Iraq, the US & other stuff too

Originally posted by king John I
there was no real reason to go to war with iraq, propaganda.
Yes there was. According to an internal Secret Service report (cant say the source, I would have to kill you, and commit suicide), Bush called Saddam early one morning and asked if he could get a hug, he was feeling lonely. Saddam happily said he could come on over.

You know the rest. Capitalists cant come in unless you invite them. Or was that something else? No, I'm sure it was that. It aint over until the monkeyface hugs the terrorist.
Originally posted by Element Alpha
Hello, very intellectual person named tron, here's a few for you to choke on:

funny you should say that proof thing. I never saw proof of the weapons of mass destruction. Are you saying the US governament lied, or are you saying their information service see things that aren't there? Wich one is it?


Let me tell you something, it's kind of a secret:
So, are you still in control now??? If you would want to stop this war, could you??? In a few years, you'll be ready for the army, what if you donn't wan't to go? Have you ever seen an actual bomb explode a few of your buddies? What if you didn't want that??? You're as much part of the US governament as I am, since nobody will listen to you anyway. A president that's been put in place by congress, to avoid recounting votes? HAHAHAHA!!!! And you even support those wise guys at the top of your country?? You're a funny person. No, really. You can come at my house and f^ck my sister anytime.
My opinion is they didn't lie about weps of mass destruction, but they just didn't know.If my guess is correct the probally had a break up of information.But it don't bother me because something good came out of it and that was the liberation of the iraqi people.That 2nd thing all I have to say is, what the ****???I ALREADY ****ING NO THERES NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT!!!!Sorry for caps... anyways yes I do want to go to army.Also I can decided if I don't want to go our not....why?BECAUSE CONGRESS GOT RID OF DRAFT!!!They can only re-enstate draft when are forces are to low or in case of a really big war.Have you heard of reserves?????Also another thing....can I really **** your sister(if you have one). :)

Edit: On the bomb beside my buddies thing....thats war for you.I might not want it, but it happens.Everyone has to die at sometime.
so what if they have weapons? so deos russia, france, britain (proberly) and everything else. its a new fad.
In 1998 Saddam Hussein had aquired enough VX nerve agent to gas the population of the world. Guess who found this out. The UN... guess what they did about it? And all their other findings... which ironically the BBC won't let you see, they sheduled that program on at 1.05 PM, the UN report on Iraq's weapons.... funny... considering their 'we want to be popular, so we'll oppose the war' ... Jack all.

Oh, and to the guy who will say.. but that Nerve agent will have expired by now... think before you speak, since if that fact doesn't convey to you Saddam's ambition to be a threat to the world at some point.... I fear for your logic.
america posses far more nukes than you think. think.

p.s. i love you mr.badger but not your new avatar. :laugh:
Don't worry lads ... the new avatar is already in the works :) (i.e. Image being cropped, resized and then having a black border :P.... I wish more people would border their avatars, looks much better that way :p)

Anyway... America has not expressed an intention to be a threat to the world. Saddam has. Neither have the other coutries you say have (they probably have, but thats not the issue) Weapons...
Originally posted by king John I
america posses far more nukes than you think. think.

p.s. i love you mr.badger but not your new avatar. :laugh:
Wow when did you find that out???We have a bunch of nukes....but are we going to shoot them at every country that doesn't agree with are beliefs???No.
yeah, of corse america arn't stupid :D duh!!! thats not what i said.

i meant they have enough nukes to kill the world three times over, no country is as powerful as america, its a fact.
^^this is exacltly what I mean. What is this "America is the most powerfull country in the world"- sh!t anyway??

I'm not about to run around saying things like that.

This is the attittude that makes the US popularity drop like a brick.
What's up with that? Tell me, please. Why do you want everyone to know how big your "rocket" is(punn intended)?
King John is a Brit my friend :)

And like it or loathe it, the US is the most powerful country in the world.
Originally posted by Element Alpha
^^this is exacltly what I mean. What is this "America is the most powerfull country in the world"- sh!t anyway??

I'm not about to run around saying things like that.

