go hope it helps

wtf, the actual command would be;

"npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1 ;wait; npc_create npc_barney"

replace barney with any other npc you want and replace smg1 with any other gun like shotgun or pistol, type all this in without the " "
more pics if anyone cares...


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Select the 'wheel shotgun' and scroll up to increase the accelleration

Its fun, but steering is a pig :D
why you should not tempt a bird......... :cheese:


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good job very interesting and good. cant wait for part three. lol
I have a huge story one involving cs_office, but I am not sure if I should put them in a form like the last ones I posted or leave them as 25+ 1280x960 pics.
I split my Citizen X comic into 4 smaller chapters, so as to be easier to load and read.

Here's chapter one which also contains a link to the other chapters.
sup all!
i'm new to this forum but i have a shitload of screenshots for g mod
i'll post em as soon as i find em :sniper:

EDIT:i found the pix i got and i edited one to make it better, btw: originally the ct was scratching his butt, but u can't see it very well so i changed it to him being out of ammo, and i know that there's no bomb site on office so i don't want any damn fanboys yellin at me :frog:


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New V8 is soooo cool! Bloom owns! :D

Anyway, a pic I made:

(Click for much bigger with AA+AS and a slightly better camera angle)

That last one is just gross, and no garry mod pr0n on the website, mod orders.
I call this "Betraying the heart of humanity" it obivoiusly shows a combine patrol, who have killed these people outside there warehouse, and u can see breen in the background.. speaking up for his "Master" the advisor Feedback.. "P.S i will post all my pics here.. since my stupid brother did a grammar mistake at garry's forum so im banned for life"


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Sufferin-rebel said:
...since my stupid brother did a grammar mistake at garry's forum so im banned for life"
Unless garry banned your IP address, you can just register another account. I was banned the other day but i just started a new account.