Just got caught in the act

I'm very disappointed in you.

You shut your whore mouth. Now spread those puppies.

Son, if you ever want to have a go at my wife, you have my permission. I'm very proud of you.

I sent you a link to some anime dickgirl hentai, your mother said you'd like it. Check your email.

PS. Ask her to do the thing with the tongue and the shaft. I give it two thumbs up my asshole, and a third one in my mouth.
You shut your whore mouth. Now spread those puppies.

Son, if you ever want to have a go at my wife, you have my permission. I'm very proud of you.

I sent you a link to some anime dickgirl hentai, your mother said you'd like it. Check your email.

PS. Ask her to do the thing with the tongue and the shaft. I give it two thumbs up my asshole, and a third one in my mouth.


Btw, do you enjoy being a noob?

why yes, yes I do.
I see Wanted Bob is banned.

Does that mean he was the one who made those extra accounts?

He best not be banned for too long!
Bob was banned on request till next week (think he has some exams coming up). The two clone accounts were made by 2 different individuals...who have been given infractions...see if you can work out who! Clue, fairandbalanced isn't one of them.
I bet Darkside was the dad. Hes the only one that refers to people as Son. Even though that is actually the correct thing to say in this situation, I still think its him.
hint: it was worth ten points, jesus shit

Vegeta and Darkside ? I could be wrong.
You're smart.

I bet Darkside was the dad. Hes the only one that refers to people as Son. Even though that is actually the correct thing to say in this situation, I still think its him.

Doesn't sound like Darkside's type of humor to be honest. He would have done something more intelligent. That's not to say it wasn't funny.
Yeah, after rereading it, doesnt seem like him. It could have been, up until the "two thumbs up in my asshole" bit. That part kinda sounds like willie, but then the rest is way too timid for it to be him.
vege vege vege vege vege NUMBBBEEEEEERS!!!

EDIT: Were infractions always private? I recall being able to view other people's infraction count in their profile a while back.

It was the goast of Pesh

gh0st of Pesh, got it
The only pretty Asian Girl is Lucy Liu
Hold up. Hold up hold up hold up. Now, I don't think asians are pretty at the best of times--especially their females. What with their pancake faces, slanty eyes, irregular dental spacing, weak bone structure, chipmunk cheeks, bodies with flat chests and flat asses more akin to the male gender--by god if I wanted to fuck a boy I would, and I tell you it most likely would not be an asian boy, for that matter!--their catlike voices, the fact that they hit senior citizen-levels of ugly the instant they hit 30 years of age, some of 'em got that smell--like Cambodians! You know that smell; it can only be described as "Cambodian smell"...asians are truly a wretched-looking people.

But, having said that, it would be untoward and untruthful of me to say that there are NO hot Asians...every now-and-then the nips manage to, through some miracle, (possibly caused by bombarding their hideous island population with massive amounts of radiation in '45) put out a good-looking girl every now-and-again who achieves "idol" status. Often however these girls are twelve years old because, you know, it's JAPAN. And the Chinese publicly hide their ugly people, like that little girl singer at the Olympics who was replaced by a prettier little girl for the TV cameras, one who was possibly genetically engineered to be a superior asian specimen, like how they made Yao Ming seven fucking feet tall. A Chinaman. Seven feet tall. And the Koreans...the Koreans, well they ain't so bad 'cause they've got Girl's Generation and I'd plow every one of them with "Gee Gee Gee" looping in the background. I will not even talk about Southeast Asians because on the unlikely chance you see a relatively hot one she probably has a penis bigger than yours.

So as I said, there are some hot ones.


If you seriously think THIS creature:


is attractive, then I truly pity you, bar5, because your yellow fever is INCURABLE AND YOU ARE GOING TO FUCKING DIE OF IT.

Look at that hideous beast. Those disgusting slanted eyes spaced too far across her face, as if each one was repulsed by the other and tried to claim a side, dividing themselves by the ridiculously wide bridge of her flat-nostriled schnoze. Look at that thing. Tony Hawk could use that as a ramp. Those wide, high cheekbones drawing her face into a permanent rictus. I could put enough groceries in those bags under her eyes to feed an entire African village for seven months. The shape of her face looks like it tried to decide what kind of shape to take during formation and just said "Fuck it, let's freehand a square and dent out some irregular shapes, let's try to get that chin round but also let's not lose that wonderful, 'lopsided box' angle we've got going on here." For god's sake, her left eye turns down at such an angle as though it were ashamed to be a part of this face, like it's accepted its fate and bows its head in an attempt to not draw attention to itself. Also her forehead is ridiculous. RIDICULOUS.

