Juding from the madness at my mall its really sad that HALO 2

Rellik Restam said:
Is probably going to wipe the floor with HL2 sells. The freaking news was even there covering Halo 2's release at my mall. HL2 will be completely slammed at retail in comparison. Steam might be able to bridge some of the gap but if you look at analysts forcast HALO 2 is supposed to be the best selling game of all time.
Whooooooooo cares?
Champ said:
Aye.. I don't know what that guy is doing here. He's both immature and obviously blind since he's on an HL2 site instead of an Halo2 site. I have no problem with people liking Halo 2 over HL2, just be fair about it, and most importantly don't act like a silly 12-year-old.

Halo 2 pwnz both you and your mother.

Oh, and Half-Life 2 too.
Well records have always been set on the PC.
for example
The Sims - Greatest selling game ever (Halo2 and HL2 wont come close)
Most played Multipler game, as you know is Half-life (CS)
Greatest prize money, biggest online games network, etc etc. This is the domain of the PC
Rellik Restam said:
Is probably going to wipe the floor with HL2 sells. The freaking news was even there covering Halo 2's release at my mall. HL2 will be completely slammed at retail in comparison. Steam might be able to bridge some of the gap but if you look at analysts forcast HALO 2 is supposed to be the best selling game of all time.
go over to the bungie forum fanboy. this is a HL2 forum.
"Juding from the madness at my mall...halo 2"

It'l be :

"Judging from the stain on my mattress, half life 2 came out.."

soon =)
Dead-Inside said:
And, WHY, in god name, do you think the Vid card is more expensive than the whole console?

Besides, you don't have to buy the latest crap to fully enjoy HL2. I know I'm gonna play 1024x768 High/est on all cept AA and AF with my Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro, it's not that expensive.

omg your funny dead inside. That card is atleast 200dollars, and thats more than an xbox.
Having actually played Halo2 for several hours this morning, the graphics and animation lose miserably to Halflife 2.
Ahnteis said:
Having actually played Halo2 for several hours this morning, the graphics and animation lose miserably to Halflife 2.

Well not surprising really, its stuck on old technology.
That is why I cannot understand why anyone could claim that the graphics and such are so good. Cause they can't possibly compare to anything on a PC.

Consoles should stick to what they are good at, Car racing and adventure games.
Leave the RTS and FPS to systems that can handle them. Sure you could play an FPS on a console, but not at the same level that someone on a PC can, its simply impossible, the controls don't allow for it
Rellik Restam said:
Is probably going to wipe the floor with HL2 sells. The freaking news was even there covering Halo 2's release at my mall. HL2 will be completely slammed at retail in comparison. Steam might be able to bridge some of the gap but if you look at analysts forcast HALO 2 is supposed to be the best selling game of all time.

You are a troll, how about you quit being one. Also, no one cares how many people buy Halo 2. Because more than all of them are little 13 year olds, and I am glad they will be playing that than HL2, kthxbye.
Consoles and console games are far and away the most mainstream way of playing games, it's a fact that it is more socially acceptable and cooler to have a PS2 or an X-Box than it is to have a PC with games on it. Playing Halo is something to do for fun socially when you just want to hang out with your mates, having a 4 player Halo is far more social and fun (imo) than playing against 7 other people at a LAN which is why colsole gameing is so huge.

Getting all antsy about Halo 2 doesn't change the fact that it is a HUGE console game, it could still be selling strongly years from now just like the original.
Halflife 2 is an anticipated PC game but even though I have been following this game strongly since it was announced last year HL2's following just isn't as big as the following for Halo 2.
BUT does that really matter? No, it doesn't, just because one game has more people wanting it than another does not decide how good one game is compared to another.

I've never bought a colsole before but i just might so that i could get Halo and Halo 2, at the same time i still really want to play HL2, so i don't see what the problem is.
Ahnteis said:
Having actually played Halo2 for several hours this morning, the graphics and animation lose miserably to Halflife 2.
Well yeah,,,,,,,it's on a tv...............Even HD games on a tv cant compare to pc graphics your talking 1080 resolution the highest it will be on a console for the time being compared to a pc set a 1600x1200........no comparrison. They did just come out with a mouse and keyboard for halo for the xbox. It is just a little box that connects to the controller port then any ps2 keyboard can connect to play halo2. The only way I would or could play is with a mouse and key I can't play with a controller. I get to faboozled trying to aim. Ever play counter strike on xbox. Ugh the controller, just sucks for me to use.
Who cares what other people think, I will have the game, and thats awesome.
Hey, ust a message to audiophile (how do you PM)

I love Tool and NIN, glad to see a fan who also loves HL. Can't wait for Tool's new album next spring (hopefully).
Come back to me in 4 years. If Halo 2 has still sold more copies overall then I will give you 100 E-Credits.
Robinhood_01 said:
.HL2's following just isn't as big as the following for Halo 2.
BUT does that really matter? No, it doesn't, just because one game has more people wanting it than another does not decide how good one game is compared to another.
Are you kidding me? More people play cstrike than halo online. And all of those people will purchase hl2 to play cssource, this doesn't count all the people that will just but hl2 for hl2 and not css. The only reason halo or halo2 will be big is becuase consoles are cheap, they are ready available, and there isnt much competition as far as fps goes when comparing a library of games. Do you think parents are going to buy thier kids 1000 dollar machines to play hl2 for christmas or a 150 dollar console and a 50 dollar game. If pcs were 150$ it would be a totally different story. Guess we will find out in the next coming months about the GOTY
Tiddalick said:
Well not surprising really, its stuck on old technology.
That is why I cannot understand why anyone could claim that the graphics and such are so good. Cause they can't possibly compare to anything on a PC.

