Juding from the madness at my mall its really sad that HALO 2

how about, to even the odds. we all go off and join HL2 vs Halo2 threads in their forums?...
Fps games were born on the pc...and should stay on it. :|
"Console FPSs are developed on the PC"

I love telling that to everyone that dares say PCs suck.

Robinhood_01 said:
Playing Halo is something to do for fun socially when you just want to hang out with your mates, having a 4 player Halo is far more social and fun (imo) than playing against 7 other people at a LAN which is why colsole gameing is so huge.

I beg to differ. Pc lan partys are vastly better than X-box lans. At an X-box lan all you can do is game (ignoring mod chips). A Pc Lan is a far more festive event where one can partake in file sharing and watching movies/anime/tv shows etc etc.

Plus PC Lan partys hold more people than any X-box lan.

/me waits for december 4/5 Valhalla with a 450 people plus thousands of dollars worth of prizes.
Kyo said:
"Console FPSs are developed on the PC"

I love telling that to everyone that dares say PCs suck.
That has nothing to do with PC gaming though.
Foxtrot said:
That has nothing to do with PC gaming though.

When someone says this to me they usually mean it in the context as to that their console is better ie games. They feel the need to back up their $200 purchase with pointless insults. Usually after someone says this to me they continue to flame some of my favourite PC games and close with "Pcs should die"
The Sims minimum requirements:


It will not be the best selling game of all time but it will be the best selling action game of all time.
Though Im not sure why it is important if HL2 out sells H2 and vise versa for someone to enjoy the games...
I didn't say the Sims was better then H2, I just said there is no chance in the world it could sell more copies.
Halo 2 probably won't outstrip GTA:San Andreas in sales, even with GTA:SA 18 rating.
ailevation said:
:cheers: Halo 2 is the best game, better than Half Life 2 or whatever you throw at it. Double wielding weapons is like super fragalistic and it pownz everything because it's double wielding and no other FPS has used this type of stuff in gameplay and and and and and this is what i'd be saying if I were a fanboy praising Halo 2 because it's pretty decent. I don't have an Xbox, so I don't have Halo 2, but I did play it over at my friends place... it's fun and cool and all, but IMO it aint super ridiculously FPS owner of all time.

U said that double wielding weapon is great but it is just 2 weapon at the same time only man the main thing to add that style is because may b for my opinion add more firepower...
While gordon can toss mastercjief with his manipulator whenever he wants heh!
HeWasOnly3 said:
U said that double wielding weapon is great but it is just 2 weapon at the same time only man the main thing to add that style is because may b for my opinion add more firepower...
While gordon can toss mastercjief with his manipulator whenever he wants heh!

Plus, didn't Perfect Dark or something have double-wielding YEARS AGO?
I have ended up owning 2 copies of H2.

I ordered the LE online and I wasn't sure if it would arrive today. So after work tonight I went to EB and baught a regular version just incase. I have tomarow off and I wanted to make sure I had it one way or another.
When i was riding the bus home, it was filled with a bunch of 13 year olds with EB, Best Buy, and gamestop bags with a green dvd box in them. I wonder what that was.

I know about 10 people that went to midnight releases to get H2, and when they asked if i'd get it, i said i'll wait because i bought HL2, there reply "your lame, Halo is way better that HL2, by the way, whats a HL2?"
HeWasOnly3 said:
U said that double wielding weapon is great but it is just 2 weapon at the same time only man the main thing to add that style is because may b for my opinion add more firepower...
While gordon can toss mastercjief with his manipulator whenever he wants heh!

:sleep: I know this, and I believe my sarcasm was well shown in my post... ... ... ... ... *dies*
There needs to be a [sarcasim] tag then, everyone will know what your being sarcastic.
Minerel said:
There needs to be a [sarcasim] tag then, everyone will know what your being sarcastic.

[sarcasm]There are no such thing as sarcasm tags.[/sarcasm]
Warbie said:
Worst logic ever.
How is that the worst logic ever, we are talking about why halo2 would sell more copies at the moment and that is because more people can afford an xbox then a pc to play half life 2. Logical to me.
brink's said:
I didn't say the Sims was better then H2, I just said there is no chance in the world it could sell more copies.

I know. All Im saying is that statisticaly there are far more pcs with a pentium 2 processor than XBOXs in the world.
In no way can the XBOX outsell a game that was created on 2001 and can run on virtually any pc that there is...
StardogChampion said:
Plus, didn't Perfect Dark or something have double-wielding YEARS AGO?

hell, if i remember well even Goldeneye had that.
Can someone plz tell me what is so good about halo or halo 2??For me halo is just a simple FPS game + some driveable vehicles.But my friends kept saying i wan HALO 2 I WAN HALO 2 man they r nuts.I ask them about why halo is exciting and good? They never give me a reason.I hv a copy of Halo PC version in my home but i played it till lvl keys then i stop coz it is very boring with da same weapon and vehicle any comments??
HeWasOnly3 said:
Can someone plz tell me what is so good about halo or halo 2??For me halo is just a simple FPS game + some driveable vehicles.But my friends kept saying i wan HALO 2 I WAN HALO 2 man they r nuts.I ask them about why halo is exciting and good? They never give me a reason.I hv a copy of Halo PC version in my home but i played it till lvl keys then i stop coz it is very boring with da same weapon and vehicle any comments??
Halo 2, is Halo with better level design, and it doesnt live up to its hype and it doesnt do this and that that and this and bwawawawawaw ;(
Nope if I recall, Goldeneye was the first FPS to ever deal with dual wielding.

