Kerry or Bush ?

Kerry or Bush

  • Kerry

    Votes: 103 72.5%
  • Bush

    Votes: 39 27.5%

  • Total voters
Hey, my cars a v8, dont make funna my 'stang. It doesnt get bad mileage.
I wouldnt be caught dead owning a saturn.
Adrien C said:
Americans bitch about the oil price and you see them with their big V8 cars, they can't even walk a 100 meters that they need a car.

a great example of an age of dependance.

in some way or another some one has got your nuts by the scruff at some stage. the problem is,, if they F up, then everyone gets F'd up
Bush. I really dont want someone who would make a great laundry machine salesman running my country.

(because Kerry is so wishy-washy for all you who dont get my bad joke.)

Just look at his record and see if you really want someone like him protecting your country.

PS Michael Moore vs. Bill O Reilly tonight on the FOX News Channel. Should be a memorable battle. 8:00 EST.
They should make a special branch on the goverment to stop so much fuel being wasted. I get pisses when I see so much plastic used foe uselles stuff, specially at Mac donalds and for pulicity use.
seinfeldrules said:
Bush. I really dont want someone who would make a great laundry machine salesman running my country.

(because Kerry is so wishy-washy for all you who dont get my bad joke.)

Just look at his record and see if you really want someone like him protecting your country.

PS Michael Moore vs. Bill O Reilly tonight on the FOX News Channel. Should be a memorable battle. 8:00 EST.
Is that the only reason? Rather a dumbass than someone who looks like a salesman? ya, that makes a whole lotta sense....
Adrien C said:
They should make a special branch on the goverment to stop so much fuel being wasted. I get pisses when I see so much plastic used foe uselles stuff, specially at Mac donalds and for pulicity use.

what can you do though :x ,, just wait 20 years, i got a feeling theres some major change about to happen.,capitialist society is working its way into a bottleneck, through unconcious mental inertia.

more middleclass and poor people are getting pissed everyday.
Dont worry recycling is being introduced at an excellent rate, the idea of having seperate bins for recycling is doing well here in the uk
Fat Tony! said:
Dont worry recycling is being introduced at an excellent rate, the idea of having seperate bins for recycling is doing well here in the uk
Have you read Stupid White Men?
It seems it's not as effective as we think =/
Varg|Hund said:
Have you read Stupid White Men?
It seems it's not as effective as we think =/

hehe, that book is really funny.

and yes I am white :D I have to choose one?I don't like ether.... :(
clarky003 said:
hehe, that book is really funny.

and yes I am white :D
Scary in places too.
Read the part about the salary of a first-year pilot? Eeek! :|
Those stuff is really to slow, we need to start acting now!
sadly, if/when kerry wins, it won't be for what he is but for what he is not.
Adrien C said:
Those stuff is really to slow, we need to start acting now!

actually I was thinking of joining an alternative/free energies consortium when im a little older , if it hasnt already taken off by then :p.
I'm not anti-Bush so much as I'm pro-not-invading-countries-for-no-reason.

Kerry may be 'wishy-washy', but at least he's not steadfast in his decision to be totally wrong.

Also, I'm all for gay marriage. Banning it would be a slap in the face to the separation of church and state.
Mechagodzilla said:
Also, I'm all for gay marriage. Banning it would be a slap in the face to the separation of church and state.
amen brotha, hallelujah
Teh bushz0rz...the only problem i have with his administration is that they are too arrogant to admit that the Iraq war was a duuuuumb idea. Other than that I like dubya. *takes hit from CptStern*
Nearly 2/3rds of this forum does not like Bush. It is perfectly understandable, he has screwed up some things and he isn't very charismatic. But, why would you vote for Kerry? Don't just say that you want Bush out of office. Give me reasons why Kerry's policy's (in your opinion) will be better than Bush's.

From my point of view, Kerry's viewpoints on most issues make me shudder. That is why I am voting for Bush.

[Edit]: Don't forget that Kerry and Bush are in a statistical tie.
Kerry in a second.... because he is not bush...

i would prefer Howard dean (he would cut many ties with isreal, which i hate) or John Mcain (he is cool) as president, but its not possible to get worse then bush...

im moving to the netherlands on a student pass if bush wins.... no joke whatsoever..
I can see the the Bush administration is losing support (in the Half-Life 2 community, at least.)