Consoles should stick to what they are good at, Car racing and adventure games.
Leave the RTS and FPS to systems that can handle them. Sure you could play an FPS on a console, but not at the same level that someone on a PC can, its simply impossible, the controls don't allow for it

good point, i always leave the FPS to PCs....well besides goldeneye and perfect dark... ;)
Alieni² said:
... Its console game...
not just that... it's also a great game, or if it's not your "type", at least admit that it's a REALLY HIGH BUDGET game...

but mostly, it's good marketing... something that valve is kinda crappy at, in my opinion
I don't really care for Halo or Halo2, I just want my hl2 and soon my hl2 full sdk file so I can start my mod :)

I would play the Halo games, but I don't have an xbox, and I am in no mood to get an xbox, since Edgar has no more room.. ...damn I hate living in a tube.
Heres my $2$

Console = pussy system PS2 is NOT a pussy system
Console = weak raceing games
Console = weak graphics
PC = Internet, games, hacking, moding, ect...
PC = Ub3r l337 graphics

and finnaly... PC = mopping floor with consoles
I don't care if only 14 copies of HL2 are sold around the world compared to halo2's 6 trillion, because I wanna play HL2 and not Halo 2
I think HL2 already made more sales through Steam then Halo 2 will ever make. :)

I know, not true... The fact that you can't pirate Halo 2, (Well, it's much harder) and that there are just more console gamers, factors in.

But how can you judge who has more sales when HL2 isn't even out yet? You looked at a mall? Big deal!
How about we move this to "Rumors and Speculation" for a reason, all the guy is doing, is speculating!
Munro's closing the Halo 2 threads hooray! \o/
The ignorance of some people in these forums never seizes to amaze me…

A few links for your viewing pleasure…
Chronicles of Riddick:
Release day 06/01/04 Way before Doom 3…
And if half of you knew a thing about TVs you’d probably understand that 1600x1200 IS NOT NEEDED.

As for the modability of the XBOX…

For 150 euros it gives you more than you can handle…

Does the PC have superior hardware?
Is it a superior gaming platform?
No. At least not if you are not willing to pay 10 times the price of a console in order to play games.

And as for what game will be better than the other?
Personally I think Half Life will be better. Time will tell.
Well H2 will sell more retail copies than HL2 but Idc but with Steam packages, HL2 will catch up with H2 and in a few months HL2 will pwn them with all the mods. H2 is so popular because its on xbox and the xbox is new to consoles and so popular and Halo was probably one of the first and best games for xbox. But whatever, I just know I will get to play the best game EVER in my life in 1 week! :D
Regarding sales of Halo 2 vs. HL2:

Halo pre-orders were reported to have been around 1.5 million.

Recent CNet article about Steam and HL2 reports a pre-sale estimate of 2 million, on Steam alone. No numbers yet on worldwide preorders, except from Germany where an VUG representative has said that the first batch of 300,000 has already been sold out (and they are now on a second printing run).

Preorder tally:
Halo 2: 1.5 million
HL2: 2.3+ million
VodkA-HLC- said:
Of course, xbox cost 159 to play a crappy console game . A video card to run hl2 costs more than xbox. Not everyone can afford a pc so there you go.

Worst logic ever.
YES! YES! Thank you omni.

The truth is out. HL2 is ALREADY owning H2.
MiccyNarc said:
YES! YES! Thank you omni.

The truth is out. HL2 is ALREADY owning H2.

I found a fanboy!! Quick, get the net!

Gotta Catch 'Em All!!!
HL2 will be the best game ever, if it sells more or less than halo 2, so what??!
:cheers: Halo 2 is the best game, better than Half Life 2 or whatever you throw at it. Double wielding weapons is like super fragalistic and it pownz everything because it's double wielding and no other FPS has used this type of stuff in gameplay and and and and and this is what i'd be saying if I were a fanboy praising Halo 2 because it's pretty decent. I don't have an Xbox, so I don't have Halo 2, but I did play it over at my friends place... it's fun and cool and all, but IMO it aint super ridiculously FPS owner of all time.
Yeah some friends of mine said halo 2 is awesome. But another friend said it wasn't what he thought it was going to me. IMO I thought Halo 2 got way too much hype.
OmG lieK Hal0 2 > HAlfLif 2!!!!!11fifteen.

Who cares what game sells more copies. Consoles are more popular because people can buy them and start playing. A lot of people don't like upgrading computers and they are confused by them. The popularity of consoles doesn't really translate into who has the better games though. Halo is good and fun, but it isn't anywhere as great as HL. It's far over-hyped in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the first one, but I'm not going out of my way to get the second.

Anyway, enough Halo 2 vs. HL2 threads, even if it's about sales. When someone makes a thread with HL2 and H2 in it, it should be instant perma-ban with no hesitation.

In case you hadn't noticed, this is a HALF-LIFE 2 forum. Not a Halo 2 vs. Half-life 2 forum.
20 million people own an Xbox and 36 million bought The Sims, therefore Halo 2 can't be the best selling game of all time.
edog said:
20 million people own an Xbox and 36 million bought The Sims, therefore Halo 2 can't be the best selling game of all time.

The Sims minimum requirements:


It will not be the best selling game of all time but it will be the best selling action game of all time.
Though Im not sure why it is important if HL2 out sells H2 and vise versa for someone to enjoy the games...