James Kim and family missing

Terrible indeed. Poor guy. I feel sorry for his family. At least they survived... he can rest peacefully knowing that his wife and their children survived.

Did he? He didn't know at all. For all he knows, if you can indeed think beyond the grave, his family could have perished too.

How terrible for your dying thought to be whether your family are about to die the same way as you are, or whether they already have.

Makes me feel quite ill.
The most annoying thing is that if he hadn't moved he would've been ok.

I watched those survival programs on Channel 4, and the 1st rule if you get lost is to stay where you are. I suppose you want to be trying to do something rather than sitting and waiting to be saved.
I hate to say it but he really did die in vain..he made the wrong choice by going off for help like he did. The only time he should have went off for help was if he was absolutely sure there was civilization where he was going.
or worse watching his 7 month old die from lack of fluids ...apparently the mother had been breastfeeding both children to keep them alive ....and they were missing for almost 2 weeks ..they spent almost a week at the car before he set out to look for help
Had I been in that situation I would have turned the car into a campsite and lived there until rescued. Or else, I would have walked a mile in different directions with my car as the starting point, and unless I found some traces of civilization, I'd return to my car and get ready for a trip in the opposite direction. There is no point in walking through 8 miles of forest if there isn't any civilization in a one hundred mile radius... You are not superman, you won't make it through 100 miles of wintry forest, which is possibly infested with bears and other critters.
Had I been in that situation I would have turned the car into a campsite and lived there until rescued. Or else, I would have walked a mile on different directions with my car as the starting point, and unless I found some traces of civilization, I'd return to my car and get ready for a trip in the opposite direction. There is no point in walking through 8 miles of forest if there isn't any civilization in a 100 mile radius ya know what I mean? You are not superman, you won't make it through 100 miles of wintry forest infested with bears and other critters.

Live in the car and learn to hunt small game. I think everyone should learn to hunt small game.

They were very resourceful. They melted snow for a tiny bit of drinking water, burned tires for warmth...etc...

And he didn't PLAN on walking around for 8 miles in a circle, dumbshit.
They were very resourceful. They melted snow for a tiny bit of drinking water, burned tires for warmth...etc...

And he didn't PLAN on walking around for 8 miles in a circle, dumbshit.

I hope you are calling ME dumbshit and not the poor guy

That's the overview of the path that James Kim took. That's a lot of ground he covered.

James knew the real meaning of family. He sacrificed his life to save his family. James, you will be missed. Rest in peace.
I can't work out the scale on that map, but it's depressing that if he'd gone the other way along the road, he'd have found that lodge.
That's the overview of the path that James Kim took. That's a lot of ground he covered.

James knew the real meaning of family. He sacrificed his life to save his family. James, you will be missed. Rest in peace.

Great post Joule. Not sure why the guy left the road though.
I can't work out the scale on that map, but it's depressing that if he'd gone the other way along the road, he'd have found that lodge.

Reginald, remember what I said?

I would have walked a mile in different directions with my car as the starting point, and unless I found some traces of civilization, I'd return to my car and get ready for a trip in the opposite direction. There is no point in walking through 8 miles of forest if there isn't any civilization in a one hundred mile radius...
In other words, I would have found the Black Lodge and I would have been saved.
That sucks, it makes my stomach turn seeing how he was so close to the Lodge, yet went the opposite way. :(
R.I.P. most likely was a great father. Sucks a lot for his family.
Reginald, remember what I said?

In other words, I would have found the Black Lodge and I would have been saved.

Oh shut the hell up man, we don't care what you would have done, this man lost his life!

My thoughts are with his family...he did the only thing he could've done in the situation

Had I been in that situation I would have turned the car into a campsite and lived there until rescued. ....

oh quiet henry, they'd find you 50 feet from the car stark naked and dead within the first 15 minutes due to exposure after having ripped off your clothes upon realising you had forgotten your anti-"kill everybody" medicine
OK zlepp, we get it, you are a genius and you wouldn't have died. Good job!
This guy did try, he tried really hard to save his family, and died in the process. And while he hiked miles to save his family, you sit in front of your computer screen and critisize him. But don't worry, I'm pretty sure everyone here thinks you're really cool now.
OK zlepp, we get it, you are a genius and you wouldn't have died. Good job!
This guy did try, he tried really hard to save his family, and died in the process. And while he hiked miles to save his family, you sit in front of your computer screen and critisize him. But don't worry, I'm pretty sure everyone here thinks you're really cool now.

I feel very sorry for this guy. His death was truly a tragedy, considering how close he was to being saved. As someone said, he did what he could and that's something that should be admired. The guy spent over a week inside the car amidst all that cold and somehow mustered up the strength to walk over 8 miles of frozen forests and snowy roads. Who knows how many days and how many nights he spent on his journey through the wild. He was so close. Yes, it was a tragedy, but it would have been an ever worse tragedy if his family had died as well. At least they survived and were found safe and sound.
i just think it really sucks that he would've been saved had he gone in the other direction, and that he was walking 8 miles in a circle. so much energy, he must've been exhausted, i can't even imagine what his mind was going through.
Had I been in that situation I would have turned the car into a campsite and lived there until rescued. Or else, I would have walked a mile in different directions with my car as the starting point, and unless I found some traces of civilization, I'd return to my car and get ready for a trip in the opposite direction. There is no point in walking through 8 miles of forest if there isn't any civilization in a one hundred mile radius... You are not superman, you won't make it through 100 miles of wintry forest, which is possibly infested with bears and other critters.

Reginald, remember what I said?

In other words, I would have found the Black Lodge and I would have been saved.


sucks for the guy, though.
So easy to say what you would of done... that you would of went the right way... when a perfectly normal intelligent man, who was struck by the enormity of the situation failed.
it gets worse:

The San Francisco man who sought help for his stranded family and got lost in the snowy wilderness died of hypothermia near a fishing lodge stacked with food, authorities said.

James Kim, 35, had no way of knowing about the Black Bar Lodge.

His body was found in shallow water feeding Big Windy Creek, about a mile away from the lodge, where he could have found shelter, warmth and enough food for months, authorities said Thursday.

King Henry, its kind of hard to not get lost walking in a blizzard.
he could have been delirious from hypothermia ..people have been known to jump in water or take of their clothes in that state
I heard he left his clothing to help lead rescuers to his location... though I would have kept them on... so you know, maybe not to freeze as fast? But maybe they were soaked or something else. Who knows... RIP... you will be remembered!

....Surprised though, as he was so fond of gadgets, that he didnt have a GPS device... never heard anyone mention that.