It's that time of year again... Modern Warfare 3 teaser released

Gaming: "I'm not saying you're a terrible person for liking this game, but you should probably reconsider siring offspring on the off-chance that such bad taste is hereditary."

Films: "I thought this film was horrid but that's just, like, my opinion, and all others are equally valid and subjective. 7/10."

I have to disagree Multi^Hat. I've seen both kinds in both film and gaming forums, even here.
I thoroughly enjoy playing CoD both single player and with others.

I <3 u guyz rly.

It appears MW3 is generating controversy already.

In the trailer released on May 23rd, there is a scene that shows a train derailing and exploding in one of London’s underground tunnels, in response The Daily Mail reported that many UK citizens affected by the 7/7 bombings that hit London in 2005 found it distasteful.

Vivienne Pattison, spokesman for campaign group Mediawatch UK, said: ‘I have concerns as these games are hyper-real and take place in a landscape we are familiar with. In light of the fact we have just had the 7/7 inquests, it is in incredibly poor taste.’

I wonder if the 'controversy' that seems to plague Call of Duty is actually just clever marketing - throw something in that is bound to hit a nerve and wait for the media to go nuts.
For example, when MW2 was released, my mother, who has never played a videogame in her life, somehow knew all about the 'No Russian' mission. Any publicity is good publicity for Call of Duty it seems.
Which leads to a lot of disappointment when, for example, Mass Effect isn't a "hyper realistic sex simulator" after all.

Damn you, Fox! :(
It appears MW3 is generating controversy already.

I wonder if the 'controversy' that seems to plague Call of Duty is actually just clever marketing - throw something in that is bound to hit a nerve and wait for the media to go nuts.
For example, when MW2 was released, my mother, who has never played a videogame in her life, somehow knew all about the 'No Russian' mission. Any publicity is good publicity for Call of Duty it seems.

I wont be surprised
I wonder if the 'controversy' that seems to plague Call of Duty is actually just clever marketing - throw something in that is bound to hit a nerve and wait for the media to go nuts.
For example, when MW2 was released, my mother, who has never played a videogame in her life, somehow knew all about the 'No Russian' mission. Any publicity is good publicity for Call of Duty it seems.

Yeah, Rockstar also always does that. Full frontal nudity, sex content they 'accidentally' left in, and that sort of stuff.
Main difference between them is that Rockstar actually makes quality games.
my mother, who has never played a videogame in her life, somehow knew all about the 'No Russian' mission.
Yeah that's some good publicity! Because she bought the game and told all her friends to.
"too" co-notates in addition to, as well, etc. I think that was the word you were looking for. IF TYPO, STILL UNACCEPTABLE.

...also in some cases any press is good press. The "what parents hate, kids love" type of marketing is nothing new, it's just more upfront these days (EA's little Dead Space 2 campaign comes to mind). No Russian may have been stupid within the game, but there's no doubt in my mind that it bolstered sales to have the game plastered all over the news as something that should be banned and such. Nothing makes people want a piece of media more than a solid ban or a bout of controversy, that is undeniable.

The ol' Streisand effect. Only thing is, this time around, Activision won't even try to play dumb.
Actually I meant "and told all her friends to (buy it also)"
Yeah that's some good publicity! Because she bought the game and told all her friends to.

That was not my point, my point was that EVERYONE was talking about MW2 when it was being released, I think it may have had something to do with sales.
Good thing I never gave a shit about multiplayer with the series. They're a ****ing company out to make money, we have to remember that Valve is unique in its awesomeness.
Saw the pre-order case for this in my local game store. They don't seem to be wasting any time.
holy **** that trailer is so bad i thought it was a fan vid O__O
CS has done this since flash was invented like a decade ago the Valve came along and put it into the game starting with L4D. Of course console kiddies are going to see this as a new and exciting thing. I can't wait for their reaction when they add the feature to view it on their cell phone. :rolleyes:
Ok. :( Edited my post. Guess I'm running out of real life shit to worry about.
That trailer is laughable. My God these games are shit.
it just came to me today.

Steam does all this shit for free!
Does Actvision have no shame?
They ripped off steam ideas and are charging for it...unbelievable
Steam does most of this shit for free. What a load of shit.
so its pro for CoD with the map packs thrown in then?
it just came to me today.

Steam does all this shit for free!
Does Actvision have no shame?
They ripped off steam ideas and are charging for it...unbelievable
I do not know who did this first but World ff Warcraft did this with their Armory before Steam.
Wait, that was a trailer? I thought it was some fan video. Holy shit wow.
literally debut for the CoD social network. p. unbelievable. Horrid, horrid humor. Seen far better bad Gmod videos.
Corporations trying to make down-to-earth internet vidyas is always hilariously awkward.

"Check it out noobz I'm on tha internets! lol can I have a cheeseburger?"
That and it reminds me that I've racked up hours and hours on a game primarily directed at younger teens and children where the primary goal is to kill each other - this ad just reinforces that.

We've also learned, unfortunately, that this latest Call of Duty still won't support dedicated servers, instead relying on the hosted servers found in previous iterations of the game. Dedicated servers were removed from the Modern Warfare games starting with Modern Warfare 2. (Modern Warfare 3 appears to be using DemonWare for player authentication, just like with Call of Duty: Black Ops.)

They are planning on making a COD tv series with "big" Hollywood stars. Let me guess, it's coming on at 10PM and will have stars that were in some obscure movie like Fast and Furious or Jason X. Premiers on Spike after the VGA awards! :upstare: *SPONSORED BY MOUNTAIN DEW, THE DRINK COD PLAYERS FRAG WITH. **AND BURGER KING (of course).

***Final edit, I promise: