ITS AUGUST 17 HERE w00t HL 2 Preload :)

MrD said:
All you folks that think you don't need to either a) buy via steam, or b) have an ATI voucher are probably in for a shock. To the best of my knowledge there has been no official announcement either way. And, if I were gabe, i sure as hell wouldn't be letting every man and his dog download it. If previous games are any measure of how things will work, then YOU WILL NEED A VOUCHER (or you will need to purchase over steam) to be able to download it.

That said, there is no official announcement, so believe what you will. But if you believe everyone can download it then you're probably wrong!
Sure... it's very few people who have that ATI voucher... :flame: we'll see..
That ATI voucher is only good for cs:s beta & halflife2 full version... so why can't everyone download hl2 and then pay to play ?
I wanted to look at the CS:Source .gcf file (as well as the HL2 preload info when its preloaded), but it says, "Cannot open, Steam is currently running, or the file is already opened"

Like what the heck? I checked to see if steam was running, and its not. Even in the system processes (ctrl alt del) its not even running...
Ive seen this txt it seems to be real and NOT FAKE it spoils the whole plot, i read the beginning than deleted it,
Ok I think we have some communication issues in this thread so let's get some facts straight:

ATI Vouchers are not the only people who will be preloading HL2!!!
Gabe has not said anything about needing a voucher and/or purchasing it before preloading! He has however, discussed on the fallout forums somewhere, described the bandwidth that steam will supply for us to get our goodies. It was like 14Gbps I think, which is more than enough for everyone to preload (i think it can support like 20,000 copies a day or something?) Gabe has also said that he could make "a very expensive" phone call and up the bandwidth if need be :naughty:

Also, I have heard (unconfirmed tho) that by preloading you will save time on the install if you buy a physical copy.


It's coming people now is a time to celebrate w000t! :thumbs:
I was supposed to have an ATi voucher. But eBuyer gave me the wrong model :(

Has anyone got a screenie of a voucher so I can print it and cut it out? ;)
I'm fuzzy on the timezones thing. How far behind are valve compared to us in the UK. Is it -8hrs?
jabberwock95 said:
I'm fuzzy on the timezones thing. How far behind are valve compared to us in the UK. Is it -8hrs?
Yes, and for anyone else wondering about timezones, just check your windows calendar/clock (Valve is in the Pacific time zone if anyone doesn't know that already)
Steven Q Urkle said:
i dont think it will. if they release it early on Steam they will make a lot more money as it goes straight to them instead of the publisher.

And do you really think Vivendi would be stupid enough to allow that?
Diablo2k said:
And do you really think Vivendi would be stupid enough to allow that?

quoted for emphasis.

and that Gabe even said Steam release would be the retail release.
Diablo2k said:
And do you really think Vivendi would be stupid enough to allow that?

That's probably the reason why games cost about as much and sometimes more on steam than at retailers.

Edit: I'm thinking of CZ in particular.
I'm pretty sure retail and steam versions will be released on the same day, but it would be impossible for us all to get HL2 at the same time.

People who have pre-ordered HL2 (like me) will be getting it delivered to their door. This can be quite unpredictable, especially if the store you order from tries to deliver it on the release date. Obviously the store will have copies before that date, it's just a question of when the post them (quite a few times I have recieved games a day before release because of fast post).

People who will be picking HL2 up from a shop will probably have it pretty early on the day of release (as soon as they can get to the store).

And of course people who order from steam will get HL2 as soon as valve decides to release it (could be anytime on the day).

But we will all get HL2 in the space of a few hours. So celebrate! :bounce:
jabberwock95 said:
But we will all get HL2 in the space of a few hours. So celebrate! :bounce:
11.5 hours to be exact (if they release at 6pm PST as expected). w00t!
jabberwock95 said:
But we will all get HL2 in the space of a few hours. So celebrate! :bounce:

Hmm I didn't know the game went gold, I thought they were just going to upload textures and sound files.
I would think they would do it earlier in the day to avoid a possible very late night for them. Just to make sure everything goes properly for several hours at least.
The fact is bandwidth is expensive. And with the amount of people wanting HL2, I highly doubt they are going to let EVERYONE with a steam account preload HL2. Because probably everyone (minus 56kers, well maybe even some) would try and preload it just for shits and giggles.

