Least favirote chapter?

fstick2 said:
EDIT: I missed ravenholme, I guess it was so bad that my memory of it was repressed. Sorry.

Agreed, the game was a total let down, but it had its interesting scenes I guess. The only thing I really like about HL2 is modding, and recreating all the old scenes and monsters Valve cut.
Water Hazard. Except for the place where a guy throws supplies down for you, and then you have to use physics to raise the bridge. Also the other place where you had to push the oven down to the elevator thing which then rose another bridge. It was entertaining, and the capabilities of their physic engine astonished me.

Sandtraps, where you have to not to step on the sand. A very nostalgic and boring chapter, except for the ending, the coast of Nova Prospekt. The music, a pack of antlions at your command and loads of Combine Soldiers to throw bugbait at - was a great theme.

A specific place in Entaglement. After listening to the conversation between Mossman and Breen, Alyx sents you for Mossman, while she plays CS:S through the combine's security console. You have to set up three turrets, and a whole army of combine soldiers come, throws grenades at you, most are equipped with shotguns, and not to mention manhacks buzzing around. Every time I replay this place with God mode on. Very annoying.
I pretty much liked all of HL2, all the levels were extremely fun and entertaining; the trouble for me was that there weren't enough of them- I was left wanting a more heroic, climactic ending, and what I got was the credits. But It's going to be OK, because aftermath will have all the climatism I'll ever need... hopefully :D
iMMuNiTy said:
A specific place in Entaglement. After listening to the conversation between Mossman and Breen, Alyx sents you for Mossman, while she plays CS:S through the combine's security console. You have to set up three turrets, and a whole army of combine soldiers come, throws grenades at you, most are equipped with shotguns, and not to mention manhacks buzzing around. Every time I replay this place with God mode on. Very annoying.

I love the turret areas :D
Samon said:
I love the turret areas :D
I hope we are speaking of the same area. The second time you use turrets? Not the first time, and not the last time, when you're charging up the teleporter. Two corridors, manhacks, and lots, I mean lots of soldiers. Three turrets. A health and an HEV charger. I found that part annoying and Hard.

Thank God we won't meet in an online play. :| I'd get pwned.
That area is not hard at all if you do the following.

When you get to the area, place all the 3 turrets inside any of the cell rooms on the first floor. Position yourself behind the turrets and take out the Gravity gun.
When a grenade gets inside the room, just grab it with the grav gun and shoot it out to the combines, or if a Manhack should come in just grab it with the grav gun and shoot into a wall.

The turrets will take care of all the Combines, they will NOT stand a chance. :)
Just make sure you keep the turrets up and throw out any grenade that falls into the cell you are in and you are fine.

Just one thing I should point out is that I did this playing on easy difficulty.
I don't like Ravenholm. It's just too creepy. :eek::rolleyes: Or the Citadel, because it just looks so "Omg...this is what's in here?!". And the part where your going by in that transport pod, and you can't get out to destroy the Gunships or Striders and stuff. You feel like your helpless.
Just too cold and gloomy for my tastes.
Loke said:
That area is not hard at all if you do the following.

When you get to the area, place all the 3 turrets inside any of the cell rooms on the first floor. Position yourself behind the turrets and take out the Gravity gun.
When a grenade gets inside the room, just grab it with the grav gun and shoot it out to the combines, or if a Manhack should come in just grab it with the grav gun and shoot into a wall.

The turrets will take care of all the Combines, they will NOT stand a chance. :)
Just make sure you keep the turrets up and throw out any grenade that falls into the cell you are in and you are fine.

Just one thing I should point out is that I did this playing on easy difficulty.

lol try that on hard, then talk.

the best strategy, i think, is to pick one side and place two turrets in opposite directions, then place the last one in the darkened hallway connecting the two corridors (the little area with the ammo box). then, just cover the room with the health/armor recharges by yourself (which isn't too tough because not many guys go through there), and cover your turrets. Chuck grenades back at the combine, keep your turrets up, grab and throw manhacks, and take shots at any soldiers that get close to your turrets.
iMMuNiTy said:
I hope we are speaking of the same area. The second time you use turrets? Not the first time, and not the last time, when you're charging up the teleporter. Two corridors, manhacks, and lots, I mean lots of soldiers. Three turrets. A health and an HEV charger. I found that part annoying and Hard.