This is the attittude that makes the US popularity drop like a brick.
What's up with that? Tell me, please. Why do you want everyone to know how big your "rocket" is(punn intended)?
Can you please tell me what other country is a super power???Why we are the most powerful.Heard of power projection force...or wait was it projection power it think it was the other way around.Anyways what that is, we have military base in pretty much every single country in the world.Another thing is the trade we do with other countries.Like I said before every country in this worlds trades with us.So lets say if this country fell apart the world would go into economic collapse.So thats one reason why no one attacks us.

Also we have the most powerfull and technological military force.I don't see any other country making a stealth(not actually invisble) helicopter and fighter jet.Another is are industy capablities.WW2 we saved britian from food and supply starvation during the battle of britian.We started to produce liberty ships at such a rate that U-Boats couldn't sink.If I can remember correctly this happend right before we went to war.

Anyways....on that "big rocket thing" if you don't show off your military other countries will think your weak.Now i'm sorry I kinda got off topic on the top part.
You like to say it, don't you? I just wanted to know how come. Why is that? Just imagine the fat kid in school who also used to say that. "I'm the most powerfull kid in the class". woohoo. Was I impressed. I don't care, and I think nobody does. What is cared about is rather what it means to have such a powerfull country running around saying these thing, and imposing it's view upon others, rightous or not.

Do you understand my question? Please bear with me here.
brit and i love it. i still admit to america being the biggest power, its a fact!
Originally posted by Element Alpha
You like to say it, don't you? I just wanted to know how come. Why is that? Just imagine the fat kid in school who also used to say that. "I'm the most powerfull kid in the class". woohoo. Was I impressed. I don't care, and I think nobody does. What is cared about is rather what it means to have such a powerfull country running around saying these thing, and imposing it's view upon others, rightous or not.

Do you understand my question? Please bear with me here.
You still haven't answer my question.What other country is a superpower???
and i dont love america either, we just get along.

tr0ns right you know. europe?
Originally posted by king John I
and i dont love america either, we just get along.

tr0ns right you know. europe?
Were brothers.We have to get a long.I don't think america and Britian are ever going to be separated.
Re: Last Part of Essay

K e r b e r o s

I would've qouted you, but I was afraid it'd break the internet. :dozey:
Anyway, those terrorists didn't qualify as POWs. They wore Civilian uniforms, and used non-conventional methods to attack troops. Thus, the Geneva Convention doesn't apply to them. And though it may sound horrible, I'd give the soldiers (who poured the acid on the ass-holes) a medal.They deserved it! I don't know what's wrong with you people. These monsters can go around raping women, publicly executing resistors, and support the deaths of innocent human beings - and you act like it's A-friggin-OK...but yet the ''big bad'' US can't do anything without question. Our toops can't seek out those who have killed innocent people, but you never talk about how terrorists can't INTIONALLY KILL CIVILIANS. You bitch and moan about how innocent bystanders die in war, but you never pay attention to the fact that these terrorists TARGETED CIVILIANS. I don't like innocents dying, but it's something that happens when you go after the bad guy. Since you've decided to post articles you've found, or wasted time writing, I'll do something similar.

These were soldiers...soldiers that wore uniforms proudly, rather than give false pretenses that they were civilians. These were human beings...human beings that deserve recognition, rather than disgrace.

| TV shows captured, dead U.S. soldiers
Rumsfeld says footage may violate Geneva Conventions
Miami Herald
Last Updated: March 23, 2003
Jerusalem - Iraqi television on Sunday broadcast the first images of captured and dead American soldiers from the four-day-old war, showing five anxious-looking POWs and at least one dead American soldier who appeared to have been shot in the forehead.

