Kill Bill trailer

Outrageously gay premise , probably a gay movie. But Lucy Liu is so hot...
Look awesome. That's what I call style.

Colors!!! Oh, the colors!!!!! (Or lack thereof. See 'snow scene' for example.)

Tarantino is one of those "special directors", he takes good chances.
This movie is going to be... There is no word to describe it. Quentin Tarantino tribute to hong kong/kung fu/anime/etc... Whoa.

Noticed the yellow suit The Bride is wearing? Doesn't it make you think of a suit in a classic movie by one martial art legends?

Pretty Obvious. Amd he insisted to use traditional filmaking tricks.

Still, the decision to cut it in two parts was just bad. I mean, real bad. Two messages: We wants to make twice the money, and we think our dumb typical fan is too retarded to sit in a dark room for 3 hours. *cough* Lord of the Rings *cough*.
Still, the decision to cut it in two parts was just bad. I mean, real bad. Two messages: We wants to make twice the money, and we think our dumb typical fan is too retarded to sit in a dark room for 3 hours. *cough* Lord of the Rings *cough*. [/B][/QUOTE]

It was ultimately Tarantino's decision to split the film to avoid the editing cuts required to fit theatre time that would've shortened his vision. Frankly I don't care since it's only four months apart (compare to Matrix's 6 monts, LotR 1 year, Star Wars 3 years.)

Nothing worse than a cut up piece of hooey (see "The Professional" and "Gangs of NY" for cut-up hooey.)
I will be there, in theater, at night (so I can be left alone), watching the greatness.
Originally posted by Morbo
This movie is going to be... There is no word to describe it. Quentin Tarantino tribute to hong kong/kung fu/anime/etc... Whoa.
There are quite a few words:

There are more I can't think of right now, but I can't WAIT to not see this film. I think Tarantino's great, really I do. But with this film his ego has reached new highs.
Balancing on swords? Rightso. Two parts because one 3hr film would've been "too pretensious"? (His words not mine) Gimme a break. And what's with the DIALOGUE!? One of the best things about Tarantino is his sizzling dialogue - by turns completely natural, wonderully snappy and eminently quotable - and now we're treated to such delights as:
"Did you really think it would be that easy?"
"For a second there... Yeah I did."
I'm sorry but I expect better. Plus apparently the scripting directions, etc. are all in his usual great style (ie: "Uma goes Krakatoa on his ass" Great!)
But the music sounds good - something which Tarantino ALWAYS does well is choosing soundtracks.
Oh, and Uma Therman's irritating.
Charlies Angels Tiger, Hidden PMS Bitches.

Seems like a lot of movies shoved together. Charlies Angels, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and a lot more. I'm not gonna waste my time listing them.

I will NOT be wasting my money on this one.
I still trust Tarantino on that one. Yeah, that could be really bad. Easily. Put it's the guy who made Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction...

BUT I have a doubt, a little fear. Is Tarantino now more of a commercial moviemaker? His decision (well I say his but there's that Miramax dumbass behind this everyone knows) to cut the film in two parts was NOT to make the films easier to watch, less pretentious or whatever, it's to have TWICE the money, it's obvious.

I don't know if this film is an ego trip... Maybe. Let's hope not, but I'll still watch the first volume (*sigh*) because it could be a really fun movie. I'm curious to see if he can do something original with all those clichés that we've seen in the trailers. We'll see...
Originally posted by Morbo
Is Tarantino now more of a commercial moviemaker?
No, he's just finally disappeared so far up his own arse that he doesn't realise that what he's doing is simply self-indulgent crap.
Originally posted by el Chi
No, he's just finally disappeared so far up his own arse that he doesn't realise that what he's doing is simply self-indulgent crap.

What has he done that hasn't been self-indulgent? Don't get me wrong, I own every Tarantino movie on DVD (only 3 if you don't count 4 rooms...but still) and love them all. But everything he does, he does for himself. Did you see Jackie Brown? I put my trust in him and am glad he's not doing another "Tarantino-caper-gangster-wtf-else" movie. He's and indy director who hit it big. I'm not going to get into a debate on whether or not the man is a good writer/director because both sides have been run into the ground. But if you've like his work up until now, I say give it a chance, I doubt you'll be disappointed with the end result. Oh, and he didn't split it up to make more money, as has been said before, he split it up because he had so much that he wanted to put in the movie, when he presented the screenplay to miramax thier first reaction was to ask him if this was going to be two or three movies. Evidently it's plot heavy as well as having amazing action sequences.
Hmm, well, maybe it was really just a design decision to cut the movie in two.

I mean, sure, LOTR was quite commercial, but its really impossible to make a movie based on the LOTR book in only one part. They attemted it in a cartoon syle. it sucked. The attempt to split it up in three worked, the movies also came out to be really good.

If kill Bill is that complex, then why press it in one movie if it could be done better in two parts?
Originally posted by freddythefrog
Hmm, well, maybe it was really just a design decision to cut the movie in two.
If kill Bill is that complex, then why press it in one movie if it could be done better in two parts?
It's not that complex - it's just Tarantino being an arse.

N0N1337H41, you're right, all his stuff is very pretensious, etc. However this film just takes it to new levels.
lol, personally I think its going to be good, and what people aren't realising is that its Quentin trying to be funny...

Its perfect....

oh and to the balancing on the sword, it can be done, but only with a samjuri sword...

It's a shame that its her playing lead, as she can't act and seriously can't fight in my opinion...
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
Charlies Angels Tiger, Hidden PMS Bitches.

Seems like a lot of movies shoved together. Charlies Angels, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and a lot more. I'm not gonna waste my time listing them.

I will NOT be wasting my money on this one.

As much as I trust Tarantino, I have a feeling you might be right. I mean they even put Lucy Lui into it. WTF?
It's got that bloke in it from reservoir dogs, he's pretty good.

I don't think you can balance on a sword, especially is someone is holding it, but still, i don't care about realism.
Honestly if I had seen that trailer and the words "Quentin Tarantino" hadn't come on the screen I would have probabyl said "thats ****in stupid." But I have seen Resevoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Jacky Brown and thought they were all great movies. PF is actually one of my favorites. I'm going to see this movie, because I have absolutely no reason to assume it won't be great like the other ones.

Basically, I'm willing to trust him, but he better pull through on this one or my faith in his movies will seriously drop.
looks stupid to me....

but thats just my humble opinion...