Thank God we won't meet in an online play. :| I'd get pwned.


Yes, all 3, gotta love em :D

I hope we do meet on DM :farmer:
SupaKoopa said:
lol try that on hard, then talk.

I just tried it on hard and it worked out well. :)

Just keeping those turrets up and throw out any grenade that might fall in and you are home-free. It’s not hard at all.
The only thing I found disapointing in Half-Life 2 is that the game has so many different environments in it, so many features divided into chapters that the game kind of loses a bit of its charm. When I re-play HL1 I actually forget certain places, where to go, sometimes what'll happen next. In Half-Life 2 it's like: The Beginning->Sewers->Air boat Ride->Ravenholm->Buggy ride->Nova Prospekt->City 17->Citadel. Everything is very different and easy to remember. For example, when sharing experiences when playing with HL1 is harder, because most places in it seem similar, they do have a new touch within each chapter, finally getting to the surface, and Xen... Half-Life 2 jumps from a town to the sewers, from sewers to an abandoned town infested with zombies, and then jumps to the high-road by the sea-shore. Don't know, maybe it's just me. I like when in games areas slowly 'transform' into others. One of the reasons I loved Half-Life. When it's like, one moment here, and the other where, it kinda disturbs me. Consider that as my "Least Favorite Chapter" :D

*I hate scary things*
all these corridors. it reminds me of HL1 and doom. but the entry into nova prospekt rocked. oh my sending those antlions into the bunkers and tearing the inhabitants to shreds then stealing the gun turrets and helping the antlions.
iMMuNiTy said:
The only thing I found disapointing in Half-Life 2 is that the game has so many different environments in it, so many features divided into chapters that the game kind of loses a bit of its charm. When I re-play HL1 I actually forget certain places, where to go, sometimes what'll happen next. In Half-Life 2 it's like: The Beginning->Sewers->Air boat Ride->Ravenholm->Buggy ride->Nova Prospekt->City 17->Citadel. Everything is very different and easy to remember. For example, when sharing experiences when playing with HL1 is harder, because most places in it seem similar, they do have a new touch within each chapter, finally getting to the surface, and Xen... Half-Life 2 jumps from a town to the sewers, from sewers to an abandoned town infested with zombies, and then jumps to the high-road by the sea-shore. Don't know, maybe it's just me. I like when in games areas slowly 'transform' into others. One of the reasons I loved Half-Life. When it's like, one moment here, and the other where, it kinda disturbs me. Consider that as my "Least Favorite Chapter" :D

I was over the moon that they'd changed the enviroment so radically at every corner. It never gets dull and repetitive and looks absolutley superb.
Samon said:
I was over the moon that they'd changed the enviroment so radically at every corner. It never gets dull and repetitive and looks absolutley superb.

Amen to that.
Route Kanal was somewhat claustrophobic.

We Don't Go to Ravenholm was great at the start, but became tedious later on (and the mines were completely wasted).

Highway 17 was a bit bland at times, and all of that "ant lions appearing from under the sand" was too much like an arcade game for my tastes.

Sand Traps became irritating.

Nova Prospekt was rather linear and predictable (and those ant lions just get on my nerves; I don't like insect type creatures, even if they are on my side).

Entanglement was nothing special (and that bit where I had to set up those three automatic turrets to defend myself until Alyx arrived was incredibly frustrating. Whoever decided to locate those health and HEV power terminals in that location should be shoved up against a wall and shot).

Our Benefactors and Dark Energy were probably the two worst levels in the game. The former was nothing more than an excuse to fire combine soldiers here, there and everywhere with the super gravity gun (and that's all that the level entailed), and the latter was a pretty good example of how disappointing game endings can be (although I'll grant you that it wasn't quite as bad as the original Half Life's travesty of a finale).

