Israeli airstrike kills 34 children

I think he was being sarcastic

Lt. Drebin: I think it's absolutely horrible that you would post a litany of terrorist attacks in a thread about ****ing CHILDREN being slaughtered ffs if it somehow excuses this tragedy ..for once drop your partisan bs and either reflect on the tragedy that occured when 34 children lost their lives or please refrain from posting ..create your own thread if you must

Why dont you drop your emotional outbursts.
Didnt you want to renew the discussion about this conflict?
For i cant find any other reason why you'd post this as a new thread in the freekin politics forum.

Lt. Drebin was making a valid point on the fact that there will never be peace with these organisations around.
That something (not this rediculous bombing) must be done to stop them, and considering the world doesnt give a ****, Israel decided to act after another rediculous attack.
The list shows how the Israel people, mostly innocent civilians get killed, and its society lives in daily terror.

Picture such a society in Canada, and then tell me how the Canadian army shows restraint to a side that terrorizes Canadian society killing many civilians and shows no restraint at all.
Again, i'm not justifying, I'm just explaining the situation and possibly Israel's frustration leading them into this "strategy" which is obviously the stupidest thing they could do.

This does not justify this bombing, or any death, but it explains the situation better.
Y wud i want to do that, DID I SAY I DIDN'T BELIVE WHEN CHILDREN WERE DEAD. MAYBE U OUGHT bleh bleh bleh (scream like a dog)

So, you mean Israeli kids were slain by Hezbollah so the military force of Israel can feel free to genocidal slaughter Lebanon children? Well, kill and kill until all children in Lebanon are dead? Is this what the Bible tells you, a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye? A true, moral revenge is to kills those who killed the Israeli children, those Hezbollah. "They have done the same" is NOT an excuse for wicked genocide, infanticide and homicide.

Random question, are you Jewish?
So, you mean Israeli kids were slain by Hezbollah so the military force of Israel can feel free to genocidal slaughter Lebanon children? Well, kill and kill until all children in Lebanon are dead? Is this what the Bible tells you, a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye? A true, moral revenge is to kills those who killed the Israeli children, those Hezbollah. "They have done the same" is NOT an excuse for wicked genocide, infanticide and homicide.

Random question, are you Jewish?

omg.. random question: are you Muslim?
I see almost noone knows what they're talking about. Pretty sad really.

With all the possibilities to read facts thanks to the internet, you guys could try to be a little more informed.

But I guess it's just 'punk kids' typing away on a forum then.

Just remind yourselves that there are plenty of israelis still marked with their nazi tattoos they received 60 years ago. These people have kids and grandkids that see this markings every day, reminding them of the atrocities they have to defend themselves from.

You think this is just a one time issue? Jews have always been persecuted. There's not a single generation of jews in a thousand years that has been able to live peacefully without fear of death.

You don't know what you're talking about. Sitting in your comfy room at safe distance from mortars, renegade gunmen and suicide bombers, commenting like you have some sort of authority on the subject. Pathetic.

I'm not joining this discussion. Everyone is spouting their version of the truth and wants all the rest to acknowledge it. That's all this discussion has become.

May 2, 2004: An Israeli woman, in her eighth month of pregnancy, was shot dead along with her four daughters when two Palestinian terrorists fired on their car at the entrance to the Gaza Strip settlement bloc of Gush Katif. After the car spun off the road after the initial attack, the terrorists approached the vehicle and shot the occupants at close range. Fatah and Islamic Jihad claimed joint responsibility for the attack.

Shut up and sit down. That's pretty much all I have to say.

PS: I think it's funny so many are outraged by this, while the entire western world keeps stealing all the resources on the african continent, making sure in the process that the entire continent will never recover. There are plenty of genocides in the world (tshetshenia; sudan ) and many, many more - use google.

You're so full of it you can't even see it for you have so much crap in your eyes.

Some of you may remember me, I don't post a lot, I have moderated views on things, I usually prefer to be silent over talking out of my ass. But I know the history of the jewish people very well, and can smell bullsh.t from miles away. Please, don't take offense, but a reality check is something many are in need of. The world is about blood, tears, sweat, pain - rather than about the teletubbies or another episode of friends.
PS: I think it's funny so many are outraged by this, while the entire western world keeps stealing all the resources on the african continent, making sure in the process that the entire continent will never recover. There are plenty of genocides in the world (tshetshenia; sudan ) and many, many more - use google.