So it would seem realistically you would either need a voucher, or need to order HL2 via steam to start preloading.

I doubt Valve is gonna pay out a shitload of money for extra bandwidth to people who havent even purchased their game.

However, I have a voucher, so it all good to me either way. heh :D
CB | Para said:
Hmm I didn't know the game went gold, I thought they were just going to upload textures and sound files.
That's exactly what they are doing.

And as for the speculation on the voucher holders only getting HL2 today, that won't happen. Not only has nobody from Valve said anything about it being ATi exclusive, but it will serve as an excellent stress test for Steam. It passed the CS:S beta upload with flying colors for the time being, and the HL2 upload is what Valve has been building up to in respect to Steam's development.
eQUIV said:
The fact is bandwidth is expensive. And with the amount of people wanting HL2, I highly doubt they are going to let EVERYONE with a steam account preload HL2. Because probably everyone (minus 56kers, well maybe even some) would try and preload it just for shits and giggles.

So it would seem realistically you would either need a voucher, or need to order HL2 via steam to start preloading.

I doubt Valve is gonna pay out a shitload of money for extra bandwidth to people who havent even purchased their game.

However, I have a voucher, so it all good to me either way. heh :D

Do we know how large the portion of HL2 we are going to get today is? If it's only (say) 100mb or so then valve could afford to let everyone preload it.

Personally, if it's a large download then I agree with you. There would be no point in people who don't want to order from Steam preloading HL2. It would be an unnessecary drain on Valves bandwidth, and it would allow many more people access to the files, increasing the chance that some hacker will have broken the encryption before the game is released.

If they only allow people with a voucher or who order over steam to download the game, it saves bandwidth and limits the number of people with access to it. It doesn't bother me, im buying retail.

Edit: You're right though, I would probably still preload it for 'shits and giggles'.
As Sushi said what better way to test the networks capacity. VALVe has to look ahead and say ok we have (in theory at least) the possiblity for everyone that wants HL2 to buy it over Steam. This would be a lot greater of a demand than simply preloading content early. VALVe has to plan for the worst case scenario which is everyone buying HL2 through steam. In order to do that without pissing off customers, VALVe must make damn sure their network meets demands. If that means upping the bandwidth at a high cost, I am almost certain VALVe will do it. After all, they are going to make a killing in the next month with HL2 being released. I mean look at the sheer number of people (me included) that have copies reserved or preordered at their favorite retailer. Not to mention the ATI vouchers....people who will download...and people who will pray their stores aren't sold out when they go to buy it. This doesn't even take into consideration the amount of money they will make with creating expansion packs, releasing other mods, etc... in the months following HL2. So this preloading concept is an awesome test for the Steam network and I am sure it will pass with flying colors even if VALVe has to up their bandwidth!

Napalm said:

Thanks for clearing that up :)
I don't want to spread confusion, but I really doubt you'll be able to preload without either having an ATI key, or paying for HL2 through steam. Why would they allow people who may not even buy HL2 to preload the game? It's completely unneccissary strain on the servers. It also risks bandwidth disasters like some prankster going onto forums all over the web and saying "HL2 is available for free download! Register on steam and download it now, you won't need to pay for it!", resulting in thousands upon thousands of people who had no intention of purchasing the game using up bandwidth.

So bottom line again AS OF RIGHT NOW, DON'T BOTTOM LINE THINGS UNLESS YOU HAVE MORE THAN JUST SPECULATION. You're only making assumptions, and spreading rumours that are quite likely to end up being false.