The best levels were Water Hazard (the best of the lot), Black Mesa East, and Anticitizen One. I enjoyed the first couple of levels (despite being forced to rush over the rooftops at one point; I hate being rushed in games), but I was surprised that the intro sequence was so short. I was expecting something as impressive as the one in the original Half Life, although I suppose that the ride through the citadel later on somewhat made up for this*

* That free ride through the citadel was the only decent bit in Our Benefactors.

Well, you can see that I wasn't quite as impressed with Half Life 2 as the vast majority of you lot. I personally feel that it was far too linear (and I really wasn't expecting this after all of the hype), and the gameplay was only elevated above that of a standard FPS by the astonishing physics engine, and the gravity gun (the normal one, not that lame super powered one in the citadel).

The physics engine saved Half Life 2 (IMO). I really can't praise it highly enough, since it is without equal. There are numerous moments in the game that are memorable, and all of them involve the physics engine......like the simple ramp puzzles in Water Hazard, the huge steel beam smashing open the gates in the same chapter, that superb crane in Highway 17, slicing zombies in half with saw blades fired by the gravity gun, shooting explosive barrels and watching combine soldiers fly into the air by the force of the blast.......all of these were superb fun. I just wish that more puzzles could have been included, a more open environment, more advanced AI (I really was expecting the striders to be able to wander around the city, looking for resistance fighters to kill, rather than being restricted to a single square or back street), and the option to avoid combat. Sometimes, sneaking past opponents can be more fun than killing them (Deus Ex proved that). Unfortunately, that was impossible in Half Life 2. It was a case of "kill everything in sight before you are allowed to proceed".

Other than the physics engine, the gravity gun, and the facial animations, I struggled to find anything in the gameplay that could be considered to be "raising the bar".

I await the backlash with interest :D
Samon said:
I was over the moon that they'd changed the enviroment so radically at every corner. It never gets dull and repetitive and looks absolutley superb.
Agreed. But not with a turn of 90 degrees. They should've transit, from a city to sewers, etc. Would add an extra touch. I'm not saying that you should, like, play Half-Life 2 in one place which is different in every chapter. :|

RAST said:
Follow Freeman - the NPCs kept getting me killed, getting killed or getting in my way.

Maybe I'm the only one who liked sandtraps. My 2nd time through the game I ran all the way, skipping the houses and everything. :)

Loved the Sandtraps. Used my grav gun to make bridges over the open sand. Found a lot of ammo and 'stuff'. Enjoyed it thouroughly. I also like Raveholm although I thought it was too easy. My fav was finally taking on the Combine and Breen in the Citadel even though the game ended.
Athlon64 said:
Route Kanal was somewhat claustrophobic.

We Don't Go to Ravenholm was great at the start, but became tedious later on (and the mines were completely wasted).

Highway 17 was a bit bland at times, and all of that "ant lions appearing from under the sand" was too much like an arcade game for my tastes.

Sand Traps became irritating.

Nova Prospekt was rather linear and predictable (and those ant lions just get on my nerves; I don't like insect type creatures, even if they are on my side).

Entanglement was nothing special (and that bit where I had to set up those three automatic turrets to defend myself until Alyx arrived was incredibly frustrating. Whoever decided to locate those health and HEV power terminals in that location should be shoved up against a wall and shot).

Our Benefactors and Dark Energy were probably the two worst levels in the game. The former was nothing more than an excuse to fire combine soldiers here, there and everywhere with the super gravity gun (and that's all that the level entailed), and the latter was a pretty good example of how disappointing game endings can be (although I'll grant you that it wasn't quite as bad as the original Half Life's travesty of a finale).

The best levels were Water Hazard (the best of the lot), Black Mesa East, and Anticitizen One. I enjoyed the first couple of levels (despite being forced to rush over the rooftops at one point; I hate being rushed in games), but I was surprised that the intro sequence was so short. I was expecting something as impressive as the one in the original Half Life, although I suppose that the ride through the citadel later on somewhat made up for this*

* That free ride through the citadel was the only decent bit in Our Benefactors.

