LOST: Destiny Found

Ah yes, understood and quite agreed.

I meant to post this last week. It is almost certainly not what's going to happen, but it's still a solid prediction (and something I'd have loved to see happen). If the finale sucks, we can just pretend that this is what happened.

Renzatic said:
I doubt very seriously the show will end with a gunfight against the smoke monster and a bunch of people screaming "yay we won". Whether all of the plot of Lost has been shot from the hip, or planned since the beginning, the writers have been very clever about leading the story down unexpected paths. For them to cop out at the last minute like that would be very unexpected.

I'm gonna make my final prediction here, and say that it isn't gonna be Jack who's the next candidate. It'll be Locke. He's the lynchpin of the show, the one character who's suffered the most, who always felt he was destined for better things. Jack, on the other hand, wasn't described by Jacob as being an important person (despite being a candidate), he's there to do one Very Important Thing.

So how is Locke gonna be the next Jacob if he's dead in Island World? Well, his still very much alive self could cross over from the alternate world, but I kinda doubt that's what'll happen. See, I think Evil Smoke Locke is actually as much old Locke as he is the Evil Smoke Monster. He has all of his old memories. From his childhood to the moment he died. He's lived Locke's life as much as Locke has himself, and thus you could say that he's still very much alive...just corrupted.

But how is it all gonna end? I'm gonna call it and say that Jack has to do something in both universes that somehow gives new hope to both Lockes. The moment Locke takes his first step after Jack's surgery will be the moment Jack does something Very Important and reawakens/inspires the presumed dead Locke inside the monster, who then becomes both Smokey and Jacob in the same body. At that point, the end Jacob hinted at during the season 5 finale will happen. The Smoke Monster is permanently entwined with the very person who's supposed to safeguard the rest of the world from him.

If that isn't how it all ends, I'm writing some ****ing fanfiction. Also Dumbledore dies.

edit: and because I doubt we're gonna have a bunch of characters hopping across universes, I believe Desmond will use his electromagicnetic...gic to make everyone aware of their other lives. We've already seen it halfway happen to him. He has a sense of his other life, but it doesn't seem to be complete. So maybe whatever he does...and whatever else Jack does...will give everyone total recollection of their alternate selves, which will somehow lead to what I described above.
Also I'm hoping the "light" the woman was speaking of in Across the Sea was simply the understanding of the intense electromagnetic energy that someone 2000 years ago would have. For the entire duration of the show, they've referred to the island's power as electromagnetic energy, and Dharma proved it can be tapped into with scientific method with the hatch. Also, Widmore's still yapping on about electromagnetic energy with his Desmond-zapping machine.

Now I'm not suggesting there should be a scientific explanation to the island, as it is quite obviously dealing with the supernatural here, but there should be a clarification of the island's powers beyond what was shown last episode. The source of all life would be perfectly fine thematically, and gives the island profound importance, but that doesn't explain time travel or the hatch. Also, why would the MiB's "system" that diverts water into the "light" make...whatever happen? Water + Source of Life = Moving the island? Doesn't ring true.

A friend of mine who pretty much lives Lost told me the writers have said we will not fully understand the plot until the final act of the final episode, so there's hope yet.
A friend of mine who pretty much lives Lost told me the writers have said we will not fully understand the plot until the final act of the final episode, so there's hope yet.

Of course there is!

I don't mean to herald Darlton as some sort of creative God - they are human, of course, and are prone to make mistakes and errors in judgement - but they have, by and large, written some of the very best material that has graced television - indeed, perhaps, even other mediums - over the past decade or longer.

The major mistakes they have made are generally confined to those areas of the story that weren't moving very well, and had little to do with the over-arching narrative. You know, a lot of stuff through seasons 2 and 3, mostly.

But as I reflect upon what they have done with the show since its inception - almost six years of writing - I cannot help but think that perhaps we should not be so quick to shoot them in the foot in regards to what happened in Across the Sea. You know, only a few weeks ago we had the likes of Ab Aeterno, Happily Ever After, and The Candidate.

