Live Interview Of Team Fortress 2!

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The interview with Gabe was recorded and I am waiting on the other part(s)... but these guys of hlradio are talking bs right now! :|
These guys have so little credibility, it is approaching negative territory.
sharp said:
LoL I'm watching porn right now. I didn't know this was possible with WinAMP

thx dude
Aaah, the wonders of the internet...

Could anyone kindly post a transcribe of the interview? I can't be bothered to listen.
Guys, I was going to go through and delete some of the posts that were basing HLRadio but there's too many.

I'd like to remind you that if you do have an issue with another website you should take it up directly with their staff members rather than airing it in public and bashing them. Moaning to everyone else about it won't do any good. I've deleted a few posts that were uncalled for but there's so many I'm not going to delete them all.

Now someone go complain to them on my behalf! I want TF2 info damnit!! :flame:

O.k., sorry about the shameless HLR bashing.. too easy I guess.
wow, i thought summer ends on the 21st of september...not the 30th. -_-
HLR. Winamp Porn. HLR. Winamp Porn. HLR. Winamp Porn. HLR. Winamp Porn. HLR.... ah f*ck it, porn it is!
Good grief people, this is the way radio shows work: they stretch things out with other content. Sure, it's kinda annoying to have to wait through stuff you couldn't care less about, but it's not like they can talk to Gabe for three hours.
Gabe Newell After Break Omfg> Hurry Up Gadwn D Mnannit. I Want My Td@ Now
SexyJosh said:
As I said before, If you missed last nights interview, for whatever reason, you will hear it replayed tonight. Its one of the first things we are playing on air. Along with yesterday mornings interview. Along with an interactive interview live.

umm.. no offence, but i did listen for 3 hours strait waiting for a gabe interview. so did a lot of others in irc, im sure if i missed it the other 20 sum guys in the chan would have caught it. nobody did.
Hey watch Hous of the dead on Connection TV Winamp.

cause The interview is bullsjit
You ever notice how all of Rage's songs kinda sound the same?
Yeah, but this is one of the better ones.
Apos said:
The Summer ends Sept. 1st.

ah yeah your right, im thinking of the first day of summer, june 21st. mybad. but he still said the 30th ;)
PvtRyan said:
HLR. Winamp Porn. HLR. Winamp Porn. HLR. Winamp Porn. HLR. Winamp Porn. HLR.... ah f*ck it, porn it is!
winamp porn... how the hell u get that ?! :O :eek:
For **** Sake!! Give Me The Got Damn Interview
G0rgon said:
Hey watch Hous of the dead on Connection TV Winamp.

cause The interview is bullsjit

Hah this is awsome. Didn't know there was streaming piracy on Winamp. :E :E :E
just wish they had some music I actually could stand while I'm sitting here waiting.
man they are doin dam songs now! we are all waiting for this......then when it finally comes i bet these guys will end up being all silly around him and they will talk a hell of alot more then gabe! Man i feel for gabe :(
Jeeez, boring. I've been waisting my time listening to them for 45 minutes now. Give us the interview ffs :rolleyes:
polystethylene said:
winamp porn... how the hell u get that ?! :O :eek:

Yeah.. I didn't know either, I never use WinAmp. Basically, go into "Media Library", click on "Internet TV" on the left and you'll figure it out from there.


--Mr. Bildo
same i should be sleeping ANOTHER 3rd SONG! 1:16am...i am gonna call it quits and just find out tomorrow what the interview was about
They might be stalling for time cus there's been a Gabe delay.
That slip knot
song was pretty good...
We should have predicted a delay, this is valve
stuff were talking about
x84D80Yx said:
wow, i thought summer ends on the 21st of september...not the 30th. -_-
Yeah, Sept 21st, about 2:43pm. I believe seconds aren't too important. After all, we wouldn't want to get overly pedantic now, would we.
el Chi said:
Yeah, Sept 21st, about 2:43pm. I believe seconds aren't too important. After all, we wouldn't want to get overly pedantic now, would we.

umm look at my other post. Apos corrected me on that. :\
Yeah, deep powerfull over the top voices....... and sexy josh, yeah!!
x84D80Yx said:
umm look at my other post. Apos corrected me on that. :\
Yeah, that was a joke. Sorry - being a bit of a humourless bastard tonight for some reason. Must be the no-video situation...
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