Well, you can see that I wasn't quite as impressed with Half Life 2 as the vast majority of you lot. I personally feel that it was far too linear (and I really wasn't expecting this after all of the hype), and the gameplay was only elevated above that of a standard FPS by the astonishing physics engine, and the gravity gun (the normal one, not that lame super powered one in the citadel).

The physics engine saved Half Life 2 (IMO). I really can't praise it highly enough, since it is without equal. There are numerous moments in the game that are memorable, and all of them involve the physics engine......like the simple ramp puzzles in Water Hazard, the huge steel beam smashing open the gates in the same chapter, that superb crane in Highway 17, slicing zombies in half with saw blades fired by the gravity gun, shooting explosive barrels and watching combine soldiers fly into the air by the force of the blast.......all of these were superb fun. I just wish that more puzzles could have been included, a more open environment, more advanced AI (I really was expecting the striders to be able to wander around the city, looking for resistance fighters to kill, rather than being restricted to a single square or back street), and the option to avoid combat. Sometimes, sneaking past opponents can be more fun than killing them (Deus Ex proved that). Unfortunately, that was impossible in Half Life 2. It was a case of "kill everything in sight before you are allowed to proceed".

Other than the physics engine, the gravity gun, and the facial animations, I struggled to find anything in the gameplay that could be considered to be "raising the bar".

I await the backlash with interest :D

Oh, I agree. The linearity was quite annoying. No doubts there. But I do believe that its still game of the year. All FPS games are linear. The only one I've ever played that wasn't was Far Cry. Still, I liked the atmosphere of HL2. Admittedly, I want more of the wasteland. Raising the Bar made the wasteland sound better than the city.
i hate we dont go to ravenholm and sandtraps those levels r stupid

I got through the most part running while punting anilions upside down because I was running dry on ammo.
Athlon64 said:
Route Kanal was somewhat claustrophobic.

We Don't Go to Ravenholm was great at the start, but became tedious later on (and the mines were completely wasted).

Highway 17 was a bit bland at times, and all of that "ant lions appearing from under the sand" was too much like an arcade game for my tastes.

Sand Traps became irritating.

Nova Prospekt was rather linear and predictable (and those ant lions just get on my nerves; I don't like insect type creatures, even if they are on my side).

Entanglement was nothing special (and that bit where I had to set up those three automatic turrets to defend myself until Alyx arrived was incredibly frustrating. Whoever decided to locate those health and HEV power terminals in that location should be shoved up against a wall and shot).

Our Benefactors and Dark Energy were probably the two worst levels in the game. The former was nothing more than an excuse to fire combine soldiers here, there and everywhere with the super gravity gun (and that's all that the level entailed), and the latter was a pretty good example of how disappointing game endings can be (although I'll grant you that it wasn't quite as bad as the original Half Life's travesty of a finale).

The best levels were Water Hazard (the best of the lot), Black Mesa East, and Anticitizen One. I enjoyed the first couple of levels (despite being forced to rush over the rooftops at one point; I hate being rushed in games), but I was surprised that the intro sequence was so short. I was expecting something as impressive as the one in the original Half Life, although I suppose that the ride through the citadel later on somewhat made up for this*

* That free ride through the citadel was the only decent bit in Our Benefactors.

Well, you can see that I wasn't quite as impressed with Half Life 2 as the vast majority of you lot. I personally feel that it was far too linear (and I really wasn't expecting this after all of the hype), and the gameplay was only elevated above that of a standard FPS by the astonishing physics engine, and the gravity gun (the normal one, not that lame super powered one in the citadel).

The physics engine saved Half Life 2 (IMO). I really can't praise it highly enough, since it is without equal. There are numerous moments in the game that are memorable, and all of them involve the physics engine......like the simple ramp puzzles in Water Hazard, the huge steel beam smashing open the gates in the same chapter, that superb crane in Highway 17, slicing zombies in half with saw blades fired by the gravity gun, shooting explosive barrels and watching combine soldiers fly into the air by the force of the blast.......all of these were superb fun. I just wish that more puzzles could have been included, a more open environment, more advanced AI (I really was expecting the striders to be able to wander around the city, looking for resistance fighters to kill, rather than being restricted to a single square or back street), and the option to avoid combat. Sometimes, sneaking past opponents can be more fun than killing them (Deus Ex proved that). Unfortunately, that was impossible in Half Life 2. It was a case of "kill everything in sight before you are allowed to proceed".

