Least favirote chapter?

I heard those zombie calls and it was like real life man. I felt cold, alone....and unloved. LMAO The first time you meet a fast zombie you almost shit your pants because they jump you so bad.

I actually found the sounds the zombies made and used that low erie call (town zombie call) as my windows start-up sound once, my gf freaked out when she heard it. I should make her play Ravenholm by herself in the dark..Muhuhhahaah!
Route Canal because it felt to long and draged out and the damn man haks grrrrrrr.
Head Crab said:
Route Canal because it felt to long and draged out and the damn man haks grrrrrrr.

See "What's more annoying?" for my opinion on Manhacks. :D

Route Canal? Too long ang dragged out? Explain.
Head Crab said:
Route Canal because it felt to long and draged out and the damn man haks grrrrrrr.

See "What's more annoying?" for my opinion on Manhacks. :D

Route Canal? Too long and dragged out? Explain.
Canals & Water Hazard. So long ugh. I find myself stopping every 10-20 minutes when playing those chapters cause i cant sit down & play the same chapter for an hour & a half with nothing new. Just straight out killing things & moving on & running (friggin chopper). Water Hazard was boring til you got the gun on the airboat. But it was just constant running for almost all of the chapter ugh.
4RM0 said:
Canals & Water Hazard. So long ugh. I find myself stopping every 10-20 minutes when playing those chapters cause i cant sit down & play the same chapter for an hour & a half with nothing new. Just straight out killing things & moving on & running (friggin chopper). Water Hazard was boring til you got the gun on the airboat. But it was just constant running for almost all of the chapter ugh.

That might be the main reason why that section is lacking. You can't really shoot at anything unless you get out of the boat, but then if you do, your progress is slowed down. It is a shooting game afterall.
Probably Entanglement..I so wanted to get out of there..I wish Arnold wouldve showed up so he couldve

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Adrik_Senturu said:
Probably Entanglement..I so wanted to get out of there..I wish Arnold wouldve showed up so he couldve

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(Sorry about that double post earlier, I don't know how it happened)

Edit: Heh heh, whoa... that's a little odd...
I only liked the begining part of Sandtraps, all the way till the jumping from rock to rock, can get a bit tedious after sometime. Some parts of Ravenholm were pretty boring too. The ending part was the best (from where u finally meet the monk and till you exit the mines to the garage)
Adrik_Senturu said:
Probably Entanglement..I so wanted to get out of there..I wish Arnold wouldve showed up so he couldve

.................................................................................................... .............
............................................GET TO DA CHOPPA..................................
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How long did that take you?
Reginald said:
I'm guessing it's a Copy and Paste job from somewhere.

Most likely, but it's still cool. And even more cool if he made it himself so he could include it in a post.
Samon said:
Anti citizen 1

Seriously? That's my favorite chapter because the settings are so diverse.

I didn't mind Sandtraps at first. Playing "the ground is hot lava" as a child helped me out with using two objects to stand on and alternate and sort of leapfrog my way around.

I think my least favorite to play are "point insertion" (if that even counts)and "route canal". After playing through the entire game, they're boring by comparison, simply because they build up to more exciting parts so you don't have many enemies or weapons yet.
okidoki said:

Nah, not serious, that was my least favourite in January, if you check the date :p

I can't say I have a least favourite chapter, because they are all awesome...but its more certain bits of each. Like driving around the coast road in Sandtraps after the underground section - it was pretty boring because all it was was stop here, shoot Combine, get out...and so on. Needed something better.
Hi, um... first post.

If I had to go for least favorite chapter, I'd have to say the sequence of levels that started with Anticitizen One. Before that, there was some semblance of thinking involved in why Gordon is where he is: He's at Ravenholm because he was fleeing BME, he's on Highway 17 because he's gotta get to Nova Prospekt...

With AO, however... you're running around aimlessly, and everyone you meet up with seems to think you're going somewhere specifically. While cognitively the idea of "Gordon doesn't know but he doesn't have the heart to tell them" seems interesting, it came across as "Why didn't Gordon say he had no frickin' clue?"

