James Kim and family missing


May 21, 2004
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CNET’s James Kim and family missing — have you seen them?


We've received word that a respected member of our tech community, James Kim (whom many of you may know as CNET's senior editor of digital audio), and his family have gone missing. As we understand it, last weekend James, his wife Kati (above right), and his very young girls Penelope (left) and Sabine (baby), drove from their home in the SF Bay Area to Seattle. They were expected back some time Sunday, but were last heard from Saturday in or between Gold Beach or Portland, Oregon. We sincerely do hope they are all safe, and our hearts go out to the Kim family.

We'll have more information as we get it. If you have any information as to the Kim family's whereabouts, please contact the SFPD at 415-558-5508 during normal business hours, and 415-553-1071 after hours.


I enjoyed watching him on TechTV. I hope him and his family are alright.
Oh dear, what a sad story. I hope they are found soon & there's a nice innocent reason for their disappearance.
I hope so, too, but last weekend was a bad time to be in the Northwest.
You referring to the large storms some people had? I heard some guys from the States mentioning them, but I'm not sure actually how bad they were.
Oh, no. Who will I get my advice from on audio devices now? Seriously -- he's awesome.
Ah, crap.

Hope he and his family are ok.
I haven't seen them (live in the area)...

Yeah storms have been bad in quite a few areas. Some ice/snow this week on the roads. I hope they're okay...
You referring to the large storms some people had? I heard some guys from the States mentioning them, but I'm not sure actually how bad they were.

yea, theres like an inch of ice on everything outside of where I am right now....and theres a shit ton of snow coming and more rain......
trees branches are starting to bend and break. I saw a oak tree bending from the immense weight of all the ice on its branches.

I hope this guy and his family are ok.
They probably crashed on the shitty road conditions.
Man, it's hard to just disappear. I hope they're all ok and turn up soon.
Man, it really IS hard to disappear..hope they are alright...

Any more updates?
Hey, he has the same family name as me.... Wonder if I'm related....
James Kim -- brief update

Just a brief update in case you haven't caught the latest: Crave reports that James and his family are driving a 2005 silver Saab station wagon with license plate "DOESF." The official missing person report can be found here. Officials investigating the case have narrowed their search to a stretch of Oregon's Highway 38, which is on the route that the family would most likely have taken to get to the Gold Beach motel where they had reservations. We're tracking the situation at our post from yesterday, so that's the place to bookmark for now. We'll keep everybody updated as we learn more. Also, our very sincerest thanks to all our readers -- many of whom obviously love CNET and James's work there -- for their support and compassion. We're all hopeful the Kim family will return safely soon.


Time to get out the blood hounds.
It would be terrible if they've gone off the road & are stuck somewhere :(
I hope they watch plenty of survivorman and man vs wild :o
They probably have Singlebar(Cingular) as their cell phone provider. That would mean definately no reception.
Hey, he has the same family name as me.... Wonder if I'm related....

Isn't there a billion people named Kim?

OT: This is sad, hope he turns up safe, but I doubt it, cause it's pretty hard to completely disappear unless you really are dead.
OT: This is sad, hope he turns up safe, but I doubt it, cause it's pretty hard to completely disappear unless you really are dead.

One guy disappeared in snowy weather with a wife + baby. This was in north america, iirc, and for around a week. They took a wrong turn, ended up on some icy backroad and crashed. They waited with the car for a couple of days, but due to baby and lack of food/help, they decided to move. They ended up walking some distance (20 or so miles through snow, took them two days I think). Then they found out they went the wrong way.

The wife and kid hid in a cave and the guy managed to walk some massive distance to bring help.

If the area is inhospitable, then its likely that there wouldn't be a human around for miles and miles.
One guy disappeared in snowy weather with a wife + baby. This was in north america, iirc, and for around a week. They took a wrong turn, ended up on some icy backroad and crashed. They waited with the car for a couple of days, but due to baby and lack of food/help, they decided to move. They ended up walking some distance (20 or so miles through snow, took them two days I think). Then they found out they went the wrong way.

The wife and kid hid in a cave and the guy managed to walk some massive distance to bring help.

If the area is inhospitable, then its likely that there wouldn't be a human around for miles and miles.

Shh.. I live in a small country. It's pretty much impossible to go missing here and still be alive.
Yeah, when someone goes missing here, they're usually found face down in a pond within two days.
Wow, I really hope you're joking.

Well, I am in one of the largest family subgroup of Kim, the Kimhae Kim.

And most of the Kims abroad are in that subgroup, since the Kimha Kims were one of the sub-elites of pre-modern Korean society, they had more money, and traces of the eliteness still run through sometimes, mostly toward in foreign immigrations.

But yes, I was. :p

This clan is by far the most populous of all Korean clans
One guy disappeared in snowy weather with a wife + baby. This was in north america, iirc, and for around a week. They took a wrong turn, ended up on some icy backroad and crashed. They waited with the car for a couple of days, but due to baby and lack of food/help, they decided to move. They ended up walking some distance (20 or so miles through snow, took them two days I think). Then they found out they went the wrong way.

The wife and kid hid in a cave and the guy managed to walk some massive distance to bring help.

If the area is inhospitable, then its likely that there wouldn't be a human around for miles and miles.

Uh this exact scenario reminds me of a movie I saw a few years ago.
Are u sure you didn't see that in a movie :P (or maybe the movie was based on a real story or something :dozey: ).
I remember this scene were she was with the baby in the cave and they haven't ate or drank anything for days so she like opened the baby's mouth and fed it with her saliva :O
He's preparing for his violent overthrow of the U.S. government...
Uh this exact scenario reminds me of a movie I saw a few years ago.
Are u sure you didn't see that in a movie :P (or maybe the movie was based on a real story or something :dozey: ).
I remember this scene were she was with the baby in the cave and they haven't ate or drank anything for days so she like opened the baby's mouth and fed it with her saliva :O

Sounds similar, but I'm 100% certain that I'm remembering it from a documentary, I wouldn't be surprised if they made a movie from it, but I don't remember the saliva thing.
Things arent looking good...

GRANTS PASS, Ore. - Three members of a San Francisco family missing for more than a week were found alive Monday in a remote area or southern Oregon, police said. A search continued for the father.

Investigators said a helicopter spotted 30-year-old Kati Kim waving an umbrella about 1:45 p.m. They also said they found daughters Penelope, 4, and Sabine, 7 months.

They were airlifted to a hospital in Grants Pass. There was no immediate word on their condition.

Rescuers continued to look for Kati Kim's husband, 35-year-old James Kim. He had left on foot two days ago to seek help, police said.

At least the Mother and Children are safe. Glad to hear it.
Lets hope Mr. Kim turns up safe and sound now. My heart goes out to the family.
I don't know the guy as I haven't watched the show... but it's excellent his family was found alive.

I really hope the guy didn't succumb to the elements in his search.
Oh dear god, I hope this story has a happy ending, it would be a terrible tragedy if they lost him and there all rescued together like that, he left to help them after all. :(
The wife and two young daughters of missing CNET senior editor James Kim have been found alive and well after surviving more than a week stranded in the wilderness of southwest Oregon, authorities said Monday afternoon.

A full-scale ground and air search has now shifted to the 35-year-old editor, who left the car on foot Saturday morning to seek help and has not yet been found, Josephine County sheriff's authorities said at a news conference in Merlin, Ore. "He's a resourceful guy and we're hoping for the best," said Mike Weinstein, a detective with the Portland Police Bureau's Missing Persons Unit.

Terrible indeed. Poor guy. I feel sorry for his family. At least they survived... he can rest peacefully knowing that his wife and their children survived.
he was found a mile from where his family was (he had traveled 8 miles in a circle) making it that much more tragic ..he made the correct choice ...not the right choice ..had I been in his situation I would have gone for help as well knowing full well I might not make it back