LOST: Destiny Found

Well after seeing this episode I can safely say that

I'm rooting for smokey to win (which is unlikely)
Hey cool my theory about Adam and Eve was right. Points for me.

One thing that I really wanted to see but they didn't show, was whether the light went out when the Smoke came out. We've seen the Frozen Donkey Wheel Chamber, and we've seen inside some of the other wells, and there's never been intense light there.

I was pretty surprised by the absence of the temple. There's a lot about the mythology and what happened when that remains a mystery. Good episode, with some nice touches, like MIB being able to see dead people, and Jacob not wanting to protect the island, but it was not one of my favourites.
Indeed, I liked it very much, but I too tend to think a few things weren't given enough attention. Yorick mentioned the history of the Temple, and that's certainly a great point to make. I hadn't thought of it while watching it.

Other than that, damn good episode.

Two episodes to go.
One thing that I really wanted to see but they didn't show, was whether the light went out when the Smoke came out.

I'm pretty sure it did.

I think you've got consider what it is that 'Mother' said. "The warmest light you've felt". When MIB is building the Frozen Donkey Wheel, the climate under there seems perfectly normal. By the time the Season 4 finale rolls around, however, it's obviously all encased in sheets of ice.

Pretty sure MIB going inside the hole and then coming out as Smokey indicates that he took the light, and that the below area/s sort of froze.

I don't know. It's just a theory.

I get the feeling that after what we saw in Across the Sea - MiB is now actually the embodiment of the light. The light goes out once MiB enters the cave, a few moments before the smoke shoots out. And I don't think it's just the smoke blocking the light - it disappears right after he does.

Hence why Locke sees how beautiful the Smoke Monster is. And if he leaves the island, then the light is gone. He doesn't unleash evil - it's just when he leaves, the source of all light disappears. And the cycle of life stops.

So MiB leaves - the candle goes *POOF*. In this case, the candle is all life itself.

It's a metaphor. And a damn perfect one in the context of the series.

And it sort of solidifies exactly what Desmond's importance is.
I'm way too ****ing confused at this point, I doubt that it will make any sense to me in the 3 hours left.


show is too funny right now. like bad funny. bad acting funny, but i'm still sticking around for the finale.
Or maybe the Farscape episode Crackers Don't Matter.

Does anybody else think that the whole light aspect is borderline cheating? Seems like a total cop out.
whole episode was a cop out

show is turning out to be a cop out, and this is from someone who doesn't even want ''everything'' explained out to me.

episode has rated fourth worst of the season, above the package, recon and the kate centric one. i was expecting so much more, myself.
I thought it was incredibly boring.

And what the hell is the smoke monster if not Jacob's brother?
And what the hell is the smoke monster if not Jacob's brother?

Oh, FFS!

It is him! It's just that the smoke monster is his sole/life force/essence/ whatever you want to call it. You're all assuming the smoke monster isn't MIB, just because Jacob found his dead body in the water afterwards? Well, WRONG.
MIB also said Jacob took his body from him in an earlier episode. So it's him.
Pretty cool episode, enjoyed the origins, enjoyed the logical extension of the mythology. I pretty much agree with brad92's theory, though as always I have great disdain for the way he sounds. Anybody else think the Temple is built over where the light cave/stream is?

Pretty damn good episode, on par with Ab Aeterno.
So, Jacob's mother(or whoever the **** she is) and brother are Adam and Eve, Smokey is obviously a parasite of some sort but we still don't know where the hell it came from, and I can't think of anything else that happened that was worth noting.

Seriously, who the hell is the lady that was there when Claudia arrived to the island? Why EXACTLY did she kill her?

Sure, it brought on a few more questions and dodged questions that could've been answered.(statue's origin for one)

Holy shit dude, you serious? The smoke monster, as stated above, is Jacob's brother after being stripped of his 'humanity'. It came from him being destroyed by the light. The lady was the protector of the island before, obviously, and she killed the mother because um, it's kind of hard to convince two children of a bunch of mystical ideas and blatant lies when their real mother is over in the corner going 'Um, this is total bullshit actually. Want some cookies?'

Oh and as for the statue
A large group of people built it
a long time ago

You're pompous.

Also, I think this is the first time I have been severely disappointed by the show. I mean, let's face it - that sucked.
show has sucked for a while now, bullshit magical fantasy like this - so close to the finale - just takes the cake.

i can't even comprehend making a proper post about it, it's just made me so angry/sad.
I can see where you guys are coming from, but I don't think it was that bad, and I certainly don't think the show's been generally bad recently.
eh, i've been avidly watching because it's lost and i'm not going stop tuning in after so long and so much, but this season, to me, has had far more downs than ups. when it's been good (ab aeterno, jack's character, the desmond centric, etc) it's been good, but amongst a lot of crap.

i'm quite looking forward to the finale, though.
It goes to show you, they never had a real ending for this show.
I can see where you guys are coming from, but I don't think it was that bad, and I certainly don't think the show's been generally bad recently.

Oh, I've very much enjoyed this whole season--it's been quite good, and I think it's contained some of the shows finest moments. I just didn't appreciate or enjoy the last episode. It was bad.