War Against Iraq

More Coverage

Section: More on the war against Iraq
Updates: Latest news from the Associated Press
Multimedia: Daily TMJ4 reports, briefings, etc.
Photos: Nation at war
List: U.S. deaths, prisoners, missing

On the Front Line

Reports from Journal Sentinel Middle East correspondents: KATHERINE M. SKIBA: Embedded with 101st Airborne Division based in Fort Campbell, Ky. Attached to the 159th Aviation Brigade, which conducts air assault missions from helicopters.
Go to Skiba's reports NAHAL TOOSI: Embedded with First Marines Expeditionary Force based in Camp Pendleton, Calif. Attached to the 6th Engineer Support Battalion, whose primary mission is storage and supply of bulk fuel and water. Bulk Fuel Company B, made up of units from Green Bay and Wilmington, Del., is part of the battalion.
Go to Toosi's reports
Postcards from Wisconsin Soldiers

Katherine M. Skiba and Nahal Toosi bring firsthand word from Wisconsin soldiers serving in the Persian Gulf.
Go to Postcards

The grim images were beamed across the Middle East by the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera news network, and also broadcast on state-run Israel Television. But television networks in the United States and Britain declined to air them, at the Pentagon's request.

President Bush, returning to the White House from Camp David, said he did not have all the details of what he called a potential capture but added: "We expect them to be treated humanely, just like we'll treat any prisoners of theirs that we capture humanely. If not, the people who mistreat the prisoners will be treated as war criminals."

Speaking on CBS, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld charged that if those seen on television were indeed coalition soldiers, "those pictures are a violation of the Geneva Conventions."

International Committee of the Red Cross spokeswoman Nada Doumani said the showing of the prisoners on TV violates Article 13 of the Geneva Conventions, which says prisoners should be protected from public curiosity. But she stressed that the priority at the moment is to get access to them.

"It does contradict the conventions because it's public curiosity," she said. "But our priority is not to put blame on any side but to check that the prisoners are safe."

In the tape, the POWs were asked to identify themselves, but there was no official confirmation of their identities from the Pentagon. U.S. defense officials said that an Army maintenance company based at Fort Bliss, Texas, had been overtaken by Iraqi forces, consistent with what the POWs said.

"How do you see Iraqi people?" an interviewer asked a shaken-looking soldier who identified himself as "PFC Miller" of Kansas. He did not give his first name.

"They don't bother me, I don't bother them," the spectacled soldier said. In response to another question, he said he had not come to the gulf to kill Iraqi people, but "to fix broke stuff. . . . I'm told to shoot only if shot at. . . . I don't want to kill nobody."

One of the five POWs was a woman soldier who gave her name as Shawna, said she was 30 and from Texas with the 507th Maintenance Company. It panned down as she sat on a sofa, revealing that she was bootless and had a bandaged left ankle.

None of the POWs looked critically wounded, but the images of the dead, all men, some sprawling on the floor, showed the signs of battle, and perhaps more. One American soldier clearly had a bullet through his forehead, blood pooling in back on the floor. The dead apparently were on the floor of an Iraqi morgue.

Some were arranged in rows, others haphazardly, with one dead soldier's boot on the face of another. At one point in the footage, a rubber-gloved hand with the sleeves of hospital-style scrubs covers up what looks like a wound; in another a smiling mustachioed man in street clothes drags a soldier's body as if to rearrange it on the floor.

Because the footage didn't offer a single clear image of the morgue floor, it was impossible to know how many dead were there. But they appeared to number seven or eight.

The POWs were questioned in turn on the footage. One identified himself as "Edgar" from Texas. Another said he was James Riley, 31, of New Jersey. He had no visible wounds but was photographed sitting in a wheelchair. Like Shawna, he said he was with the 507th Maintenance Company.

A New Mexico woman, meantime, said she had seen her son interviewed on the Iraqi video via a Filipino television station she subscribes to.

Anecita Hudson of Alamogordo said she saw her 23-year-old son, Army Spc. Joseph Hudson, who was stationed at Fort Bliss, in the video. "He's been captured. They interviewed my son live from Iraq," Hudson said. "From my point of view, he looked so scared," she said.|

Last time I checked, things like this were wrong.