By the way, I voted for Kerry. I have a feeling Bush Jr. will be considered historically as a bad president, for 3 reasons.

1. Questionable election. The election that brought him to power is as rocky as the Hayes/Tilden scandal. He didn't win the popular vote, many voters in Florida were disenfranchised for being black or having the same last name as unrelated criminals, and he had plenty of friends in the supreme court, who eventually put him in his position.

2. The war. We went into Iraq because we thought they had weapons of mass destruction. But woopsie, there were none!! The war is quickly becoming very unpopular now.

3. The economy. It's doing better now, but we can't ignore the fact that he made the biggest surplus our country has ever seen into the biggest deficit we've ever seen.

My 3 cents there.
Why because bush is an idiot and he has been fecking up America.

And when you feck up America it usually has a knock on affect.
^Ben said:
Why because bush is an idiot and he has been fecking up America.

And when you feck up America it usually has a knock on affect.

Can you read? I asked what area's do you think that Kerry has better policy than Bush. Telling me he "an idiot and has been fecking up America" is not an answer.

If that is still your answer, I highly encourage you not to vote in the upcoming presidential elections (if you can even vote).
McFly said:
I cant see how people want bush to be in office. Hes such a ******* dumb***.
He got friggen 500 on his SAT's! Not to mention he cant talk! The president is supposed to be a representative to his country and other countries. He made stupid desicions, such as an unneccessary war. Name 1 good reason we are in Iraq right now.

No, he didn't. Bush got a 1206. Still not very impressive for the most powerful man on Earth. Anyway, Bush is a dumbass, but you need to research before you make claims.

My vote goes to Kerry.
McFly said:
Hey, my cars a v8, dont make funna my 'stang. It doesnt get bad mileage.
I wouldnt be caught dead owning a saturn.

My stang gets SHIT mileage. 16/21.

What about yours?
Glo-Boy said:
No, he didn't. Bush got a 1206. Still not very impressive for the most powerful man on Earth. Anyway, Bush is a dumbass, but you need to research before you make claims.

My vote goes to Kerry.

First off, the SAT's were scored different back then. They didn't use a 1600 scale.

He received his MBA at Harvard. You can't scam or buy your way into graduate school. It just doesn't happen.

1) His acceptance of other forms of energy.
2) His respect for the enviroment.
3) No tax cuts for the rich but tax cuts for middle class.
4) Freeing America from it's dependance on oil from the middle east.
5) Rigorously Enforce Our Civil Rights Laws (Less discrimination from a church state that bush wants)
6)Protect Women's Health And Right To Choose(None of this no abortion BS bush wants)
7)Launch And Lead A New Era Of Alliances(Yeh nice one Bush break bonds that have been built up in decades in 2 years)

No i wont be voting because i am Bristish.

So those standpoints make you shudder?

^Ben said:

1) His acceptance of other forms of energy.
2) His respect for the enviroment.
3) No tax cuts for the rich but tax cuts for middle class.
4) Freeing America from it's dependance on oil from the middle east.
5) Rigorously Enforce Our Civil Rights Laws (Less discrimination from a church state that bush wants)
6)Protect Women's Health And Right To Choose(None of this no abortion BS bush wants)
7)Launch And Lead A New Era Of Alliances(Yeh nice one Bush break bonds that have been built up in decades in 2 years)

No i wont be voting because i am Bristish.

So those standpoints make you shudder?


Thank-you. Much better than calling Bush an idiot...

No, I disagree with Kerry on abortion, the way he is side skirting the issue with troops in Iraq, most of his economic policys, his opposition of a church state, and I don't like the overall lack of details on how he will accomplish certain issues (like reducing health care costs, etc). Not to mention the way he has been known to hypocritical by saying one thing and doing another.
The results of that poll really don't surprise me....I think it was Winston Churchill who said something along the lines of;

"If you don't vote liberal when you are young, you have no heart. If you don't vote conservative when you are old, you have no brain"

position on issues isn't nearly as important as to how well they're going to carry out their claims, if at all, or if not with reverse effect.

so just consider that.
But i dont like bushs position on issues at all so it dosent matter how he will carry them out i won't like them :p
blahblahblah said:
First off, the SAT's were scored different back then. They didn't use a 1600 scale.

He received his MBA at Harvard. You can't scam or buy your way into graduate school. It just doesn't happen.

You are wrong.


