is it right to seduce a less attractive woman into having sex?

Haha : D nah... im sorry to disappoint you.


edit: wtf is bifurcate? it sounds hot.

lol. Could have sworn somewhere you said you were. But it doesn't matter anyway. I don't show any interest to the girls that actually are on these forums, unless they just want to be friends.

I dunno what bifurcate is... I just tacked something onto the end of bi. I think it means two, like split in two.
Dude. I've said it before and I'll say it again, until Gemma turns 16 (read: 18) you're all paedophiles.

I mean obviously we'd all hit it but it's so wrong.

You're the creep, you probably have an erection right now.
A 7 is 'lowering your standards'? Unless you're some unholy god of masculinity, I doubt anyone would bat an eyelid. Your post makes it sound a lot like you believe yourself to be some kind of pinnacle of the male sex, and it would be scandal for you to taint yourself with those who were born not really ugly at all... You're lucky if you're actually in that position, but hell... you're not. You wouldn't be posting a helplife2 thread if you were :P
This, this, a thousand times this.
There's something deeply tedious about this kind of alpha-male dick-waving contest.

HOWEVER: if you want to f*ck her, then just f*ck her and stop going on about it.
If both you and her are doing it just for sexual gratification and are both on the same page in that respect then that's terrific: hopefully everybody gets their rocks off and has a good time, end of story.
If she's hoping that such an "encounter" could lead to more serious involvement and that's not what you want then that's a "No, steer well clear" but that's the same for anybody, regardless of how attractive they are.
As long as nobody gets hurt and no bridges are burnt then "lowering your standards" is perhaps a bit sleazy and shallow but not wrong.

But then f*ck it, my standards (and morals) are fairly, shall we say, "flexible" (usually in direct proportion to consumption of alcohol) so maybe I'm not quite the right person for this particular high horse.
It's fun but I think I'm getting vertigo.

Oh shit son, that's a 2 at the most.

Looks like a dude :laugh:
What I was thinking chap. Well maybe like a four, but 7 or 8? No, ta.
Dude. I've said it before and I'll say it again, until Gemma turns 16 (read: 18) you're all paedophiles.

I mean obviously we'd all hit it but it's so wrong.

so to legally bang an <16 y.o. you have to get the parent's consensus?

and yeah...she's quite hot for a minor


and yeah...she's quite hot for a minor


so to legally bang an <16 y.o. you have to get the parent's consensus?
Would still be illegal. Otherwise how would you prosecute parents who abuse their own kids? -.-

Just fly her to Japan.
It seems, sir, that you don't like a joke? Not even perhaps a little play on words?

Good day.
i actually think xillian, gemma and I are all roughly the same age. xillian 15, gemma 15, me 14 nearly 15.

if you have an erection now you have problems.

yeah but gemma is hot.
It seems, sir, that you don't like a joke? Not even perhaps a little play on words?

Good day.

Believe me, I appreciate a pun, and I do appreciate the thought process that went in to creating such a comical post. Puns are a sign of a quick mind, I really do always say.

Make no mistake, I gave the non-vocalized, quick, heavy exhale from my nostrils which implies that I laughed without using my vocal chords. Had the spelling been in place, I would have exuded a laughter at least beyond the light chuckle barrier.

Good day.
i actually think xillian, gemma and I are all roughly the same age. xillian 15, gemma 15, me 14 nearly 15.

if you have an erection now you have problems.

yeah but gemma is hot.

What? NO! I do not!

[cover lap with blanket]

umm...What was I saying? OH YEAH! 16 in a few days, actually.
I dunno... it's just like, I don't have as much time or energy for sexual things anymore. I don't really find myself aroused as readily as I used to be. I'm still attracted to women, definitely, but I just grow more and more disinterested sexually.

Maybe I have erectile dysfunction. Do they have a pill for that? Can you get them from the internet peddled through your e-mail? That would be quite something.
I think this is more likely an effect of not indulging in any romantic pursuits, let alone conquests, for too long. Forgive me if I speak out of turn - this seems to be how you yourself describe the situation.
Did you know that depression can lead to erectile dysfunction, lack of sexual appetite and a general meh-ness?

Even not eating right can.
What? NO! I do not!

[cover lap with blanket]

umm...What was I saying? OH YEAH! 16 in a few days, actually.

for a few more days, you are officially not a pedo to like gemma. same with me.

haha all you other pedo suckers. you disgust me.
I think this is more likely an effect of not indulging in any romantic pursuits, let alone conquests, for too long. Forgive me if I speak out of turn - this seems to be how you yourself describe the situation.
I've heard people who describe themselves as 'asexual' talk about having 'asexual relationships'... which are just relationships without sex. It's odd, you think you're open-minded, and then something 'new' comes along and your mind actually implodes.

Asexuality just seems like non-conformist frigidity to me. The idea that people are constructing it in terms of what it specifically isn't (a mode of sexual expression) just seems daft. Like saying Atheism is a belief system when it's a disbelief system.
It doesn't help that most the people I've ever heard claim to be asexual were A) on the internet, where people frequently claim to be something they're not (eg asbergers); B) Short Recoil.
You need to be married to be asexual. Stern would know.
pfft, you're not married, I can tell forgot mistresses, hookers, the girl down the street who's tolerance to chloroform is really low drop and bam, out like a light

I've ordered a blackjack to streamline the process (I couldnt afford the cattle prod)
^ You can make one out of a disposable camera's flash capacitor.

It's so right to seduce everyone.

Best advice in this whole ****ing thread.

@ The OP, you're not taking advantage of her. Taking advantage of a woman is doing manipulative BS like getting her wasted to **** her, or doing manipulative crap like "if you don't sleep with me, I'm going to kill myself." IF you two want to **** and . . . hell, if you're more attractive than her, we'll call it community service!
why is this thread still going on?

Why does that awful facepalm picture exist?

It doesn't help that most the people I've ever heard claim to be asexual were ... B) Short Recoil.

It's not really his choice when it's physically impossible for any woman or man to accommodate him for long enough for him to get any pleasure from it.

Phobie said:
Did you know that depression can lead to erectile dysfunction, lack of sexual appetite and a general meh-ness?

Even not eating right can.

Limpness achieved.
Yeah I somehow get the feeling that Phobies words will make my dick soft...

Like I need an excuse! hahaha