You're so full of it you can't even see it for you have so much crap in your eyes.

Will you say how bad Africa has been when the topic of the thread is "Israeli airstrike kills 34 children"?
Will you say how bad Africa has been when the topic of the thread is "Israeli airstrike kills 34 children"?

Very good point. Go ask the 34 children how they feel about the topic of this thread why don't you. Then spend another whole 3 minutes to think about it and post your razorsharp analysis here. Thanks.
He was comparing it.

Frankly, most of the people read hottest news. Other very sad long-lasting affair, they don't really care of. Perhaps most of the people may think there is only a war between Lebanon and Israel in the world at the moment. As you know, wars keep happening in some poor countries.

Very good point. Go ask the 34 children how they feel about the topic of this thread why don't you. Then spend another whole 3 minutes to think about it and post your razorsharp analysis here. Thanks.

I posted a bit late. But I suppport you. Don't misunderstand me. :(
Great post Element Alpha, thats all i can say.
I agree fully.

As for the people refering to the 34 kids constantly, lets not forget this is a discussion topic in the politics forum, so expect a discussion.
Israeli is so sad in centuries for a reason. (In reference to Bible)
Why dont you drop your emotional outbursts.
Didnt you want to renew the discussion about this conflict? For i cant find any other reason why you'd post this as a new thread in the freekin politics forum.

ummm because it's news, because it's a horrible tragedy, because maybe when children are involved the world needs to ****ing stand up and take notice? why else would I create this topic ffs? of course there's room for discussion but to continually hammer the point that the war on lebanese civilians is justified because of past atrocities committed by a third party is just deplorable

Lt. Drebin was making a valid point on the fact that there will never be peace with these organisations around.

you just dont get it ..we'll see if and when 34 israelis children are killed in a terrorist attack how much you'll appreciate it if someone were to read a litany of grievances against israel in the middle of thread about the victems ..the hypocrisy in this thread is ****ing mindblowing ..I chock it up to one thing: ethnic/regional nationalism ..why else would perfectly rational people IGNORE the plight of children in favour of justifying the conflict with political ideology?

That something (not this rediculous bombing) must be done to stop them, and considering the world doesnt give a ****, Israel decided to act after another rediculous attack.
The list shows how the Israel people, mostly innocent civilians get killed, and its society lives in daily terror.

with every sentence you type you attempt to justify this horrible event ..ffs drop politics for a second and LOOK at what this war has caused. 700 + lebanese civilians dead with only 35 hezbollah deaths ..ffs there's something incredibly wrong here many thousands of innocent lebanese civilians have to die before this ends?

Picture such a society in Canada, and then tell me how the Canadian army shows restraint to a side that terrorizes Canadian society killing many civilians and shows no restraint at all.
Again, i'm not justifying, I'm just explaining the situation and possibly Israel's frustration leading them into this "strategy" which is obviously the stupidest thing they could do.

This does not justify this bombing, or any death, but it explains the situation better.

it explains nothing, it attempts to justify these atrocities by saying it was necessary due to years of terrorist attacks completely whitewashing the fact that these were the most innocent of victems: children. Stating reasons for this conflict does nothing to explain Israels heavy handed use of indescriminate fire. Israel has committed at least one significant identifiable war crime in lebanon: destroying civilian infrastructure essential to human life.. but because they'll cite dual use it'll be ignored's the same thing that happened during desert storm ..and it's also against the Geneva Conventions Protocol 1, Articles 52

Israel has played this card before:

Amnesty said:
The head quar ters com poun d of the Fijian battalion of UNIFIL in Qana was attacked by IDF artillery shortly after 2pm on 18 April. At the time, there were over 800 Lebanese civilians inside the compound; 102 of them were killed and hundreds were wounded. In addition, four UNIFIL personnel were wounded.

UN Military investigator said:
(a) The distribution of impacts at Qana shows two distinct concentrations, whose mean points of impact are about 140 metres apart. If the guns were converged, as stated by the Israeli forces, there should have been only one main point of impact.

(b) The pattern of impacts is inconsistent with a normal overshooting of the declared target (the mortar site) by a few rounds, as suggested by the Israeli forces.

