Live Interview Of Team Fortress 2!

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May 19, 2003
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HL Radio is doing a live interview with valve all about "TEAM FORTRESS 2", DOD SOURCE, and CS SOURCE! Tune in at 7 eastern, 6 central, 4 pacific! DONT MISS IT!

I hope a lot of new info is released! I'm tuning in, been waiting for something like this for an age! :imu:
Gdamn, finally we are going to get some clarification.

Cept, they claimed Gabe was on their show before, and er, I didn't hear any such thing and they apparently didn't find out anything worth posting about.
half life radio sucks, i was listening to it for 2 hours last night and didnt hear any new information. They said they were going to interview Gabe, but i didnt hear anything in the first 2 hours of the show. On top of all that they were having lag problems and playing gay music so it was a complete was of my time.
If those dorks do not ask "What EXACTLY will HL2+MP include?", I will harbor deep resentment.
If your from other countries dont worry about it, ill post the news in here later tonight!
Its 00.23 here, need to know, pretty tired by now.
Yea right... they always say this stuff and NEVER get to it... and this has happended MANY times.
You know what people (who are bashing HLR), things change on the fly. Sometimes things are scheduled, but they change... like the Half-Life 2 release date!

Don't blame the Radio, it isn't completely their fault. If you can pull out a better, smoother radio station... I'd like to listen to it...
Seriously if this thing is delayed again tonight (stayed up till 5AM today) im going to swim the atlantic and slit their throats.

*puts on speedos*

I can tell you, there will be an interview with Gabe Newell.
Awesome! :)

Hopefully it doesn't get pushed back a day again... :x
HLRadio is not an easy thing to run. You know's not only live, it's on the INTERNET!! That's tough.
lol omg u guys hearing this HL RADIO made up song this guy did? its hilarious!
wtf is hlradio and where can I get it... someone please enlighten this newb...
they even had a song where the guy wanted to sleep with alyx vance. do they know that she is a fictional cg character?
Omg, I am listening to a hl2 song about Alex and E3 and other crap

I want interviews ffs...
Just as long as there's no more Alyx song! :)
The Thing said:
Ermm. Which song?

It's not as funny anymore but the first minute was quite hilarious, singing about Alyx Vance and was great.
Yes, I'm telling you as a fact (as Staff on Half-Life Radio) that there will be an interview (at least one ;)) with Gabe Newell tonight.
Look, if you guys missed it last night, thats not our fault. But just so you know, we will be REPLAYING the interviews from yesterday tonight on the air, plus another live interview with Gabe and Doug where listeners can come on and ask questions too. Hope to see you there!
a recorded interview. I don't want to wait another 2 hours.

It's 1 AM here :)
i was kinda dissapointed (not just me, you should of seen the irc chan yesterday) in the info yesterday. we really didnt get anything new yesterday. infact we had to wait 3 hours (7-to-10 eastern) for a gabe interview that never happened. The fact that they never told us why they never got the gabe on last night kinda set us off too.

Andy: "Oh yes thats right folks!, you here it first, Half-Life 2 will be coming out this summer!"

the fact is:
HLR uses the words "new information" and "exclusive info" very loosly.

another thing that pissed me off yesterday is the fact that they were getting mad over name calling or somthing yesteday in their irc chan. did they forget what they did to a week ago??? :eek:

oh well *had to get that out of my system*

hopefully we get some 'good' info today, but i wont be listening. (dont wanna waste my time. just tell me what happens. id rather play some more guild wars before the trial goes out ;)
Argyll said:
Yes, I'm telling you as a fact (as Staff on Half-Life Radio) that there will be an interview (at least one ;)) with Gabe Newell tonight.


I just realized...aren't you supposed to be at E3?........
Argyll, any chance of you guys eventually making it so I don't have to download a program (WinAMP) and a plugin (MP3 Pro) that I don't use currently and wouldn't use otherwise just to hear your broadcast?
Why wouldn't you use WinAMP? You can freakin watch tons of channels of anime and tv shows and videos for free.
What's with this guy acting like a retard trying to sing 'Like a virgin'? Real waste of my time. Very unprofessional.
Apos said:
Why wouldn't you use WinAMP? You can freakin watch tons of channels of anime and tv shows and videos for free.

You can? how?
x84D80Yx said:
i was kinda dissapointed (not just me, you should of seen the irc chan yesterday) in the info yesterday. we really didnt get anything new yesterday. infact we had to wait 3 hours (7-to-10 eastern) for a gabe interview that never happened. The fact that they never told us why they never got the gabe on last night kinda set us off too.

Andy: "Oh yes thats right folks!, you here it first, Half-Life 2 will be coming out this summer!"

the fact is:
HLR uses the words "new information" and "exclusive info" very loosly.

another thing that pissed me off yesterday is the fact that they were getting mad over name calling or somthing yesteday in their irc chan. did they forget what they did to a week ago??? :eek:

oh well *had to get that out of my system*

hopefully we get some 'good' info today, but i wont be listening. (dont wanna waste my time. just tell me what happens. id rather play some more guild wars before the trial goes out ;)

As I said before, If you missed last nights interview, for whatever reason, you will hear it replayed tonight. Its one of the first things we are playing on air. Along with yesterday mornings interview. Along with an interactive interview live.
Argyll said:
You know what people (who are bashing HLR), things change on the fly. Sometimes things are scheduled, but they change... like the Half-Life 2 release date!

Don't blame the Radio, it isn't completely their fault. If you can pull out a better, smoother radio station... I'd like to listen to it...

Well, then they shouldn't promise them at specific times in the first place.
Dedatorv said:
What's with this guy acting like a retard trying to sing 'Like a virgin'? Real waste of my time. Very unprofessional.
I felt like punching my speakers when that came on.

And now they're covering some HL2 party, with some moron commenting on the party.... GET TO TF2!!!!!!!!
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