Other than the physics engine, the gravity gun, and the facial animations, I struggled to find anything in the gameplay that could be considered to be "raising the bar".

I await the backlash with interest :D

Interesting viewpoint there. Personally, I absolutely loved the ending of Half-Life. To me, it was an ending unlike any I had seen before. I was amazed and confused at the same time. I got a feeling of completion and of wanting more. What happened to Freeman? Who is this mysterious G-man? Half-Life is still my favorite game of all time, and always will be. When I replay it, I get such a huge feeling of nostalgia. Not to mention, the game is just damn fun.

The thing is, with FPS, you have to expect linearity. You don't want linearity, go play an RPG or something like that. I never really felt like I was on a rail, even though you basically have only one way to go. That's the genius of it. A game that is linear but doesn't feel exactly linear.

You have to realize that the main appeal for the Half-Life series is the story and atmosphere. Name a FPS that does it better. Granted, we didn't get too many answers in HL2. But the whole time I played the game, I felt like I was Gordon Freeman, not some nameless fool blasting everything in sight. I was "the one Freeman". And christ man, the character animations? Never before have I seen stuff like this. When I saw Kleiner for the first time, I was so amazed and just plain happy.

I was blown away by Half-Life and Half-Life 2. Never had better gaming in my life. I could have used a bit longer of an intro scene, I love the tram in HL1.

Again, interesting viewpoint. It's a bummer you didn't enjoy HL2 as much as me and many others, perhaps HL3 will better suit you.
I hated Sandtraps, but I liked all the other chapters.

A lot of people didn't like Ravenholm, but it was one of my favorites. I love places in games that are infested with zombies and such. I got out of that little passageway and saw the gloomy buildings, the darkened sky, the rocket that carries headcrabs, the human legs hanging from that tree, then the first zombie attacked me, and I was thinking "Alright! I've been waiting for something like this!"
i like sandtraps becaused i didnt mind. to me it was one big puzzle of how to get from on place to another and i like using my brain to do stuff like that. anyway

ravenholme those god dam mother ****ing sons a bitch zombies piss me off and they r annoying too. and they make u waste ammo cuz no enemy uses weapons in there and zombies respawn all the time. the traps were cool though:) thanks greg for your crazy mind
My three minor dissapointments:

I liked Ravenholm, but I new to expect something creepy by the way Alyx and
Eli both gave warnings about the place. It set the stage for thinking of the gravity
gun as more of a weapon than a glorified crowbar. And meeting Father Grigori
was worth getting jumped a couple of times. I even liked the mines, but
I guess I found the spot where the headcrabs were not endlessly spawning.
What I did not like was a part in the mines where I fell down a shaft trying to
reach some supplies, then could not figure out how to get back to try again.
And when I made it out of the mines to find new combine soldiers with
sniper rifles, I thought "cool, sniper rifles!", then found out I couldn't get
my hands on one no matter how sneaky I was in getting grenades up into
those nests.

The third minor issue was in the Citadel, the effect of the Super Grav Gun was
to disintegrate the weapons and bodies of the Combine soldiers, so you could not
pick up a backup plasma rifle or anything. I realize the SGG was a kick ass weapon
in its own right, but I still would have liked a choice.