(c) During the shelling, there was a perceptible shift in the weight of fire from the mortar site to the United Nations compound.

(d) The distribution of point impact detonations and air bursts makes it improbable that impact fuses and proximity fuses were employed in random order, as stated by the Israeli forces.

(e) There were no impacts in the second target area which the Israeli forces claim to have shelled.

(f) Contrary to repeated denials, two Israeli helicopters and a remotely piloted vehicle were present in the Qana area at the time of the shelling.

While the possibility cannot be ruled out completely, it is unlikely that the shelling of the United Nations compound was the result of gross technical and/or procedural errors.

it never ceases to surprises me to continually discover that people have learned nothing from 9/11 and the invasion of iraq ..absolutely nothing

Element Alpha: I posted this in reply to another post in this thread, but I think it's still appropriate:

CptStern said:
for far too long has this excuse (labeling anyone who is critical of israel as anti-semitic) been at the forefront, meant to silence any sort of criticism ...well I couldnt care less what ****ing religion/ethnicity they are a civilian death is still a civilian death
PS: I think it's funny so many are outraged by this, while the entire western world keeps stealing all the resources on the african continent, making sure in the process that the entire continent will never recover. There are plenty of genocides in the world (tshetshenia; sudan ) and many, many more - use google.

You're so full of it you can't even see it for you have so much crap in your eyes.

Some of you may remember me, I don't post a lot, I have moderated views on things, I usually prefer to be silent over talking out of my ass. But I know the history of the jewish people very well, and can smell bullsh.t from miles away. Please, don't take offense, but a reality check is something many are in need of. The world is about blood, tears, sweat, pain - rather than about the teletubbies or another episode of friends.

You think its funny do you? you think its funny that people get outraged when children die?

I don't think thats funny at all, I think thats very human. You know whats inhuman? knowing that this shit happens all over the world and not being outraged about it. The world is about alot of things, not just blood, tears and pain, and unless were humane about the world, its going to be an inhumane place.

Shut up and sit down. That's pretty much all I have to say.

So the deaths of this isreali pregnant woman and her daughters is a good enough justification for isreal to kill who they want?

Just remind yourselves that there are plenty of israelis still marked with their nazi tattoos they received 60 years ago. These people have kids and grandkids that see this markings every day, reminding them of the atrocities they have to defend themselves from.

You think this is just a one time issue? Jews have always been persecuted. There's not a single generation of jews in a thousand years that has been able to live peacefully without fear of death.

Why are you bringing this up? Yes, the Jews have been persecuted through history. Yes the Jews suffered the holocaust. Does that Justify the bad actions that they do? NO. Because an eye for an eye will make the whole world go blind. It's such a simple concept but nobody seems to get it. If you come and punch me in the face, then I have to find ways of stopping you from punching me in the face, not find ways of punching you back in the face. Because if I do that, I only get another punch to the face.

This isnt kindergarten. You can't solve problems by pointing a finger and saying "he started it".

So instead of trying to justify what isreal is doing, you should condemn it for all the wrong it is doing, and suggest constructive ways isreal could stop hizbullah from punching it in the face.

The very same thing goes for hizbullah.
bwahahahha you call that source? it's a right wing blog written by some guy who isnt even a journalist

come on man, this should have tipped you off that it's nothing more than speculative drivel:

Confederate Yankee: Because Liberaslism is a Vegatative state

Confederate yankee blog said:
While Hezbollah and its apologists have been claiming that civilians could not freely flee the scene due to Israeli destruction of bridges and roads, the journalists and rescue teams from nearby Tyre had no problem getting there.

utter bullshit

AP eye witness account said:
The road into Qana bore witness to the fierceness of the Israeli airpower __ flattened homes and other buildings, cars that were shattered wrecks. The road was an obstacle course of bomb craters and stretches littered with debris from structures blasted into rubble by bombs.

In Qana, it wasn't initially clear where the latest missile had hit. There was so much damage in the village, houses with gaping holes, others with floors collapsed on to one another.

...Noor said her family stayed in Qana because they were too afraid to go. They had heard the stories about the dead on the road. Several people in their village had tried to flee. Some had died. Then they heard the road was closed because of the bombing.