I suggest not to expect to be able to preload without first having a key, or purchasing HL2 off steam. That way, if it turns out everyone can preload, you'll be pleasantly surprised, but you won't be shocked if you can't, which is what I'm predicting will be the case.
Ok here is the dilly you say the word speculation in your post..yea u dont know either so dont go doing what your preaching not to do in the first place. I bottom lined one thing and you didn't read it entirely otherwise you would have caught the words as of right now and until valve says differently. Which is only the truth not a rumor!
don't want to spread confusion, but I really doubt you'll be able to preload without either having an ATI key, or paying for HL2 through steam. Why would they allow people who may not even buy HL2 to preload the game?
Blah blah..

It'll probably ask you if you want to pre-load, then you must purchase it when it is released to be able to play.
I agree Crusader that would be typical VALVe fashion as CS:CZ was that way. I had it preloaded but refused to buy the piece of spooge!
Why would they waste all the bandwidth to let everyone and his dog download if you haven't either paid, or have an ATI voucher? It doesn't really make sense.
1. to test steams capabilities for delivering the entire game as I mentioned before it is necessary for them to plan for the worst case scenario.
2. its typical VALVe fashion to do something with little or no explanation.
3. Just because...
and 4. We haven't been told differently!
Iconoclast said:
Why would they waste all the bandwidth to let everyone and his dog download if you haven't either paid, or have an ATI voucher? It doesn't really make sense.

1. not everybody will be downloading it, they know they cant play it.
2. to test steam
3. becuase the release is weeks away so why bother rushing?
My bet is it will at least go out to ATI voucher people first, _MAYBE_ others but Napalm those reasons really aren't good enough to believe they will preload (but then again, #4 is right and they may preload to others)

Hmmm maybe what they will do is ask if you want to buy HL2 if you haven't already and if you buy it then it will preload.... They shouldn't waste bandwith for those of us who have bought it over Steam already with our vouchers.... Sure it may be worst case scenario, but I'm sure they don't want to do any testing ATM with tons of bad press going down and all they need now is to hear that they can't upload to those who have got the voucher... PLUS, you guys are getting it all on CD's so leave our bandwith alone :p
Napalm said:
Ok here is the dilly you say the word speculation in your post..yea u dont know either so dont go doing what your preaching not to do in the first place. I bottom lined one thing and you didn't read it entirely otherwise you would have caught the words as of right now and until valve says differently. Which is only the truth not a rumor!
I'm not claiming to know either way, and I understand that you're not either, but the way you 'bottom lined' it is basically telling people to assume that you're right until Valve state otherwise. What evidence is there to suggest that your point of view is valid enough to be assumed correct until further notice? Why is it any more valid than an alternative opinion?

I apologise if my post was harsh and seemed preachy, but it was the preachy nature of your post (telling people to assume one point of view until further notice) that prompted my reaction. Basically, if you're going to bottom line the situation, all that can really be said is "We don't know yet". Anything else is simply personal opinion. I do think it's more logical that preloading won't be available to everyone, but that's just my point of view.

Anyway, this preloading really isn't a big deal at the moment (we won't play the game until release either way), and we will soon see exactly who the option to preload becomes available to anyway. My bet is not everyone. Time will tell.
When CZ started preload, you had to give a valid credit card in order to actually preload.

The card, of course, wasn't actually charged until CZ was released a couple weeks later, but I'd expect Valve to do the same thing for HL2: require a credit card number, authorize but not charge it, and then allow you to download.