It goes to show you, they never had a real ending for this show.

You are in no position to comment on that until the show is all said and done.
Was talking to knut mostly. I... think I liked it. Some groanworthy parts and nothing that happens is built up to enough nor are the characters given enough development but... I liked it.
It goes to show you, they never had a real ending for this show.

I think that writers are just as perplexed as we are. Coming up with a coherent conclusion to the series is impossible at this point. It's become too much of a jumbled mess and it needs to be put out of its misery. Let's just be glad that it's finally coming to an end. I sure as **** am.
Was talking to knut mostly. I... think I liked it. Some groanworthy parts and nothing that happens is built up to enough nor are the characters given enough development but... I liked it.

The part at the beginning where she's like
This is the light, and a little bit of this light is inside all humans, everywhere! We have to protect it, from the bad people who will put it out!
was just awful.

If I had stumbled on that scene without knowing what I was watching, I would've thought it was one of those horrible generic fantasy tv shows.

[edit] Oops I just now read the previous page. So yes basically I agree with everything you guys said.
i think the worst part of the episode was that the writers really tried to get in a reference to a older episode to show people that they are answering the unanswered...

... by crowbarring in the skeletons in the cave from the first season. i even read today that jack said the deterioration in their clothes meant they had been dead 40/50 years. i know that's not a lot to go by, but that whole scene stinked of forced.

but hey, the woman even said that every unanswered question leads to another question which a writer probably brought up at a script meeting but was secretly thinking ''welp that's our exit strategy for the end''
I don't feel the ending or the answers seem forced at all, honestly. I also doubt that the writers had such an ending in mind from the start, let alone this specific one, but I feel the progression from there to here was fairly natural.

It may seem like a copout knut (though the spliced together Adam and Eve scene was very silly and pointless, I agree), but honestly, what answer would satisfy you? After a certain point (just as in life) we must accept that it simply is this way.

"A really good story does not answer everything. After all, life doesn't answer everything. Their remain ambiguities. Their remains room for doubt."

-Isaac Asimov
I think that writers are just as perplexed as we are. Coming up with a coherent conclusion to the series is impossible at this point.

And that boys and girls is what happens when you make shit up as you go.

Which is exactly why other similar tv shows (x-files, Twin Peaks, etc.) simply ended abruptly without actually explaining anything.
The only coherent show I've seen on tv in recent years has been Fringe (From a Sci-Fi & Fantasy stand point)
I don't feel the ending or the answers seem forced at all, honestly. I also doubt that the writers had such an ending in mind from the start, let alone this specific one, but I feel the progression from there to here was fairly natural.

It may seem like a copout knut (though the spliced together Adam and Eve scene was very silly and pointless, I agree), but honestly, what answer would satisfy you? After a certain point (just as in life) we must accept that it simply is this way.

"A really good story does not answer everything. After all, life doesn't answer everything. Their remain ambiguities. Their remains room for doubt."

-Isaac Asimov

This is a good post.
You are in no position to comment on that until the show is all said and done.

I'm in a position commentate that the last episode has broken the mold of the view I have for the show.

I would have preferred that the island was worthless, and that they were only fighting for an idea, an Idealism. Then again, the island can time travel =/

Oh god, don't jinx it! J.J. Abrams is involved after all.

Don't worry, JJ only gets a producers cheque from fringe. (I think)
I'm in a position commentate that the last episode has broken the mold of the view I have for the show.

I would have preferred that the island was worthless, and that they were only fighting for an idea, an Idealism. Then again, the island can time travel =/

It didn't turn out the way I liked =/= It turned out to be a mess
I don't feel the ending or the answers seem forced at all, honestly. I also doubt that the writers had such an ending in mind from the start, let alone this specific one, but I feel the progression from there to here was fairly natural.

It may seem like a copout knut (though the spliced together Adam and Eve scene was very silly and pointless, I agree), but honestly, what answer would satisfy you? After a certain point (just as in life) we must accept that it simply is this way.

"A really good story does not answer everything. After all, life doesn't answer everything. Their remain ambiguities. Their remains room for doubt."

-Isaac Asimov

i'm not actually after a whole bunch of answers, myself. i don't care about the statue, the polar bears, anything like that... i do, however, dislike that the show has suddenly gone ''**** it, we'll turn it into a fantasy with a woman who can grant powers through jungle juice and talk spiritual about the equality of man through a ****ing tunnel of pure light'' (?!)

in it being natural, there wouldn't of been silly scenes such as the skeletons in the cave. when i say writers at a script session, i don't mean them all. it's obvious a few of them have their heads screwed on correct as there has been some nice episodes this season, but like i said in my previous post, a lot of bullshit too.

the problem with that quote is that the writers of lost have said there will be answers. hey, i'm all for waiting it out til the finale and even if there isn't, i'm not going to be up in arms over the fact that a horse wasn't explained from all those seasons ago, but if it feels as made-up and unnatural as the last episode, i'm going to be pretty pissed.
which is the most worrying thing, because of how batshit turnaround it is compared to others. lord knows what punches they're going to throw come the finale.