LOST: Destiny Found

i like how flocke told ben he could have the island then told him ten minutes later he was going to destroy it

:LOL: Funny as hell, didn't notice that either while watching the episode.
i don't think richard is dead, not after how good ab aeterno was. didn't smokie grab him and take him away in the jungle? perhaps he's simply resorting to just going head on with getting richard on board, instead of trying to talk to him which richard presumed he was here to do.
I really don't think Richard has anything to contribute. No blinding revelations or plot twists to bring. Bringing him back would be worthless. Ben doesn't know anything either, but he has his character and cunning.

Richard cant die, he can get badly beaten thought.

He can die, but he has to be killed.
I'll shit bricks if he is dead. & I'll blame you sheepo, for the rest of your life.

gonna set this in stone right here: jack's flashsideways operation of locke saves the day on the island

you heard it here first
I dunno, is there really enough time to have a life altering surgery, recovery, and a concert in one day?
I'll blame you sheepo, for the rest of your life.


Join the ****ing club.

"I think Sheepo is a dodo head."

fun fact: If you google dodohead it will ask if you meant radiohead.
gonna set this in stone right here: jack's flashsideways operation of locke saves the day on the island

you heard it here first

I call Locke dies during the operation.
everything is coming up jack recently

flashback to jack ****ing up in hospital a few seasons back, life plummets, life on island soars

edit: no wait did he **** up? i remember he got scrutiny from his dad once, but then i also remembered he actually performed a 'miracle' on someone

well whatever i'm not too serious about this but you know, just in case then it's nice to say so for no real raisen
Everybody on the island dies and Locke destroys the island, thereby making the light of humanity go out (lol) and killing everyone in the world, thus leaving Alternate Reality as the only remaining/relevant reality by process of elimination.

(yeah I'm just making up the most retardedly ridiculous crap I can think of, haha)
Everybody on the island dies and Locke destroys the island, thereby making the light of humanity go out (lol) and killing everyone in the world, thus leaving Alternate Reality as the only remaining/relevant reality by process of elimination.

(yeah I'm just making up the most retardedly ridiculous crap I can think of, haha)

I hope that actually happens.
Just watched it finally! I was dying to see this all day but I worked late last night and worked earlier today. So from what I imagine, Desmond and Locke are the key to the puzzle but I think theres one trick we're all missing. Could be near the bones of MiB, or Jack's father, the polar bears who knows. I'm ready for a plot twist as long as it doesn't involve weird angel crap

Polar bears were brought to the Island by the DHARMA Initiative, who held them in cages at the Hydra station. (The World of the Others) Text on the blast door map suggests that DHARMA Initiative researchers were attempting to genetically modify the polar bears to allow them to survive warmer climates. At least some of the polar bears survived the Purge, after which they were freed from their cages and swam to the main Island. (Access Granted) After the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 in 2004, survivors of the crash occasionally encountered and were threatened by the bears, and Charlotte Lewis discovered the skeleton of a DHARMA Initiative polar bear in Tunisia that same year.

I also think there can be more than one fail-safe, besides Desmond. there were shitloads of candidates and even though Jack was chosen, in case he fails, Jacob said anyone can be the guy/gal to save everyone. so at the last moment anyone can literally do what Jacob did to Jack and keep it going forever
I'm sure they'll spill it in the finale, but if they don't say how Eloise knows everything, this show will have the biggest plotholes in it since... ****ing Dallas.
I don't understand your point about the polar bears. Dharma genetically modified them and took them to the desert. Where's the mystery? Plus, I don't think that qualifies as a plot hole, Sparta.
I don't understand your point about the polar bears. Dharma genetically modified them and took them to the desert. Where's the mystery? Plus, I don't think that qualifies as a plot hole, Sparta.

Eloise knowing everything doesn't qualify as a plothole?

The more i think about this show the more I realise that Season 4 is the only one deserving of the praise the show gets.
strange to think that today is the day of the finale

or tomorrow morning it is for me, anyway.
havent watched lost form since second or third season,when they found the big foot statue

so anyone can do a quick recapitulation of what happened?

I heard they travel trough time,is true?

Fan made trailer to get you guys even more hyped up. I got pastries (eclairs, tarts), soda, pizza, smoked beef burgers, etc. Partying with my parents and going to bed early then waking up to watch the finale and Jimmy Kimmel thing. Screw work I'm gonna be really tired when I go there but I don't care. This is really worth it. :cheers:
holy shit, I think this is the best weekend in such a long time. I've had 3 days off work, I got drunk off my ass, went to a concert, and now today the finale of Lost. could it get any better??
Wow, 6 years of the most mind bending, zany, intriguing plot you could ever imagine for a show is finally coming to a close. :rolling:
Eloise knowing everything doesn't qualify as a plothole?

How is it a plothole? I mean, we don't know why she knows everything, but it's not like there's some reason to believe she definitely shouldn't. It's a mystery, not a plothole.

Also, I honestly thought the finale was tuesday until someone happened to ask me if I was going to be watching the finale on sunday, and I was like

I'm pretty pissed about it being on Sunday. I have to rearrange my entire schedule to watch it.

And I think we'll find out about Eloise knowing everything in the finale. I don't think it's a plothole.
Oh, gosh, I can't quite recall the last time I was as pumped as I am now.
i have bought mince, sauce and have hopefully got some onions and pepper in the kitchen. around 3/4am i will be cooking up a spag bol for myself and then going on a early morning date with my computer.
Doing something quite similar with several friends of mine and my family. We're off to get quite a few munchies.
actually i don't think this is going to work. it doesn't air til 5am here which is simultaneous with the US air time... but that isn't usually the case. the last however many weeks lost episodes have come online around 3/4 am which means after an hour from release, so i don't know why it's so late this week. being that it's going to be a two and a half hour episode that'll mean staying up is pointless.


edit: so confused. is this showing right now in the US? i've just skimmed over a thread on another forum of people posting their thoughts of what they are watching right now, which they do every week.
Jack went to heaven.
I have no clue what to think of that at all.

Part of me feels cheated out of 4 years of tuning into the show while the other part is happy with it.