Also it was pretty much the first FPS with locational damage (Woo bloodspots where you hit them, and many games still don't have it. Also if a soldier had a helmet, gun or hat they would be seperate entitys from the rest of the body so bullets would bounce off the guns and helmets while bullets would make the hats fly off :D)

Goldeneye was way ahead of most FPS's (And may still be)

Also Body Harvest (Made by DMA Design who then because the Rockstar we all know and love) was the first game that included drivable vehicles for land, sea and air (both Helicopters and Planes) shame no-one has ever heard of it. And this was on the N64! And way before the PS2 and GTA III/VC

Now this makes me believe that the N64 really was an area of development ideas.
Halo 2 is not a bad game but its nothing special either. Woooh you can have dual weapons..thats a new thing!!*not*. Horribly overrated, sadly kids today dont know any better :p
But Halo 2 is missing something inside gamers heart >>> Completely Destructible Environment physics.Halo 2 doesnt hv it but this is different for Half Life 2 case ^^.6 more days to count down till Half Life 2 explode^^.
HeWasOnly3 said:
But Halo 2 is missing something inside gamers heart >>> Completely Destructible Environment physics.Halo 2 doesnt hv it but this is different for Half Life 2 case ^^.6 more days to count down till Half Life 2 explode^^.


You're saying that HL2 will have totally destructable environments? Well, I would have to call you wrong.
HeWasOnly3 said:
Huh, but my friend said that environment can be destroyed......

CERTAIN things can, like wood and things that are supposed to break, but the game isn't totally destructable. Same with Halo 2
I think the best selling video game of all time is going to be going to San andreas, not Halo 2. That's my opinion. Right now San Andreas is completely obliterating all previous gaming records. overseas. I cant find any news on united states sales yet though.
1 more question can the manipulator pick anything in Half Life 2?I mean human can u pick them up?
HeWasOnly3 said:
1 more question can the manipulator pick anything in Half Life 2?I mean human can u pick them up?

No humans, even dead ones. But other than that, pretty much anything not nailed to the ground and too heavy can be picked up AFAIK. :)
Rellik Restam said:
.... if you look at analysts forcast HALO 2 is supposed to be the best selling game of all time.

GTA:SA is supposed to be the biggest selling game of all time according to analyst's. Set to top the biggest ever Blockbuster - Titanic at over 15 million.
KagePrototype said:
No humans, even dead ones. But other than that, pretty much anything not nailed to the ground and too heavy can be picked up AFAIK. :)

I think a little modding would fix this.

I distinctly remember the maniplator picking up a dead body by the foot in one of the E3 Physics demos.
Venmoch said:
I think a little modding would fix this.

I distinctly remember the maniplator picking up a dead body by the foot in one of the E3 Physics demos.

That was called the physgun, used to show off the physics, and used a blue beam to pick things up. It isn't in HL2. :)
But still

If that can be made to pick up everything then why can't the mainipulator?

Or we could give Gordon some Psi-Power a la Psi-Ops
Sitting here, getting dressed in my black suit for the premiere of Halo 2 in Munich (yeah, the game will be out tomorrow here, bit late) I was thinking to myself (I still have time, being ready and all): "Do those threads about Halo 2 still exist?".

YAY! Fanboy bashing is still in style...

Why do you care at all? If Halo 2 sells more copies than Half Life 2 there's nothing you can do about it, honestly. Half Life 2 will sell big time, trust. So, that's what we need to know. And why are ppl always talking like they have played both games and can compare? No one has played both, wait a few days and then play HL2.

What are you afraid of? Halo 2 selling more than Half Life 2? Come on, nothing else to worry about?

I wonder when this will stop - this is a HL2 fanforum, stop bashin each other.

Can't we all just get along ;)

/me gets ready for the premiere, see you guys in Halo 2 on Xbox Live or in CS:S, DoD:S whatever...

KagePrototype said:
That was called the physgun, used to show off the physics, and used a blue beam to pick things up. It isn't in HL2. :)

Well u said physgub huhnever heard it b4.By the way manipulator a.k.a also known as anti gravity gun .Well from the name of it anti gravity why cant we pick up bodies or humans?Besides if we can juz pick up objects it can b very confusing coz u r not sure what u can pick lol! :sniper:
HeWasOnly3 said:
any examples?

you can destroy part of the scenery [like in the zanzibar video], you can destory different types of boxes, 'items' [boxes, big items, rocks and that type of stuff] can be moved around [by explosions, the flood etc].