2.) Harvard is extremely corrupt. The scandals surrounding that school have caused them to massively downsize their student body and faculty.
clarky003 said:
what can you do though :x ,, just wait 20 years, i got a feeling theres some major change about to happen.,capitialist society is working its way into a bottleneck, through unconcious mental inertia.

more middleclass and poor people are getting pissed everyday.

In 20 years I think/know subconsiously that things will be very different and that issues of today will be very pointless then.
Think about it,we are in a somewhat calm period in comparison to what could happen.(We are murdering each other wholesale and fighting pety wars) however given that Oil reserves are running out,which most of western society is subconsiously ignoreing,Cliamte changes are occuring,the ice caps are melting,we are due for a shift in the earths magnetic poles,Human civilisation which has built upon the industrial premise of the industrial reveloution is falling apart because of the seemingly endless resources of that time are now two hundred years later are gone.

This Bush V Kerry argument is not gonna change anything.No one can stop what will occur so I say,Ride it out.Live as best you can for the next few years cause its not gonna last no matter who becomes the President of the US.

But since the above is off topic I picked Kerry cause I live in Co. Kerry and good ole name associtation kicked in.

Edit:Sorry for the rant.
CyberSh33p said:
do you actually listen to the things he says when he speaks?

The SAT is like an IQ test; the test is designed for an equal distribution. It is nearly impossible to beat or take advantage of it. If he was stupid, he would have had a low score.

It is funny how people assume that intelligence is directly related to how one speaks. I'm not saying it excuses him from his Bushisms, but accusing him of being stupid is stupid.
blahblahblah said:
The SAT is like an IQ test; the test is designed for an equal distribution. It is nearly impossible to beat or take advantage of it. If he was stupid, he would have had a low score.

It is funny how people assume that intelligence is directly related to how one speaks. I'm not saying it excuses him from his Bushisms, but accusing him of being stupid is stupid (pun intended this time :p).
yar, but how accurate are IQ tests really? they're only tests, written, standardized, pieces of paper. heh, watch fahrenheit 9/11 if you haven't already, and just look at the bush footage(most of which our friend jon stewart already covered beforehand), its hilarious. He's like our generation's quayle and I'm going to sleep.

A pun is a play on the multiple meanings/interpretations of a word.

Stupid has the same meaning in all of those instances.

I don't see any puns.
CyberSh33p said:
yar, but how accurate are IQ tests really? they're only tests, written, standardized, pieces of paper. heh, watch fahrenheit 9/11 if you haven't already, and just look at the bush footage(most of which our friend jon stewart already covered beforehand), its hilarious. He's like our generation's quayle and I'm going to sleep.


Good night?!? You're normally up late keeping me company in the fourms. :(

IQ tests are fairly accurate within a limited section in society. In this case, SAT's are accurate for middle to upper class white Americans. If I was a poor, black person, the SAT would not properly test my intelligence because of a variety of reasons I don't want to list.

I do think he is this generations Quayle. I say we should use genetic experiments to make a perfect president. :rolling:

A pun is a play on the multiple meanings/interpretations of a word.

Guess I'm stupid then. :D
First of all, on the issue of Bush's intelligence, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Let's say that he's a smart fellow, but he just isn't great at making speeches.

Well, sorry, but that's kinda part of the job. I don't want someone representing our country who can't even put a coherent sentence together half of the time. I mean sheesh, you don't even have to see the behind-the-scenes footage, just watch CNN or something. But whatever, that's not even the important issue.

I don't like Bush because of his economic (Surplus?) and environmental policies (Let's just cut down every tree in America, yeehaw), this misguided Iraqi blunder (I like how the administration has changed the reason for war from "WMD" to "We're making America safer"), completely snubbing the U.N., his abortion stance (Forget about Roe vs. Wade!), and lets not forget he most likely didn't even win the 2000 election in the first place.

Oh, and his re-election tactics really insipire me. Basically, he has kept the American public in fear of terrorism during his entire tenure, implying that if he isn't re-elected America will be in danger. Please.

Frankly, I believe Bush to be one of the worst Presidents in this nation's entire history. It's not that I'm an extremely liberal person, or that I hate Republicans, or that I disliked Bush Sr. , etc. Hell my entire family is made up of conservative Republicans, and I respect them all.

I'm just tired of Bush's bullshit.

What saddens me is that Bush will probably win due to people who care more about his stance on gay marriage than his economic policies.