It's that time of year again... Modern Warfare 3 teaser released

For all the problems that are strikingly obvious with 'Elite', I think it is fair to say that the majority of us who visit this place aren't really the target audience for such a service. There will be a whole load of people who have really connected with the CoD series that are going to see this as a good way of keeping in touch with friends through the game, and for those who want to pay, probably the only way to get what I expect will be a bunch of 'Elite Exclusive DLC'.
MW3 vs. B3


“We just want to stay true to the interest of the Call of Duty fans and we try to not get distracted by what people are doing. I can’t objectively tell you what I think of other products until I see them. Battlefield I’ve only seen on a PC and nobody’s seen it on a console yet. Most of our consumers play games on a console. Until I see it on a console, I wouldn’t be objective on commenting on it.”


“It’s the beginning of the war and (Kotick) recognizes they’re going to be threatened. We’re going to have a clash of the titans this fall. The very fact that he’s trying to cast doubt on our game is a perfect example of how we got his goat. In terms of where this goes, we think our PS3 game is better than their Xbox game and our PC game is better than their PC game. If that’s all he’s got to say, it’s obviously going to evaporate as we launch all three. If you went to our press conference, you saw the PS3 footage and the Xbox footage. If Bobby thinks that is PC footage, he’s in real trouble.”
Cat fight!!!

But in all seriousness, if the footage of BF3 at E3 (obviously note the live play tank bit) was from the consoles, then wow! That is one smart looking game :D
Kotick is an idiot. In the interview that quote came from he just yammers on and on about how we haven't seen 360 or PS3 footage from BF3 yet, and how "it probably doesn't exist". Unfortunately for him we actually have seen footage - the Thunder Run singleplayer trailer (the 10 minute tank combat one) is actually compiled from footage from all 3 platforms... its just hard to tell the difference. In that same interview Kotick was also talking MAD shit about PC players and how small and unimportant a segment of the market they are. I guess he forgot that WOW makes Actiblizz all their money.

MW3's E3 hands on was ok, it just looks exactly like every other COD game - super heavily scripted, but really no more than a shooting gallery with targets popping up, taking them out, and moving on to the next area with some pretty scripted sequence. BF3 is looking to be similar but at least it doesn't look like it was made in 2007.

COD Elite is a joke, but Evo is right in that we are far from the target audience. We PC gamers are the last people they expect to pay money to play COD online. BF3 already won the PC segment of the market hands down.
Hope Kotick gets what's coming to him for being the way he is.
#2 - Razor 07/06/11, 9:31 pm
Well this Kotick man looks like a very nice chap.

#3 - Robbins 07/06/11, 9:42 pm
@2 Indeed I’d like to have a beer with him but he’d probably make me pay
In that same interview Kotick was also talking MAD shit about PC players and how small and unimportant a segment of the market they are.

This annoys me to no end after the treatment PC players were given with the last couple CoD titles. He forgets so quickly which platform made his cash cow in the first place.

Yeah, **** em, they've earned another boycott.
Herp derp, Call of Duty was released on the PC (and only the PC) which started this whole mess. It's a shame because Call of Duty was a great game.
We PC gamers are the last people they expect to pay money to play COD online. BF3 already won the PC segment of the market hands down.

well, can you blame them for trying:

I guess he forgot that WOW makes Actiblizz all their money.