BTW: I haven't seen pictures of dead terrorists, or Iraqi soldiers scrolling across my screen.
The EU wishes it could challenge America.. however it can't. America is a hyper-power with no opposition... that's not nessesarily a good thing, but so far, I have nothing against America, and I hate it when people bash the damn country...
To King John::: We helped saved you during WW1 and WW2.You guys helped us during the great Depression.Desert Storm we became allies and destroyed a tyrant under the name of democracy.Now like brothers we will have arguments, but in the end we will always be brethren.

Edit:Badger you from america???Oh and I like the av. :)
Originally posted by Maskirovka
where's your proof?.

Our press doesn't chase ratings here, so we actually get indepth reports on these issues. Iraq's foreign debt stands at $383 billion, debts incurred and built up by Saddams regime. Those debts have now been passed to the Iraqi People. That kind of debt translates as roughly $16,700 for every man, woman and child. With the average Iraqi wage at just $150 per year, it will take them 150 years to pay the debt off fully, assuming they don't go any further in the hole.

The 87 billion of public money the US are spending on restructuring the country will provide a means to free up the extensive Iraqi oil reserves. This will mean that the foreign investors who are owed money, will begin to recoup their debts, something that wasn't happening under Saddams regime. The fallout cost though is the fact that the restructuring will do very little to improve the way of life for the Iragi people as a whole. The money gained from selling the oil will be primarily going directly into the pockets of the private lenders who Saddam owes money to. Generally the sort of companies that produce and supply chemical weapons for example. The whole war is a case of Bush using public funds to help collect private debts for very rich and powerful people.
o yeah? What about China, or India? Israel?
The first two have more men than the US could ever try to have, wich in my opinion makes them superpowers. There are chinese, and about just as many Hindous.
You may think the US is the only superpower, but it's not. It just isn't. It's not even the most prosperous. That should cover your question, unless you think US vs the rest of the world would mean US wins. The winner of such a battle would be noone. Maybe a few bacteria.

Now you answer my question, then you comment on what I said.
why should we worry about such big figures and beliefs? when can we get back to critising fat people and other menial things. big stuff hurts my head because noone can ever be right about it, why bother? america may be a country full of fat people but those are fat people who need love! give them love dammit!

where the hell was i? oh yeah, america rule, leave them alone, i like france and gemany too, those country rock!

live it large, be positive! ;)
Originally posted by Tr0n
You still haven't answer my question.What other country is a superpower???
Depends on how you define superpower!
The EU could weigh quite heavily as military force (especially military expertise)... And has a population that matches US... Problem is, there's a *slight* lack of cooperation.
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
Our press doesn't chase ratings here, so we actually get indepth reports on these issues. Iraq's foreign debt stands at $383 billion, debts incurred and built up by Saddams regime. Those debts have now been passed to the Iraqi People. That kind of debt translates as roughly $16,700 for every man, woman and child. With the average Iraqi wage at just $150 per year, it will take them 150 years to pay the debt off fully, assuming they don't go any further in the hole.

The 87 billion of public money the US are spending on restructuring the country will provide a means to free up the extensive Iraqi oil reserves. This will mean that the foreign investors who are owed money, will begin to recoup their debts, something that wasn't happening under Saddams regime. The fallout cost though is the fact that the restructuring will do very little to improve the way of life for the Iragi people as a whole. The money gained from selling the oil will be primarily going directly into the pockets of the private lenders who Saddam owes money to. Generally the sort of companies that produce and supply chemical weapons for example. The whole war is a case of Bush using public funds to help collect private debts for very rich and powerful people.
and once again were is your proof???All that you typed needs something to back it up???So where is that proof.I don't just trust some text a guy wrote online???Give me proof and articles and things like that.Untill then if your going to debate have something to back it up.
Originally posted by dawdler
Depends on how you define superpower!
The EU could weigh quite heavily as military force (especially military expertise)... And has a population that matches US... Problem is, there's a *slight* lack of cooperation.
Alright then LACK is the keyword there.Now back to reality EU wouldn't attack us.Why?You got nato, you have trade, and then theres politics that get in the way.When I mean superpower I mean a country....not an organization.Also I don't think Britian and France would attack us, because by the fact that we are brothers.
The EU is a joke... anyway.. I come from the good ol' U of K... but I agree with Tr0n, America and Britain are brothers... very close allies. Anyway, China and the others are rising superpowers, they don't come that close to the influence the US has on the world.. yet
Hey, my question, please answer it, I answered yours:

Thank you
why would the EU attack america, a big war now would be very serious indeed. very serious. death of human race serious. besides everyone is on ally terms with each other what deos it matter that one country is more powerful than another. saddam housane is a evil person, no quaestions asked, like hitler, but less evil.
Originally posted by mrBadger
The EU is a joke... anyway.. I come from the good ol' U of K... but I agree with Tr0n, America and Britain are brothers... very close allies. Anyway, China and the others are rising superpowers, they don't come that close to the influence the US has on the world.. yet
China would be a superpower if it was a democracy.Hell they would have the 2nd biggest economic trade next to us.Oh and I just thought of this.How is bush going to get that oil when the elections are coming up???
Originally posted by Tr0n
Alright then LACK is the keyword there.Now back to reality EU wouldn't attack us.Why?You got nato, you have trade, and then theres politics that get in the way.When I mean superpower I mean a country....not an organization.Also I don't think Britian and France would attack us, because by the fact that we are brothers.

NATO is a joke. A lot of the countries in NATO have dabbled with the idea of switching to Communism. Examples are the ideas of "One World Leader," "One Word Govt.," and "One World Religion."

Ever since Russia joined, we haven't taken action against Communists nations. In fact, we've established trade with one of them. That's sickening.
Originally posted by Element Alpha
Hey, my question, please answer it, I answered yours:

Thank you
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
NATO is a joke. A lot of the countries in NATO have dabbled with the idea of switching to Communism. Examples are the ideas of "One World Leader," "One Word Govt.," and "One World Religion."

Ever since Russia joined, we haven't taken action against Communists nations. In fact, we've established trade with one of them. That's sickening.
Now we just got China and North Korea to go. :(
you can brag, people can get annoyed but at the end of the day think of this: we are allys!!!! damn you power deosn't matter when countrys are friends! although america are the most powerful ;)
I'm not trying to offend or anything, buy I think you know that.
Here's an example of what I mean:
A beautiful woman, who is constantly saying how beautiful she is.
There's just something wrong with this picture, isn't it?
Originally posted by Element Alpha
o yeah? What about China, or India? Israel?
The first two have more men than the US could ever try to have, wich in my opinion makes them superpowers. There are chinese, and about just as many Hindous.
You may think the US is the only superpower, but it's not. It just isn't. It's not even the most prosperous. That should cover your question, unless you think US vs the rest of the world would mean US wins. The winner of such a battle would be noone. Maybe a few bacteria.

Now you answer my question, then you comment on what I said.
.....please re-read my post....It not how many you have, but how you project that force.Here let me make this bold....WE HAVE A MILITARY BASE(S) IN ALMOST EVERY COUNTRY..... thats what makes us great.Also like I said before it's are trade!!!
Originally posted by Element Alpha
I'm not trying to offend or anything, buy I think you know that.
Here's an example of what I mean:
A beautiful woman, who is constantly saying how beautiful she is.
There's just something wrong with this picture, isn't it? theres nothing wrong with it.Is she beautiful yes?Does she have the beauty to back her bragging....yes.
Yeah, I agree it is annoying, now Element, stop trying to provoke people :)

And Tr0n, please mate, calm down, you're kind of provoking him too... lets play nice :)
Yea he won't stop untill he gets something right. :( Don't matter I have all day.
Originally posted by Tr0n
Now we just got China and North Korea to go. :(

You forgot Cuba...and quite possibly Russia, in the not too distant future. They're still having trouble stabilizing themselves. And they're one of the nations that suggested what I call the "One World Everything Plan." Iran is also threatening to begin a Nuclear weapons program again. I'm not really afraid they'll take action but it's something to note. It seems like they just want headway, like North Korea. But they could pull a Hitler; Get appeasement, then turn around and attack.