Noor just knew one thing for sure: "I was afraid."
you're all acting like there's some sort of correct side to take or something when there obviously isn't.
you're all acting like there's some sort of correct side to take or something when there obviously isn't.

Siding against the slaughter of 34 children and 700+ civilians sounds like the correct side to me.

ummm because it's news, because it's a horrible tragedy, because maybe when children are involved the world needs to ****ing stand up and take notice? why else would I create this topic ffs? of course there's room for discussion but to continually hammer the point that the war on lebanese civilians is justified because of past atrocities committed by a third party is just deplorable

you just dont get it ..we'll see if and when 34 israelis children are killed in a terrorist attack how much you'll appreciate it if someone were to read a litany of grievances against israel in the middle of thread about the victems ..the hypocrisy in this thread is ****ing mindblowing ..I chock it up to one thing: ethnic/regional nationalism ..why else would perfectly rational people IGNORE the plight of children in favour of justifying the conflict with political ideology?

with every sentence you type you attempt to justify this horrible event ..ffs drop politics for a second and LOOK at what this war has caused. 700 + lebanese civilians dead with only 35 hezbollah deaths ..ffs there's something incredibly wrong here many thousands of innocent lebanese civilians have to die before this ends?

it explains nothing, it attempts to justify these atrocities by saying it was necessary due to years of terrorist attacks completely whitewashing the fact that these were the most innocent of victems: children. Stating reasons for this conflict does nothing to explain Israels heavy handed use of indescriminate fire. Israel has committed at least one significant identifiable war crime in lebanon: destroying civilian infrastructure essential to human life.. but because they'll cite dual use it'll be ignored's the same thing that happened during desert storm ..and it's also against the Geneva Conventions Protocol 1, Articles 52

Israel has played this card before:

it never ceases to surprises me to continually discover that people have learned nothing from 9/11 and the invasion of iraq ..absolutely nothing

Element Alpha: I posted this in reply to another post in this thread, but I think it's still appropriate:

FFS Stern do you really have to be so biased viewing this like its black & white.
You're waving the Geneva convention around, well when did you ever wave that around against Hamas, Al Aksa etc or Hezbollah who have been terrorizing Israel for YEARS.
Women, children, hundreds of pure attrocities commited by Palestinian and Hezbollah terrorist organisations in the name of a god, and over a piece of land that could be your backyard (i've actually seen it, its rediculous).
Nobody gives a ****, not even the UN, which is what's obviously driven Israel to this desperate tactic.
Explaining is not justifying Stern, its countering people like you that only focus on 1 side of the story demonising a certain country thats surrounded by constant religious hatred ever since it was created.
Where was you're outrage when Hamas bombed Tel Aviv killing over 20 INNOCENT CIVILIANS, or firing rockets into Israel on civilian targets.
You tend to then focus on bringing everything in perspective, along with many others, which is what i'm (and others are) doing here on the other side of the fence.

Sometimes its funny seeing you utterly ignore every rediculous hate-post vs Israel, yet when anybody even raises a finger to point out the situation to un-demonise Israel, you go into full assault mode.

The UN demanded Israel to pullout, Syria to pullout and Hezbollah to disarm, yet only 1 thing happend:
Israel pulled out.
Syria pulled out freekin last year (5 years late), and Hezbollah NEVER disarmed, and continued to fight and terrorize for Israel's total destruction.
The UN didnt care, nobody did about the civilian casualties and daily terror inflicted.
Then you come along, king-armchair critic, demonising Israel for every collateral damage they inflict by a war that was pushed onto them by the Hezbollah aggressors, every time implying "the evil Israel" is doing it on purpose -> nothing Israel does is accident by your books, its all on purpose.
My god this 4th generation warfare works so freeking well, lets hope Israel adopts this tactic as soon as possible so they can start gaining some ground in this media-war.

And Hezbollah, controlling the entire south of lebannon and having 23/128 seats in the parliament can hardly be called a "Third party organisation" even though its funded and armed by Iran, whom you also defend to the bone.
Stationing themselves in residential areas, next to UN, and from there launch at Israel over 150 freekin rockets a day!

