LOST: Destiny Found

when Jack shoved Flocke into the water i was thinking two things; Wouldn't Flocke be able to not be shoved by a human? and i was literally screaming "what happens when smoke monster goes into the water?!?!" i was soo expecting him to sink, or dissolve or something....not die but SOMETHING. It did appear he had trouble in the water so maybe he can't swim or something
It's a safe bet that SOMEONE was going to get shot, and Jack's the only doctor.

my point is that it could just as easily have happened at the plane, instead of revealing that he's some kind of McGuyver/Chuck Norris hybrid who can eat bullets and make time bombs out of watches. Its just a little hard to swallow.
I remember specifically noticing that Locke helped Jack into his backpack and going 'hurm'. Anyway, I think Locke had some plan to get Jack into the sub either way, whether it be pulling out some wild card of persuasion or just knocking him the **** out and throwing him in. Keep in mind that Locke could probably survive an explosion.
I remember specifically noticing that Locke helped Jack into his backpack and going 'hurm'. Anyway, I think Locke had some plan to get Jack into the sub either way, whether it be pulling out some wild card of persuasion or just knocking him the **** out and throwing him in. Keep in mind that Locke could probably survive an explosion.

well dynamite in the hole when smokey was trying to pull Locke down under made Smokey yelp so not sure what explosions do to it.
Great episode, although I have to agree with knut and whoever else is talking about the unbelievable elements which have been mentioned so far. BTW here's another one: why have everyone charge the sub at once with Flocke guarding the rear when they all know he's invincible and they're not? Obviously Flocke had no intention of getting on the sub, but it was a fairly contrived means of having it work out that way. Still, screw it, I don't take Lost too seriously and the finale in the sub made up for any stretching of belief.

As for Sayid, I actually found his death quite sad and interpreted it in the way Lindelof intended, going by Yorick's quote. The whole 'Sayid: Martyr or Butcher?' thing has been lengthily drawn out since before the flashbacks of him killing chickens as a kid or whatever. His zombification suggested we might be able to write him off almost as soundly as if he had died. Then you get his final selfless act of redemption, which is nice for anyone who liked his char (me). However, was it all that selfless when he maybe knew all about the bomb plot in the first place? After all, Flocke appears to have confided in him about Jack, and Sayid is the one who gives Sawyer the idea which eventually screws them all. But then, would he have resigned himself to death without Flocke delivering on his promise? But but but then, would he have wanted the promise to be delivered after what Desmond said to him? Fun ambiguity.

And yeah, Sawyer's Juliette-grudge screwing them all, Jin and Sun - good, sad stuff.
I remember specifically noticing that Locke helped Jack into his backpack and going 'hurm'. Anyway, I think Locke had some plan to get Jack into the sub either way, whether it be pulling out some wild card of persuasion or just knocking him the **** out and throwing him in. Keep in mind that Locke could probably survive an explosion.

the thing is, jack being on the sub doesn't benefit flocke in anyway because as we've already seen, it's jack that figured it out and because of this half of the characters managed to get away instead of none of them.

that said, it's sayid's change in heart that really saved them and i don't think flocke accounted for that. both him and jack were a spanner in the works for him, the only thing i can think of is that flocke doesn't know that jack is this new, changed character that alpert has already seen and perhaps he thought he might be one to tamper with the bomb aswell as sawyer, being the ''leader'' character and all.

i don't really know, i had a little break between a few episodes and others have fallen by the wayside as being nothing too special to me. i need to watch some things again.
when Jack shoved Flocke into the water i was thinking two things; Wouldn't Flocke be able to not be shoved by a human? and i was literally screaming "what happens when smoke monster goes into the water?!?!" i was soo expecting him to sink, or dissolve or something....not die but SOMETHING. It did appear he had trouble in the water so maybe he can't swim or something

My god man, I was hoping for the exact same thing. Something supernatural happening when smoke monster got into the water... because I've grown to expect that he can't cross or be in water due to staying away from the beach and shit in the past, as well as seeing him on the beach and stuff.

Disappointed in that.

I NEED SOME GOD DAMN SUPERNATURAL STUFF IN THE FINALE. I don't really want your typical explosions and gunfights and stuff grounded to reality... because if Lost ends without some really awesome supernatural revealers and shit(because the whole Island is supernatural... MiB, etc...), I'm going to be pissed. Kind of like what happened with the Hatch. When the hieroglyphs and notes and shit were talking about Cerberus and Hell/Hades and shit... I was completely intrigued... and when everything started to crumple as it was being destroyed, it sent shivers up my spine. But when the hatch simply exploded... leaving a big hole in the ground(even though there was the time disturbance things with Desmond), I was supremely disappointed.
knut: Neither Locke or Jacob are omniscient. He needed all of them in there for the plan to work (because honestly, if one person managed to survive, you can be sure they wouldn't trust another word he says) and Jack was the one that provided the easiest insertion of the bomb. Asking Sayid to do it wouldn't work and Locke probably doesn't trust him after Desmond anyway.