Otherwise, there were too many moments that surprised me or flat out amazed me
in this game to have any real disappointments. But I'm probably not that experienced
a gamer. I wasn't even aware of some of the secondary fire modes the first time
thru, and I was half way thru Anticitizen One before I discovered sprinting.
Ravenholm all the way... 50% because the fast zombies freaked the bejeebies outta me and 50% because Dog was just about to go with you into it!
how can u h8 ravenholm thats the best chapter in the game.....and the citadel cos the endings great
sgtjake said:
how can u h8 ravenholm thats the best chapter in the game.....and the citadel cos the endings great

Because he has what one would call, an opinion.
I think the chapter when you defeat the soldiers in the citadel, and the one after, when taking on striders and head for the horse
iMMuNiTy said:
A specific place in Entaglement. After listening to the conversation between Mossman and Breen, Alyx sents you for Mossman, while she plays CS:S through the combine's security console. You have to set up three turrets, and a whole army of combine soldiers come, throws grenades at you, most are equipped with shotguns, and not to mention manhacks buzzing around. Every time I replay this place with God mode on. Very annoying.


That was the most annoying part of the entire game. Could have easily done without it.

The turret fights before and after that specific one were at least manageable. But that one in particular was just ridiculous. You're short of one turret to make an effective set-up, you are rushed by an ever-lasting wave of Combine troops and manhacks, OH NO YOUR TURRETS GOT KNOCKED OVER so now you'll expend precious time and health to set them back up again (only to have them knocked over again), and you'll repeat this for what seems like 15 minutes.

I eventually just stocked all my turrets into one room and made an impenetrable wall of firepower, tossing out grenades with my grav-gun whenever they came too close. Not my idea of fun, really.

I loved practically everything else though. The last two chapters were what I'd term "kick-ass concentrate", Ravenholm was a nice change of pace and atmosphere, and even though the vehicle sections were a tad long, I never stopped enjoying them.
I actually enjoyed the turret section, because of all the interesting ways I'd come up with to fend them off.
I enjoyed the Turret Section to. I made some very cool ways to use them and kill the combine.
Samon said:
I actually enjoyed the turret section, because of all the interesting ways I'd come up with to fend them off.

Once you start getting creative in ways to defend yourself, it's actually not that hard. I got an idea from some guy which is how I beat it on hard mode. From the earlier part where you have to hold out, I carried an extra turret, two metal tables, and two file cabinets. MY GOD, was that annoying; especially on the part where you have to get accross the room with electrified water.

Once I got to the last little hold-out-place, I got some stuff from the office upstairs before you jump down, walled off an entire side of the room where the three turrets are, then made a small barricade on the other end. Not only that, but I had four turrets :D

And you know, actually, it's not a certain number of troops you have to kill, it's a time limit. Two guards came from each direction the first time, and one pair wouldn't go around the other side (because their side was walled off), and I had to try to aim through the cracks in the wall... with the pistol. It wasn't working out, so I obliterated the wall, mowed them down, them Alyx came.
A specific place in Entaglement. After listening to the conversation between Mossman and Breen, Alyx sents you for Mossman, while she plays CS:S through the combine's security console. You have to set up three turrets, and a whole army of combine soldiers come, throws grenades at you, most are equipped with shotguns, and not to mention manhacks buzzing around. Every time I replay this place with God mode on. Very annoying.
LOL, my turrets only fell over once or twice in the final turret battle. 3 turrets is enough. You probably put the turrets too close to the entrances. And I found Alyx to kill quite a few soldiers. And I don't remember manhacks in that part.
ríomhaire said:
LOL, my turrets only fell over once or twice in the final turret battle. 3 turrets is enough. You probably put the turrets too close to the entrances. And I found Alyx to kill quite a few soldiers. And I don't remember manhacks in that part.

You didn't see any manhacks? That's weird, they always come for me... well, until I started doing what I do now.
DannyC. said:
You didn't see any manhacks? That's weird, they always come for me... well, until I started doing what I do now.
There probably were manhacks, I just don't remember them.(haven't played in a while)
OMG, ravenholm, scared the livin crap out of me. Talk about the willies... YIKES
I'd like to say Ravenholm didn't really scare me, but there was one part...

I was in one of the the back alleys, where there seemed to be infinitely spawning
zombies, plus a black headcrab still on the loose.

I was out of ammo, had about 25 health, could not figure out where to
go next that wasn't an ambush, and had just thown the propellor so far that
I could not reach it with the Gravity Gun.

And just then, I looked at the clock, and realized I had to be up and ready for
work in a little over two hours...