Call me overly optimistic, but I am still confident that good will come out of all of this.
I meant "there's hope yet" in regard to the clarification of the island's purpose and whatnot. In terms of the show itself, it's impressive that in the years of watching Lost this is the only episode to give a sour taste, and that's more because of expectations and the placement of the episode than it's lacking quality. I'm sure there have been worse episodes, but so close to the end of the season flaws are magnified. The rest of the season I've enjoyed plenty, and I think has had a higher concentration of great episodes than the others.

What I care about most is how the plot is resolved for the characters, especially Jack and Desmond, and luckily the characters are the best presented aspect of the show. I wouldn't say I'm quite optimistic, but given the quality of the show overall I'm not writing them off until I see everything they have to offer. If it wraps up as good as I hope, I'll be buying all the Blu-Rays to watch it all over again, since my girlfriend hasn't seen Lost yet so it's the perfect opportunity (and a chance to split the price).
this whole show better be like reading Enders Game! I really want to be shocked
“I just want to apologize to Mr. George Lucas for everything I said about the prequels.”

I wouldn't go that far.
um....how about why the fence repels smokey, why ash repels smokey, why the island heals, what Widmore really knows, what Ben really knows, who were the original inhabitants of the island......shall I go on?
Ben knows very little more than most of the other characters (in some cases he knows less), I don't think he's holding out any blinding insights that would fall under the classification of 'trivial'. Widmore may have a more complete understanding of some of the island's scientific properties. The fence and ash both repel smokey because that is his nature. The island heals because it has supernatural healing properties. The original inhabitants were... more people. Should I go on?
Well, it's frustrating that the great mysterious smoke monster and the great Jacob were just two kids living a mostly mundane life on the island with a couple exceptions. The episode explained the smoke monster aspect... but none of the aspects of Jacob and how he can supposedly be invisible(we don't know anything about that for sure... could all have been bullshit), he can leave the Island by projecting himself across the world.

Honestly, Jacob to me was far more interesting before last seasons finale. Now I just treat him as some dead dude who only knew as much as his crazy ass witch mother would tell him.
I think off island Jacob is one of the bigger issues that comes to mind, true. Mostly it's a problem because Jacob is seen as such an allknowing and wise character for so long in the series, and in just a short time they have shown that he's just blindly following the orders of a, um, special person, having faith that it is the right thing. I would assume that his mother passing on her job to him gave him the abilities and nature that he has, probably gradually and through practice. Personally, I think that was the one great thing about the episode. MIB was the most sympathetic character of the entire episode and he may actually be right. Jacob doesn't know what happens when he takes 'the light' with him into the real world, but he's afraid of it.

If they make LOST about Jesus I'm burning my TV.

The funny thing is that I think they actually kind of undermine Christianity with this episode. This episode takes place within decades of Christ's death, yet the only important thing is this island and these people and no one even knows who the **** Jesus is.
I think off island Jacob is one of the bigger issues that comes to mind, true. Mostly it's a problem because Jacob is seen as such an allknowing and wise character for so long in the series, and in just a short time they have shown that he's just blindly following the orders of a, um, special person, having faith that it is the right thing.

Well, the Island is its own respective character. It has a will independent of Jacob and of The Man in Black, and most likely the Mother too. Across the Sea was the start of it all for Jacob, but after 2,000 years you might expect his understanding to grow deeper, for his rationale to develop, and perhaps for his communion with the Island to strengthen.
Yes of course, but if his development and understanding are based primarily on the relationship he has with the island, his life is still primarily based off of faith that the island should be followed.
That was fantastic.
It's taken a bit of a turn.
Widmore is ****ing dead, Richard is dead, and apparently Flocke wants to destroy the damn island.
Saw Jack becoming the new Jacob from the second that they mentioned the candidacy but I liked the way it was done.

Also, they finally got Mila Furlan to come back to the show! YAY.