Anyway, I think we can expect some crazy crap Raz. For one thing, we've barely scraped the surface of the candidate/protector mythology (and I expect next week's episode should show they aren't holding back anymore) and we've seen the show grow increasingly bolder in the use of sci-fi and fantasy as a driving force of the plot.
knut: Neither Locke or Jacob are omniscient. He needed all of them in there for the plan to work (because honestly, if one person managed to survive, you can be sure they wouldn't trust another word he says) and Jack was the one that provided the easiest insertion of the bomb. Asking Sayid to do it wouldn't work and Locke probably doesn't trust him after Desmond anyway.

yeah, i know, but he's obviously unaware of jack's new found faith if he was the key to planting the bomb.

on the subject, i think jack has been stellar this season and i can't wait to see how everything unravels for him.
Theres a difference, between theorizing about what will happen next, and posting EXACTLY what will happen next under the guise of "Well you see I think this is going to happen

I saw alot of it during season 4 when Hool used to post in this thread. Bro would post things from DarkUFO verbatim just disguise it with "WELL GUYS I THINK THIS IS GONNA HAPPEN"


I unfortunately happened to be in Ventrilo while a few friends were talking about Lost spoilers and theres a few posts in the last couple of pages that are actually major spoilers for the next episode so there you go!
I keep saying this but this is the zillionth time, I don't post spoilers. Near the end of Season 5 I unfortunately couldn't resist to look at THEBOOKOFLAW youtube or DarkUFO. It didn't have any spoilers because the producers kept the secrets pretty good. But I just think a lot about the show when say I'm mowing the lawn or welding I think about LOST. I was thinking "why is Locke acting not like himself? There have been other people such as Christian and Yemi who are also dead but didn't act like themselves neither because they are smokey. Oh then Locke must be smokey as well then! Also Jack found Christians casket but they have not found Johns casket". I just think like that and others on forums brought that up too before the finale. Personally now that I bring up Jack not finding his father in the casket to the casket being gone altogether in the alternate reality, I'm wondering where all these Christian bodies are going. They have to be going somewhere right? Also I feel that
the woman we see treating the wound in the preview is Jacob and Smokeys mom. We have always seen the relationship to parents in this show and how they impact their lives.
Also if I recall Samon called out that Michael was the spy on the freighter I never thought of that and I got spoiled too. The only way you cannot get spoiled is by not thinking about why things happen on the show. I'm trying really hard not to look at any spoilers this season and so far I have been good. :D Just avoid Entertainment Weekly because it has some finale spoilers according to SL-LOST.
I just rewatched it.

Sayid: "There's a well a few miles south of the hatch, Desmond's inside, Locke wants him dead so he must be important."

Jack: "Why are you telling me this?"

Sayid: "Because it's going to be you, Jack."

Somebody said on the flamehaus that Sayid did it for Allah. I lol'd. :(


Also Smokey used ub3r hax to not get any damage and used auto-aim.
That is a magnificent view of Kate's tits.
why would you want to see a horse's tits? get it? horse? horse face? eh nevermind...
her boobs look like pancakes, but i'd hit that so damn hard tbh
Interesting observation.

Season 2 Finale: "Live Together, Die Alone"

Two Groups:

Those captured by the Others who were on the List:

Jack Shephard
Kate Austin
James Ford
Hugo Reyes

Those Circling the Island Attempting to Help the Captured:

Sayid Jarrah
Sun Kwon
Jin Kwon

Season 6: "The Candidate"

Two Groups:

Those still Alive:

Jack Shephard
Kate Austin
James Ford
Hugo Reyes

Those who Died:

Sayid Jarrah
Sun Kwon
Jin Kwon
New photos:



Edit: Is that cave where the Adam and Eve skeletons were found?
Cool, people posting stuff from episodes that aren't aired yet. Totally cool bros.
I'm going to have an erection for the next 25 hours. So pumped.
Pretty damn good episode, on par with Ab Aeterno.
So, Jacob's mother(or whoever the **** she is) and brother are Adam and Eve, Smokey is obviously a parasite of some sort but we still don't know where the hell it came from, and I can't think of anything else that happened that was worth noting.

Seriously, who the hell is the lady that was there when Claudia arrived to the island? Why EXACTLY did she kill her?

Sure, it brought on a few more questions and dodged questions that could've been answered.(statue's origin for one)
Pretty damn good episode, on par with Ab Aeterno.
So, Jacob's mother(or whoever the **** she is) and brother are Adam and Eve, Smokey is obviously a parasite of some sort but we still don't know where the hell it came from, and I can't think of anything else that happened that was worth noting.

Seriously, who the hell is the lady that was there when Claudia arrived to the island? Why EXACTLY did she kill her?

Sure, it brought on a few more questions and dodged questions that could've been answered.(statue's origin for one)


she killed Claudia because she's crazy and thinks she needed to protect the babies from the others...although she may have been right about that. as far as the origins of the statue, that was just one of the groups of people that Jacob brought to the island possibly.
i safely scrolled down to the bottom. was there a new episode out?? i know May 23rd is the season finale but I have no clue where to find it. ABC.com keeps cockblocking people and releasing it ever so slowly
i'll look again on abc.com if not i'm looking elsewhere

edit: i bet they'll upload it after west coast sees it
well yeah it's not gonna be up on the website right away.

i always kinda thought they put it up the next day