Live Interview Of Team Fortress 2!

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man that virgin thing suxed!

i want the new interview! they are showing the yesturdays interview GRRR
Sometimes, you just have to take risks in radio.
This is some of the worst radio I've ever heard. How did these wankers get people like Gabe Newell to appear?
Ok what is going on? They said they would have an interview with gabe at 7PM EST. Its 7:14 here and they've got some guys from ubisoft and they are gonna do a replay of some interview with gabe a while back. Listening to it right now and its all the same info that was stated in some Gamespot reports.
i am hearing Gabe now talking live on the radio from E3
Interesting! An opt-in game logger that will report statistics on how you play Half Life 2 (and more) through Steam.
im pretty sure they only had one interview from gabe yesterday + doug yesterday. it was early in the morning and replayed it later. and then split the interview to make 2 parts.

12 May 2004A second live interview will be happening tonight with Gabe Newell & Doug Lombardi on HL Radio! They will be going into further details about HL2, the SDK, and the multiplayer version! This interview will take place right after the HL2 presentation. We will be live at 7pm EST

but they changed it on their newspage to...

12 May 2004
No HL2 Release Date Yet
We spoke with Gabe Newell & Doug Lombardi this morning on HL Radio. The news is, "Summer 2004" is when HL2 will be released. However, there is something going on with Counter-Strike. They will release the information tonight during the HL2 presentation. Tune into HL Radio for HL2 Exclusive Coverage from E3! It's going to be a big show tonight, so don't miss it!

and this...

13 May 2004
Valve Interview Part 2
We had Gabe Newell & Doug Lombardi on twice yesterday on HL Radio. If you missed it, we will have them on again today! We will also have addtional ATI Technologies staff on the show, and UBiSoft. We are live from E3! We have many guests today! Nathan from CSNation will also be joining us live! Stay tuned to HL Radio for more details. Live Show starts at 7pm EST (12am GMT)

oh well guess im just speaking out of my ass....
guild wars is callin.
Ok, I think it was pretty clear from that interview that HL2MP will be source ports of the existing HL1 MP games.
Apos said:
Hit the little TV icon on the default skin. You have to have the latest version, of course.

LoL I'm watching porn right now. I didn't know this was possible with WinAMP

thx dude
omni said:
Interesting! An opt-in game logger that will report statistics on how you play Half Life 2 (and more) through Steam.

Finally, Gabe Newell took the mike for a short speech. He pointed out that satisfying the fans was a key task for Valve. To that end, Valve pays careful attention to criticism both from fans and media, and tries to design towards those needs. Using Steam, the company also tracks data like popular maps, and where players die in a given level: if too many players all die in the same spot, it may indicate a badly-designed level.

Newell was openly unhappy about Half-Life 2's launch delays, but explained it like this: "there are three factors in a project: resources, time, and functionality/quality. You can constrain one or two, but not all of them. We've made time the thing that's most unconstrained." Of course, thanks to Half-Life's stunning success, Valve can afford to take its time--a different situation than most developers.
Posted 10:30PST

Click Here for article, HL2 info at bottom
G0rgon said:
i am hearing Gabe now talking live on the radio from E3
Can you give me a link to the feed you're listening to? I'm already sick of Half Life radio.
All I hear is some prerecorded gabe interview and now their talking about Farcry, and not one word about this supposed 7pm "new" interveiw. Surprise, surprise.

Tonight we will have Gabe Newell & Doug Lombardi from Valve Software on HL Radio for a second interview! Join us at 7pm EST (12am GMT). Valve will talk about TEAM FORTRESS 2 and DAY OF DEFEAT, and the new upcoming COUNTER-STRIKE and the SDK!

They're talking toi Ubi Soft now...about Far Cry. A short while ago, they played an interview w/Gabe from yesterday. Gabe said the game was pretty much complete, they're just play testing it and tweaking it...
If you've been listening, you'd understand that we had just played the recording from yesterday in case people missed it (which a lot did). There will be more...
he said it WAS completed but it is going through major testing.

where is the new gabe interview!? grr hehe 12:32am here in uk
SaltyCrackers said:
Gabe said the game was pretty much complete, they're just play testing it and tweaking it...

Wow I didn't know it was finished and they were just tweaking it......

Lol ok this is just a load of crap. Obvious this 'radio station' is just a big joke. First they say they are gonna have Gabe Newell interview, then they start talking to ubisoft, then they play a prerecorded interview with Gabe Newell about old news, then they start talking about Far Cry, and THEN they start talking about playboy. Totally ridiculous load of crap radio station. Oh even better, now they are talking about some vampire booth babe.
LoL I'm watching porn right now. I didn't know this was possible with WinAMP

Er, this was not my intention. Watch Hellsing instead. Much more wholesome.
commando said:
he said it WAS completed but it is going through major testing.

we knew this already...check the ign article from *gasp* 2 days ago.
There should be a live interview with Gabe within the next 30 minutes. Earlier they mentioned they would be alittle late like 45-1hr and as of now there is prolly 30min at the most. If not HLRADIO IS A JOKE
Argyll said:
If you've been listening, you'd understand that we had just played the recording from yesterday in case people missed it (which a lot did). There will be more...

I HAVE been listening. I read on your website that at 7pm EST there would be a new interview. I'm busy and don't have all day to listen to this. All I hear is crap about some playboy game now. You guys could atleast say SOMETHING about this phantom interview. Very unprofessional.
x84D80Yx said:
we knew this already...check the ign article from *gasp* 2 days ago.
errm someone above me said it was close to complete i was just correcting him...if u are paying attention to all the thread ;) also if u read my post fully u will see i have qouted someone who said that ;)
mybad...just trying to set the facts strait. didnt mean to get on your case. btw i ddidnt see a quote from somebody in your orginal post that i quoted.

yea sorry after i posted i realised i didn't qoute it. but if u look bk a page i am qouting some dude sorry man hehe.

MAN cant wait for this game!

When will these guys stop chatting about random things and get on with talking to gabe?! hehe
This is so annoying... if they're going to give a time, they should stick to it and not dupe me into listening to this shit...
Most unprofessional people running a business...period.
This reminds me of a few years ago waiting for the DOD 2.0 release... listening to these guys is painful and then the f-ing thing didn't release.

This interview better happen..

--Mr. Bildo
man this is BULL!

it is sooo lame! i mean i think if us lot get on that radio we would talk about more gr8 thinks!

we could talk about all the things in this forum to spare the time and everyone would enjoy listening to our comments on wat we think could happen!
but they are going to talk to him live in a min??????????
Wait a second, for one final time, am I going to hear something new or exclusive or did I miss that?
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