I can safely say that I'm definitely looking forward to the finale now.
I disagree, I thought it was terrible. It's as if the writers had an hour to figure out how to close a bunch of plot holes and they just went with whatever came to their heads.


Ben asks Locke why he doesn't just fly everywhere if he can, which is a legit question. His answer: I like to keep my feet on the ground.



Jacob cups a handful of water, whispers into it, then asks jack to drink it. "now you're like me"


That was so damn lame. Sorry for the nonsensical rant, I'm just annoyed I devoted all this time watching the show and this is what it comes down to. This would have to be the best finale I have ever seen in a show to redeem itself.

Um, did I miss something? Why the hell were Zoey and Widmore in that closet?

Otherwise, pretty decent episode. Excellent alt, good regular. What was with the final promo? I was clawing at my ears.
Um, did I miss something? Why the hell were Zoey and Widmore in that closet?

Otherwise, pretty decent episode. Excellent alt, good regular. What was with the final promo? I was clawing at my ears.

LOL i know...i was wondering if that was a joke using that woman's voice! I'm trying to figure out who it is and if there was some meaning behind that.
I disagree, I thought it was terrible. It's as if the writers had an hour to figure out how to close a bunch of plot holes and they just went with whatever came to their heads.


Ben asks Locke why he doesn't just fly everywhere if he can, which is a legit question. His answer: It makes me feel more human.
Which is a reasonable answer because he was in fact a human being once and I can imagine that he misses his mortality.


Jacob cups a handful of water, whispers into it, then asks jack to drink it. "now you're like me"
This I do have a tiny quibble with this but not enough to declare the episode TERRIBLE.

That was so damn lame. Sorry for the nonsensical rant, I'm just annoyed I devoted all this time watching the show and this is what it comes down to. This would have to be the best finale I have ever seen in a show to redeem itself.


I thought it was a mostly satisfying episode that turned the show around a bit except for the "answer" about Ben and that one time he "summoned" Smokey. :upstare:
Wait, Richard is dead? We don't know that at all. For all we know Locke could've stored him away somewhere. And I'm glad Widmore is dead, the guy was annoying and badly acted. And BTW, since when did Hurley in the alternative reality become omniscient like Desmond (knowing who Ana-Lucia is, for example)?

Good episode, but I'm wondering how the hell they will manage to tie together everything for the last episode.
Um, did I miss something? Why the hell were Zoey and Widmore in that closet?

Ben suggested they hide in there.

Wait, Richard is dead? We don't know that at all. For all we know Locke could've stored him away somewhere.

Why wouldn't he be?

And BTW, since when did Hurley in the alternative reality become omniscient like Desmond (knowing who Ana-Lucia is, for example)?

Hugo was the first person to really start getting his memory back and believe Desmond. Plus he's had Libby to talk to about it. It seems only natural that he'd be the first person to get all the way there.

I was a bit bummed out by the way the On-Island Ben/Alex situation was resolved. I would have liked for Miles to say something like, "She knew you loved her". Really great to see him get his revenge on Widmore.

It was interesting to see Ben "following" the Man in Black, but you know he's up to something. Telling Miles "Okay, you can run, but take this walkie-talkie in case I need you" is just so good.

Ben starting to cry a bit at dinner with Alex and Danielle also made me wonder just how much he's remembering.

I kind of don't like Widmore's turnaround, the whole "Oh Jacob told me the error of my ways so now I'm here to rescue you all" is just rubbish. Widmore is a villain, and thank goodness that Ben at least still realised that.

Overall the episode was ehhhhh, good, but you know, so much of it is just setting up for the finale.
A good build-up episode. Widmore's final moments were very clever, and took us right back to The Shape of Things to Come. O'Quinn's performance as the Man in Black is mesmerising.

I kind of don't like Widmore's turnaround, the whole "Oh Jacob told me the error of my ways so now I'm here to rescue you all" is just rubbish. Widmore is a villain, and thank goodness that Ben at least still realised that.