Even though the preload tonight is stuff that's not going to change (textures, models, maps?, etc.) I expect that those things make up the bulk of the size, so I expect tonight's preload to be a RICH, CHUNKY gigabyte of data or so.
Ok either most of you are incredible smart or incredibly stupid. Your incredibly smart because you may know somthing I dont know about pre-loads, but I am guessing that most of you are letting your obsession with this game (I am obsessed too) get in the way to LOGICAL FACTS OF TRANSACTIONS. If you don't not buy this game, which there is no option on steam YET, then the only way to have get it is through the ATI voucher for a PRELOAD. Why cant people understand this?? Why the hell do you think valve would ever give some of the game to EVERYONE when some people may buy or may not and if they do buy it, it may be the retail version which will already have that data on CD. If they preload this game to everyone for the heck of it, then thats valves choice and a dumb one at that, but I am guessing they are not going to do this because they are smart professional people who know how to sell a game. Most of you in this thread seem to think along the lines of "X company is going to be selling a game but wither your going to buy it or not, lets give a portion to EVERYONE". THat is just ridiculous. Just because they did not mention ATI users only in the message doesnt mean anything. I cant believe this is even being debated. I am sure when gabe said that about the HL2 pre-load he would assume that everyone has the sense to figure it out on there own, but no everyone has to be spoon fed the exact information or their lost. GIVE ME A BREAK, how dumb can one get. I'm sorry to rant like this but this is pathetic. IF you did not buy the game then you dont get it, its as simple as that. For those who have not got the ATI card then you CAN download tonight IF you give a credit card. This is NOT GOING TO BE A PUBLIC/EVERYONE Preload tonight!!!! Now I know many of you crazy people will be in denial for this and backlash at me, but it is the facts and your going to have to deal with it. It will be confirmed by Doug Lombardi this evening around 6 PST, but until then , you can bitch all you want but this is a fact, otherwise Valve would not be around today because they are giving games away without first getting orders for them which would essential mean no income and closing for the company from there.
GorgeousOrifice said:
When CZ started preload, you had to give a valid credit card in order to actually preload.

No, no you didn't. It preloaded for everyone without so much as asking. Now, granted, VALVe won't auto-preload a game anymore, but CZ DID NOT have to be purchased in order to preload it. Even *I* preloaded it, and I didn't buy CZ until a month after it was out (and not even through Steam). Keep in mind, this was when CZ first came out, before it hit stores. VALVe wanted to lessen the load on Steam, so they had anyone and everyone preload it so they COULD buy it and not have to DL the whole thing.

I see no reason why this would be different with HL2. It'd be stupid to only preload to ATi voucher holders.
maximus0402 said:
Ok either most of you are incredible smart or incredibly stupid. Your incredibly smart because you may know somthing I dont know about pre-loads, but I am guessing that most of you are letting your obsession with this game (I am obsessed too) get in the way to LOGICAL FACTS OF TRANSACTIONS. If you don't not buy this game, which there is no option on steam YET, then the only way to have get it is through the ATI voucher for a PRELOAD. Why cant people understand this?? Why the hell do you think valve would ever give some of the game to EVERYONE when some people may buy or may not and if they do buy it, it may be the retail version which will already have that data on CD. If they preload this game to everyone for the heck of it, then thats valves choice and a dumb one at that, but I am guessing they are not going to do this because they are smart professional people who know how to sell a game. Most of you in this thread seem to think along the lines of "X company is going to be selling a game but wither your going to buy it or not, lets give a portion to EVERYONE". THat is just ridiculous. Just because they did not mention ATI users only in the message doesnt mean anything. I cant believe this is even being debated. I am sure when gabe said that about the HL2 pre-load he would assume that everyone has the sense to figure it out on there own, but no everyone has to be spoon fed the exact information or their lost. GIVE ME A BREAK, how dumb can one get. I'm sorry to rant like this but this is pathetic. IF you did not buy the game then you dont get it, its as simple as that. For those who have not got the ATI card then you CAN download tonight IF you give a credit card. This is NOT GOING TO BE A PUBLIC/EVERYONE Preload tonight!!!! Now I know many of you crazy people will be in denial for this and backlash at me, but it is the facts and your going to have to deal with it. It will be confirmed by Doug Lombardi this evening around 6 PST, but until then , you can bitch all you want but this is a fact, otherwise Valve would not be around today because they are giving games away without first getting orders for them which would essential mean no income and closing for the company from there.
There's not going to be enough in the preload to play the game, so even if the preload was available to everyone, nobody could play it without buying it. But otherwise I agree, the preload will most likely not be available to everyone.