It's that time of year again... Modern Warfare 3 teaser released

It's reasonable given the development cycle... but maybe they shouldn't be using it for visual PR. Especially when they're going up against BF3.

like i said (and ren, too), it doesn't look like PR. again, whilst there are many things wrong with the COD games, marketing isn't really one of them given how much budget they get each year. after how many modern war titles, it would be daft to assume that now they are going with such a backwards lackluster strategy, so i can only presume this is just accidental stuff, or things they've had floating around and thought ''**** it, lets give the fans some gun porn to look at'', because i can tell you this: you go to google and search in ''modern warfare weapons list'' there are hundreds of hits just from forums and websites looking into what weapons are going to be available in the next installment. this gives the masses something, i suppose.

really though, i wouldn't take these screenshots too seriously.
I am pretty much certain that the PR and marketing folks behind MW3 had nothing to do with the release of that media (and probably ran around like headless chickens trying to mitigate the damage). To me they look like screenshots of their development build that some dev cobbled together in 3 minutes in his excitement to be an anonymous source. No PR person in their right mind would release THAT as the first images. They are going to do exactly like BF3 and every other game with a major marketing budget: spoonfeed us tiny little bits of high quality media, accelerating the amount of media you put out to keep people excited until release day.

BF3's first teaser trailer was basically exactly the same thing as the trailer for MW3 that started this thread.
"Give us 5 million likes on Facebook and we'll release more gun models lol."
*5 million people proceed to like MW3*

Box art released.

Full trailer to follow soon I guess.
PEGI box art was leaked during announcement, think it's my favorite generic action dude holding an m4 and tons of special ops gear yet.
Holy shit every single shooter has the same box art god damn
That is totally Gordon Freeman on the cover.
I really wonder if they will get insane sales figures this time, after MW2 I somewhat predicted the COD craze would be over.. I was wrong with their over 1 billion Black Ops revenue lol.

Agree on the generic art.
I really wonder if they will get insane sales figures this time, after MW2 I somewhat predicted the COD craze would be over.. I was wrong with their over 1 billion Black Ops revenue lol.

Agree on the generic art.

I was in Madison (Wisconsin capitol) and already saw multiple people wearing MW3 promotional t-shirts and a couple wall posters. Make no mistake, it will take the spot as the fastest selling game in North America again - simply due to the ad campaign, if nothing else.

That is totally Gordon Freeman on the cover.

Good call.
I was in Madison (Wisconsin capitol) and already saw multiple people wearing MW3 promotional t-shirts and a couple wall posters. Make no mistake, it will take the spot as the fastest selling game in North America again - simply due to the ad campaign, if nothing else.

And probably just loyal fansboys that buy anything labeled 'modern warfare'.
I wonder if we'll get to shoot any villians in slow motion this time around.
i had no care for black ops, but i'll likely play this and - to some degree - enjoy it. the modern warfare franchise is such a big part of this generation of shooter games that i feel sort of compelled to see where else the trainwreck of a story is going to go, just for closures sake.

that said, i won't be buying it. rent or bargain bin, methinks. borrowing from a friend would be most ideal.
Looks like Tom Clancy and Michael Bay got in a car wreck at the speed of light and they filmed the explosion in super-slo-mo-3D.

Yeah, I think I'll be renting this out for the pure spectacle. Also I just gotta see how ****ing stupid this thing gets before they sloppily resolve it with yet another sequel tease.
as much as i want to avoid buying this game, i know ill give in. And then, ill finish the SP in one day, get bored of MP in 2 months, DUE TO RELEASE OF NEW MAPS ONLY HAPPENING ON THE 360!!! and then ill chuck it aside and say **** man..
Trying to be an optimist and remain confident in Sledgehammer and IW 2.0

Loved MW 1/2
The trailer has me hooked, action action action. Looking forward to it.
f*cking lol'd at the car in that collapse shot. "WE CAN'T DO ACTUAL PHYSICS SO WATCH THIS EXPLODING CAR!! ZOOOOOOOM"

Aside from that, it looks like the same game as before.
Can anyone else see why this game is going to be completely different from Battlefield 3? (from what we've seen so far)
Enjoyed the trailer, but god damn I can't stand the idea of YET ANOTHER CoD.
It's almost like you're watching a real live-action film!
There is a distinct lack of French and German soldiers in the France and Germany sections.
There is a distinct lack of French and German soldiers in the France and Germany sections.

this is COD we're talking here: adding france and germany to the game is just an excuse to have americans and brits running around new territory. there'll be nothing french or german about the places, i'm betting.
**** yeah. Most intense first person cutscenes ever!!!!!!

"I am a paratrooper because that is a real-life war scenario. You cannot shoot me because this is a cutscene to make the game feel more dramatic, like a movie. Soon I will be landing; I have landed on the ground."
Way to single out one person.

You were the only person who said anything remotely like what you said. The joke wouldn't have made sense in reference to cautious optimism or fleeting amusement, only genuine anticipation. Sorry, you shouldn't have made it so easy.
You were the only person who said anything remotely like what you said. The joke wouldn't have made sense in reference to cautious optimism or fleeting amusement, only genuine anticipation. Sorry, you shouldn't have made it so easy.

Hey everyone needs their fix of over the top action, it's why we sit through hollywood garbage all the time. It's utterly ridiculous but still fun to watch.
That being said I'll take it with a grain of salt.

Didya see teh part wher the train de raild??!!1
Let's hate on CoD because we are hardcore gamers and as we all know, we are above such trashy, mainstream, Hollywood pap.
Hahaha holy shit they actually managed to trump Michael Bay in the dumb spectacle department. I mean if you're going to do this sort of dumb action movie shit, you might as well go out all. Explosions! New York! Paris! Global conflict! Grappling hook! Escalation! One liners! How did EA possibly think they could compete with Battlefield 3 in terms of sales?

And y'know what, if I didn't have prior knowledge of just how unsatisfying Call of Duty's [STRIKE]movie rollercoaster[/STRIKE] combat is, I'd say it looks stupidly fun. Jeep chasing a train? Scuba diving in a flooded subway thing? Zipping through a huge naval and air battle in a speedboat in New York's bay? You have to admit, Call of Duty trumps other games in terms of creating incredible set pieces. The only issue is you don't actually get to play them.
I like the chasm that exists between the gaming and films forums visa vi having and expressing a strong opinion on a certain piece of media.

Gaming: "I'm not saying you're a terrible person for liking this game, but you should probably reconsider siring offspring on the off-chance that such bad taste is hereditary."

Films: "I thought this film was horrid but that's just, like, my opinion, and all others are equally valid and subjective. 7/10."