Internet Dating

My 30 inch penis will stand for no such injustice!
'Make'? Dan, we're not some band of e-sycophants chasing the latest bandwagon. We made it six years ago.


I need to be alone for a few minutes.
In Corp. Sheepo's Location data, the words "Android Hell" are a reference to the 2007 videogame "Portal", developed by Valve Corp and released as part of the Orange Box pack. In one particular scene, the omniescent AI that controls the facility where the protagonist is placed, announces "Android Hell is a real place, and you will be sent there at the first sign of disobedience". The juxtaposition of 'Virginia' to "(Android Hell)" is an attempt at humour, associating Virginia with Android Hell, which has presumably negative connotations. Android Hell in itself is a reference to "Hell" of the Christian belief, which has grown to encompass all possible 'torture' dimensions that 'souls' are supposedly sent to after death.