If you're so concerned about the lives of children, MILLIONS die EACH YEAR out of pure poverty because people like you and me like to live in wealth, sometimes giving some cash to the poor while we dump our over-produced products into these countries destroying economy and any chance of them getting out of that shitpool of poverty genocide.
Thousands (many children) die every day because the government in Sudan is commiting mass-genocide, o and our friends the Ruskies have been whiping out Chechnya for some time now, and lets not even mention our friends over in Asia.

This is but the tip of the iceberg => no topics, no outrage, nothing.
Yet a collateral damage bomb of Israel hits a building and kills a set of civilians is important enough for you to fight internet wars over totally demonizing Israel implying its "on purpose" and attacking everybodies attempt to pull things out of absurd one-sided hatred.
Its not just you, its a large portion of western-media and many governments who choose their topics ignoring the larger picture.
Israel choose this obviously poor tactic out of despair, not because they're "evil teh pwn" but because they're being terrorized by religious hatred ever since they're created and the world only gives a **** if Israel responds to it.

We should focus on how to prevent this in the future: disarm extremists nutcase organisations....
End 4th generation warfare which is the root-cause to these kind of disproportionate responses, especially by Israel.

This does not take guilt away from Israel for choosing these tactics, but FFS its not black and white stern.

And dont come with that conspiracy bs about how Israeli so called deliberatly bombs kids and UN troops, and everything else they always deliberatly do according to what you imply.

O, and pease quote-war this post to death, totally ignoring the message or intention.
What frustrated me on this matter, is that you seem to be so overly biased and you give Israel not a single bit of credibility in any topic, claiming or implying every accident is on purpose, from the Liberty, to the UN to these kids. Cmon Stern...
Siding against the slaughter of 34 children and 700+ civilians sounds like the correct side to me.


No, but siding with an organisation that has killed 19 civilians doesn't sound right either. I think that was his point.
No, but siding with an organisation that has killed 19 civilians doesn't sound right either. I think that was his point.

I fail to see your point. That I side with the struggles of Lebanonese does not mean I side with Hezbollah's tactics. It is possible to side with an organisation without supporting all their tactics.

FFS Stern do you really have to be so biased viewing this like its black & white.
You're waving the Geneva convention around, well when did you ever wave that around against Hamas, Al Aksa etc or Hezbollah who have been terrorizing Israel for YEARS.

you're being completely unreasonable ..not one of them have ever signed the UN charter, the geneva accords or are bound by international law ..terrorist groups have NO obligation I thought that was self-evident?

Women, children, hundreds of pure attrocities commited by Palestinian and Hezbollah terrorist organisations in the name of a god, and over a piece of land that could be your backyard (i've actually seen it, its rediculous).
Nobody gives a ****, not even the UN, which is what's obviously driven Israel to this desperate tactic.
Explaining is not justifying Stern, its countering people like you that only focus on 1 side of the story demonising a certain country thats surrounded by constant religious hatred ever since it was created.
Where was you're outrage when Hamas bombed Tel Aviv killing over 20 INNOCENT CIVILIANS, or firing rockets into Israel on civilian targets.
You tend to then focus on bringing everything in perspective, along with many others, which is what i'm (and others are) doing here on the other side of the fence.

Sometimes its funny seeing you utterly ignore every rediculous hate-post vs Israel, yet when anybody even raises a finger to point out the situation to un-demonise Israel, you go into full assault mode.

no offense but go **** yourself have no ****ing clue who I am STOP ****ING ACCUSING ME OF ANTI SEMITISM ..I've lived amongst jews most of my life, I have jewish friends, jewish family members and have had relations with jewish women, how ****ing dare you accuse me of being anti-semitic's people like you who would cloud the issue by labeling anyone who disagrees as racist, ffs man the whole ****ing world doesnt subscribe to your idiotic jewish conspiracy theory

I've had enough, Ome_Vince your baseless attack just shows me you're not willing to listen to reason so I'm not going to bother, have fun debating yourself.
Ooh, first time i've seen stern get... well, uh... stern heheh tell em' like it is man.
you're being completely unreasonable ..not one of them have ever signed the UN charter, the geneva accords or are bound by international law ..terrorist groups have NO obligation I thought that was self-evident?