But he's not there to "rescue" them all; he is there to save the world. Charles Widmore has no interest in the collapse of all reality. Jacob appealed to his ego.
Pretty sure Richard is still alive. After what the producers have said about giving all of these characters the send-off they ultimately deserve, I cannot possibly imagine them having Richard thrown away from our view, with his fate left indefinitely ambiguous.

The same goes for Frank. I am quite convinced we haven't yet seen the last of him.

But Ben. Oh, Ben. I thought you had changed. I do hope you will come around in the end.

Sideways Ben: "I won't let you hurt Mr. Locke again!"

I seriously got a kick out of that!

And Desmond? Well, Des just rocks both realities.

Special note goes to Jack's inauguration ceremony. I couldn't quite stop the tears from swelling up. He's come so far.
They're playing the Vader/Palpatine turn of events with Ben/Man in Black.

Yeah, I too thought
Ben's on-island role with Locke was a bit out of character and saddening. Then my brother pointed out the walkie-talkies. You are one hell of a magnificent bastard Ben, I'm sorry I ever doubted you.
Ben is clearly up to something. Widmore deserved to die after all the deaths he has caused.
I don't think that Richard is dead.

Anyway. I wonder if we will see Eloise Hawking again. She clearly is aware of what's going on.
These are the "big" questions that I would like answered.

- What the significance is of fertility and birth. Why it was so important for Claire to be the one to raise Aaron. Why no children were being born on the Island.

- I can understand how the rules prevent Smokey from killing Jacob, and even the candidates, (given that Jacob had touched them), but how did those same rules keep Ben and Widmore from killing each other. And if those rules have since vanished with Jacob's death, why haven't the others.

- The sickness, what does it mean, where does it come from? To avoid repeating myself, see this post

There's a lot more that I'd like to know, but those are the big ones. Some things I just expect will be answered, like what causes the Island to sink in the Alt, or how the alt comes into existence or why memories are being "copied" over. I'd also enjoy finding out about Chang's psuedonyms, or where Christian's body went. How Jacob can be seen running around the island as a child after his death. The significance of the cabin, and the line of ash. Why Jacob was permitted to leave the Island but the Man in Black wasn't. How Eloise knows everything that's going on.


Oh, and something that confused me about last night's episode. Uh. Why didn't Jacob just give Richard the job in the first place? Why all this shit with the candidates?
It's ****ing funny how no one even asks about Frank's whereabouts. I guess he wasn't important character enough to get an attention from main characters.
i like how flocke told ben he could have the island then told him ten minutes later he was going to destroy it
i like how flocke told ben he could have the island then told him ten minutes later he was going to destroy it

Haha, good point. I think I must've not been paying very much attention or something just before MIB appeared to the group. I was expecting Ben had some plan to detonate the C4 when Locke went inside. Could anyone really tell whether Richard got knocked back a couple yards or into the ****ing stratosphere? Because looking back I can't quite decide. I think Smokey should've come out and smother killed Richard, just to drive th point home that he doesn't matter to him. That was really the point of the whole scene and I think I'd be mad if Richard was still alive. I think I like the episode more the more I think about, gonna go watch it again.
I've seen it a couple of times now, and it's probably one of the best this season--it's very well-written, and I think Widmore's arc came to a perfectly round-about conclusion. The parade of his ego, the fault of his pride-it all came to a head. "I have a list of names!" "I'm your last chance of survival." He's shot to death in a closet, without invite to the final act.
I sincerely hope Richard isn't dead yet as the way they disposed of him seemed way too anticlimactic and it would make all the hype and mystery surrounding him seem so very pointless.

But then again, they've been doing that a lot throughout the entire series.(DHARMA, Walt, and Aaron to name a few things)
There's virtually no mystery surrounding Richard at all.
Indeed, Ab Aeterno pretty much covered everything there is to know about him.
Still, the way they killed him off just makes it seem like he never had much of a role on show to begin with.

I just figured he'd have some bigger part to play in the grand scheme of things but then again, he did want to die anyways.