Oppositely, my favorite level was Highway 17. While (IMO) both HL1 and HL2 suffered a lot from what I call "GoodThings" ("It's a GoodThing that there's some rubble I can turn into a makeshift ladder to escape, otherwise I'm stuck", etc), H17 really felt like an abandoned road, with most of the goodies feeling not like predetermined goodies, but objects that had rested there for decades, and would remain there for another decade if you didnt pick them up. Everything had a history, if you will, even if you never learned it.

(I call it the Morrowind Effect. Lots of places that seemed like the owner went out for a moment, and never returned.)
Hello, welcome to the forums.

Well, interesting views on the chapters, and Morrowind was a cool game.
Santraps, because im stuck on it at the part where the two gunships are shooting at you.

also the jumping from rock to rock became quite tedious
Carrera, you know there's a rocket-create there?? If you find that, that part should be simple.

My least favorite chapter have to be...hmm..*thinking*...Route canal, after playing that chapter a few times I'm just tired of it...dunno why...
yeah Fonaki, discovered how to get past there this evening.

thought i had to shoot down both ships:eek:
carrera said:
yeah Fonaki, discovered how to get past there this evening.

thought i had to shoot down both ships:eek:


What difficulty?
I dislike the chapters with the boat and that kart thing you drive.
Ravenholme was scary. Not unlike Doom3, but less repetitive.
carrera said:

Ok, good.

I liked the creppy atmosphere of Ravenholm, but I didn't find it scary. Still one of my favorite chapters.
DannyC. said:
Ok, good.

I liked the creppy atmosphere of Ravenholm, but I didn't find it scary. Still one of my favorite chapters.

#1 Get a headphone

#2 SOunds ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

#3 No lights on.

#4 midnight.

#5 20+inch moniter.

Play with these conditions.
I try it as soon as I can have all those things together at midnight. Then I'll give you the results.

For fun, I'll also count how many times I look over my shoulder, because I just know that those conditions would make me.
DannyC. said:
I try it as soon as I can have all those things together at midnight. Then I'll give you the results.

For fun, I'll also count how many times I look over my shoulder, because I just know that those conditions would make me.

oh, and if you have Doom3, play it like that too.
I tried the Doom 3 demo and it sucked. Not scary at all.

Edit: Oh, uh, the following is that ravenholm challenge thing, not Doom.

I tried just turning up the speakers and closing the door with the light off to warm up (it was 11:30 at the time, 12:00 now), and I couldn't get through 20 minutes of that. God, I'm a pussy.

I could see the image of the back of my room in my mind as I was playing. You know how as you're walking, they'll get up out of a corner where you couldn't see them? Well I couldn't get the damn picture out of my mind of a zombie crawling up from the unseen corner of my bed and walking towards me (the moans are what sparked it).

And I was going to try the headphones and sounds turned way up, and everything. What's wrong with me, I get spooked by a bunch of pixels.
lol i wnna try that.... it will be all dark in my basement alone... speakers up...ahh scary
Hopefully you'll do better than I did. It's probably not that bad to most people, but I'm a real pansy.
The most boring chapter is when you try to lead antlions into nova prospect and you run along the beach with those damned machineguns on your tails, it's pretty damn difficult.
Wolfy Snackrib said:
The most boring chapter is when you try to lead antlions into nova prospect and you run along the beach with those damned machineguns on your tails, it's pretty damn difficult.

All the more fun (that section) if you ask me :smoking:
DannyC. said:
Hopefully you'll do better than I did. It's probably not that bad to most people, but I'm a real pansy.

With the possible exeption of God and Short Recoil, everyone would freak out sometime in ravenholme with the conditions.
Short Recoil?

Ravenholm is fun, and it doesn't freak me out; I just don't like the dark :(

I like simulated creepy atmospheres, not being in them :D
Samon said:
Not the place to be discussing it :)

Ah, yes general.

On topic: I disliked some parts of nova prospect, too.
I'll try it again once my new computer's come.

Headphones and all!
What, do my posts bring time to a halt, or something? AM I THE FRICKING G-MAN!?
No, we've mostly posted on this thread already.