Good heavens, man. Her body isn't even anything to write home about; it isn't a bad body, by any means, but there's nothing outstanding about it. It is wholly average. I've seen hotter chicks working down at the Hot Dog on a Stick.

Ugh. I didn't even realize that there had been a further conversation carrying on about whether or not I had pretended to be Ravioli's dad until I just glanced down at the last few replies in the thread before hitting "Submit." I had absolutely no time to do any alt account impersonations, because the instant I saw bar5's post nothing else registered.

Coming from Hawaii, land of the beautiful mocha brown asian women who prance around in bikinis all day long, I have to say that I agree 100% with darksied.

(i'd still have dirty hot sex with lucy liu though)
I don't understand what 's wrong with you Darkside and I never will.
The Sacred Words of Darkside

I do not know who that woman is, but I can say for sure that she is an ugly specimen. Ugly in a kind of subtle way, because you don't realize her hideous face until you take a closer look at it. It's like an optical illusion, like the two guys kissing/vase picture.

Also, most Asian girls stop being hot after 20 ~ 22 years of age. I dunno what the hell happens to them, but it sure ain't pretty. (Or, I could be mixing up 'cute' with 'hot', but what is an Asian girl without her cuteness? A black-haired white girl with a tan.)
I don't understand what 's wrong with you Darkside and I never will.
See, you're White, so the Yellow Fever causes a film to form over your eyes that's like permanent beer goggles for Asians. Only Asians are immune to the Yellow Fever; see, if a White guy says an Asian girl is hot, you gotta take it with a grain of salt, because they might have the Yellow Fever. If an Asian says an Asian girl is hot, she's probably hot.

It's a terrible, debilitating disease that affects so many people the world over, and it's just horrible. It's like watching a person who doesn't know any better, and you try to explain it, and they just don't understand because they can't see properly. Like describing colors to the blind.
Oh my, the thought that this entire thread came about from my mom walking in on me waxing my carrot is amazing. Now i really want to show her this thread, just so she realizes what she has done! But that would be too...weird.

"look mom, i showed the internets that you caught me wanking, cool huh?"
"son, am disappoint"

As for Mr and Mrs Ravioli, i love you, whoever you are.
Now remember: when you show her the thread, lean back in your chair and slowly unzip your fly while giving her half-lidded eyes.

You may want to rub your nipples.
but what is an Asian girl without her cuteness? A black-haired white girl with a tan.

The way a black girl is just a white girl after too much sun!. :D

I would sig this if I had room only because I love how you just sounded as white as you could probably ever get, numbers. :D

Asian guys: Being racist so you don't have to! :cheers:

The way a black girl is just a white girl after too much sun!. :D

I would sig this if I had room only because I love how you just sounded as white as you could probably ever get, numbers. :D

Asian guys: Being racist so you don't have to! :cheers:


I live to serve. :cheers:

Also, Son, I am disappoint.

Indeed. All my life, around me, there were girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, but nay a single woman.

I think I prefer it that way.:p

I'd prefer it more if they were my girlfriends, but hey, I'm a nerd who studied too much, who only knew girls who studied too much. My life has been a waste.
I can't believe I just read this whole thread.
I try to avoid doing it, but when I do, I keep an ear out and keep ready to pack up ASAP and have a safe tab to close out to.
is Numbers posting in normal font again?

Two words to describe this thread:

What happened?

I read it two days ago at three pages, I come back and it's THIRTEEN! It went from jokes about pasta-boy getting caught wanking to Darkside ranting about how Asians are hideous.

That was way more than two words, but I don't care.
True professionals don't get caught, Ravicotti (get it, Ravicaughty...:()
I am truly sorry for my mistake, i take full responsibility for the fapping community. I wasnt fit enough to carry out the task at the time. Henceforth i will be more careful.