Ah, so that gives them full play.

no offense but go **** yourself have no ****ing clue who I am STOP ****ING ACCUSING ME OF ANTI SEMITISM ..I've lived amongst jews most of my life, I have jewish friends, jewish family members and have had relations with jewish women, how ****ing dare you accuse me of being anti-semitic's people like you who would cloud the issue by labeling anyone who disagrees as racist, ffs man the whole ****ing world doesnt subscribe to your idiotic jewish conspiracy theory

I've had enough, Ome_Vince your baseless attack just shows me you're not willing to listen to reason so I'm not going to bother, have fun debating yourself.

HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF SAYING THAT! You can go **** yourself you idiot. I never said that or even implyed that.
I showed you your ****ing one-sided opinion about the matter, totally not giving Israel any credability, and this is how you defend yourself?
Dont ****ING put any words into my mouth.
This was a counter to your rediculous accusations against a nation, not looking at the situation from multiple angles, and its sick that you respond this way.
Labelling a racist? wtf, you lying son of a bitch, now i'm sure there's a few screws lose in your head.

O, and if reason is mindless one-sided BS, then NO i dont want to listen to that.
Both of you suck it up and calm the hell down before I have to lock this thread. Provoking Stern to the point where he gets that angry is not okay, nor is the things he said OR you said, so let's all just have some cookies and chill out.
Ah, so that gives them full play.

excatly the reasons why debating you is completely futile ..point out where I said that? you cant for even a second have a rational discussion without throwing in baseless accusations

HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF SAYING THAT! You can go **** yourself you idiot. I never said that or even implyed that.
I showed you your ****ing one-sided opinion about the matter, totally not giving Israel any credability, and this is how you defend yourself?
Dont ****ING put any words into my mouth.
This was a counter to your rediculous accusations against a nation, not looking at the situation from multiple angles, and its sick that you respond this way.
Labelling a racist? wtf, you lying son of a bitch, now i'm sure there's a few screws lose in your head.

O, and if reason is mindless one-sided BS, then NO i dont want to listen to that.

what colour is the sky in your world? no seriously, because you're lost all grip on normality

..oh and I hope you dont call people "sons of bitches" to their face ..because that's a sure way to get a mouthful of loose teeth ..insult me all you want, keep my family out of it

Ennui for the sake of perserving peace I withdraw myself from this discussion, it's completely a waste of time anyways ..I apologise for wasting other people's time with this stupid petty fight
Really? I accuse you of hypocracy and you turn that into anti-semitism?
I dont take those things lightly, so i'll call you whatever you are if you accuse me of that.
Threaten me all you want, i dont care, its sick you turned to this.

As for Hezbollah, they're no longer third party, they're integrated into society, as is Hamas, you cant ignore that.

@Ennui, i'm sorry, i'll never accuse people of hypocracy again...
Indeed. HizbAllah is as much a part of Lebanese society as radicalism is to the Palestinian society. They are openly praised by the government, in which they already have seats. Hamas, Fatah, HizbAllah, their strategies and politics are the same. They're integrated into society, they hide among civilians, HizbAllah even prevents civilians from leaving the sites from which they attack Israel from, and in one case, they followed the civilians to a UN outpost when they bled, causing what is today known as the "Qana massacre". And now they're at it again, in Qana once again.
so they effing deserve to be killed because they're almost hezbollah anyways right?

oh, by the effing way ..good job at combating extremism israel, bravo <golf clap>
@Ennui, i'm sorry, i'll never accuse people of hypocracy again...

I was actually more referring to this:
You can go **** yourself you idiot. I never said that or even implyed that.
I showed you your ****ing one-sided opinion about the matter, totally not giving Israel any credability, and this is how you defend yourself?
Dont ****ING put any words into my mouth.
This was a counter to your rediculous accusations against a nation, not looking at the situation from multiple angles, and its sick that you respond this way.
Labelling a racist? wtf, you lying son of a bitch, now i'm sure there's a few screws lose in your head.
Allright, i apologise, i got a little pissed after reading the accusations that were printed on me.

I thought with this:
Provoking Stern to the point where he gets that angry
Was pointed at my post accusing Stern of hypocracy and limiting his view on the whole situation.
It's over with, lets just drop everything related to that little flareup.
Stern's Article said:
So what are the prospects for the coming weeks? "In the medium term, Hezbollah will try to achieve a tacit agreement with Israel to attack only military targets," says Saad-Ghorayeb.

We can only hope.
bait, i just read your sig. 10 points.